New York hit with deadly low temperatures and heavy snow | USA TODAY

Governor Kathy Hochul declared a state of emergency as "kitchen sink storm" is expected to continue throughout the holiday weekend in New York.
RELATED: Holiday travelers stuck at airports after winter storm cancels flights

A mammoth winter storm that buried some areas in heavy snow and saw dangerous cold temperatures across much of the nation continued to wreak havoc on Christmas Day Sunday.

The storm has left at least 28 people dead, knocked out power to several hundred thousands of homes and businesses, canceled thousands of flights and led to at least one boil-water advisory.

About 60% of the U.S. had been under a winter weather advisory or warning from the system, which has been called a "once in a generation" storm by forecasters and has stretched from the Great Lakes near Canada to the Rio Grande on the Mexico border.

More than 1,700 domestic and international flights were canceled as of Sunday morning, according to the tracking site FlightAware.

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New York hit with deadly low temperatures and heavy snow | USA TODAY


    1. “I call it the ‘kitchen sink Storm’ because it’s, uh, throwing everything – but the ‘kitchen sink’ – at us”
      HUH!?! 😵‍💫That makes about as much sense as this being proof of “Global Warming” because of, uh, you know, “climate change” that’s gonna flood the costal cities… “like in that movie where “global warning” made everything frozen… but not the one with Idina Menzel singing that song” Politicians going off script showing their inability to THINK and SPEAK!

  1. Yeah, it’s kinda bad. Buffalo got hit pretty nicely. There’s a Facebook group for reaching out if you need assistance.

  2. Cleveland Ohio few days ago was the coldest I’ve ever experienced. I was in Cleveland in 77 and 78. That was brutal. But not near as COLD as it has been. My dogs go outside for less than 40 seconds. Their paws freeze and I have to pick them up. Warm their paws for a bit til they can walk. And this coming Thursday and Friday it will be in the 50s. Insane

    1. @JennaB not all dogs tolerate learning to walk in boots. My dog is obedient and loves to please. Put boots on her she might as well be a potato. I could put a plate of bacon across the room, she still won’t get it if it means boots on. I tried for weeks. Kudos to people who manage to teach their pups to wear them.

      Northern Ohio here too, we get arctic air in the winter but wow this was so much more than I’ve experienced here in 20 years. It was like the North Pole came to us for Christmas.

    2. “I call it the ‘kitchen sink Storm’ because it’s, uh, throwing everything – but the ‘kitchen sink’ – at us”
      HUH!?! 😵‍💫That makes about as much sense as this being proof of “Global Warming” because of, uh, you know, “climate change” that’s gonna flood the costal cities… “like in that movie where “global warning” made everything frozen… but not the one with Idina Menzel singing that song” Politicians going off script showing their inability to THINK and SPEAK!

    1. @George Rady it’s pretty cold though, I am sure this isn’t as wild as previous winter storms from before. I am currently at Illinois, and it seems like the Storm has passed, but I heard some other areas are getting hit stronger. Prayers to those who don’t have a home

    2. Yeah, live on the East Coast but spending the Holidays out West… so I dodged a bullet but have been hit by a barrage over the past few years… so I feel the PAIN!

      I’m just saying how the Soviet Democrat Party puts their propaganda out there when they should just SHADDUP and mitigate and HORRIBLE situation as best they can…

      I swear the Politicians and it Mefia actually LOVE Blizzards and Hurricanes (when they hit elsewhere) as much as school shootings because it gives them the chance to push their TAX EVERYTHING YOU DO TO PREVENT CLIMATE CHANGE as their WE NEED TO TAKE AWAY YOUR GUNS!

      We’re gonna NEED those guns when these Climate Tyrannists shut down all the coal and oil power plants – AS THEY SHUT DOWN INDIAN POINT – and try to get thru Winter on windmills and mirrors! 🤬

  3. It was -31 here in Kansas a few days ago please take care everyone it’s brutal for anything outside more than 5 minutes.

  4. I can’t tell you how effective putting insulation kits on my windows was. Kept the heat in and cold wind out!

  5. As a NYC native, and I can’t remember the last time the wind chill made it feel like -13 degrees IN DECEMBER. This is old school NYC weather. I think I was a child in the 1980s the last time it was this cold in NYC in the month of December. This past weekend was unprecedented.

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