New York City hospitals on the front lines of coronavirus | Deadline | MSNBC

New York Congressmen Greg Meeks and Max Rose discuss New York healthcare workers leading the region’s coronavirus response.
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New York City hospitals on the front lines of coronavirus | Deadline | MSNBC



    1. @leonardimas1 Well VOX… there’s your problem. Where did Cuomo screw up SO badly that they have such a HUGE number of infected in the first place? They were no where near as prepared to deal with this as Chicago, LA, Dallas, Atlanta appear to be. President Trump is right. Why DOESN’T NY have enough ventilators in the first place? lol.

    2. None of this matters unless the rules are enforced in jewish communities. They keep congregating & spreading this virus but nobody has the balls to call them out.

    3. I know, let’s hide 4,000 ventilators in storage so we can go on TV for an hour and whine how Trump isn’t helping. Yup, Cuomo embarrassed himself on that one. He’s on video standing in an empty portable hospital he so urgently need too answering about those ventilators. NYC CORRUPTION !!!

  2. For those cities and towns who are thinking that this won’t happen where you live, think again. It may take longer to get there, but smaller cities have smaller healthcare capacity. So I pray your local and state officials are planning ahead. And if they are republicans….GOOD LUCK! 👍

    1. I think it’s a little too late for Louisiana unfortunately (I’m from there). New Orleans is already struggling with space in hospitals and supplies, and Baton Rouge will be at max pretty soon as well. I pray that things will slow down, but it doesn’t seem to be the case at the time. On a side note, people down here seriously need to quit throwing block parties (and yes, we have a shelter in place order)…they’ll be time for lots of those when this passes.

    2. @John Jays Aids and HIV already have treatments that have been successful now for years, there have even been cases of complete cures with different innovative but experimental treatments, most people with Aids are not dying and living long lives as long as they are under treatment and take care of themselves. On the other hand Covid-19 is a new strain of the coronavirus with no treatment or cure and very importantly, because it is new, no one has any immunity to it like we all do with the different viruses that cause colds and the flu. Your comparisons do not apply this time. This is the same as when Europeans came to America with their smallpox, the native Americans did not have this disease here in this country therefore had no immunity to it, they were nearly wiped out because of it.

    3. phyrestorm999 ha ok so why aren’t there catastrophic numbers from other states and the New York governor lied about not having enough respirators. He knew they had forty thousand reserved stored and now says they don’t need them because the situation hasn’t gotten anywhere near that bad. You’re a media tool 80 percent of corona caseshave minimal or no symptoms likely most the world has it already or have had it like they can catch any virus but, the US has the most testing which is why the media hype is all BS.

  3. I’m sorry, but your front line soldiers, in this case, are your janitors, maids, and sanitation workers in general!

    1. @Brad Smith Wrong! The janitors, maids, and sanitation workers will not get PPE even though they are handling infected material. So they will be contracting this disease, sadly.

    2. It doesn’t hurt to accept that BOTH of sanitation workers and medical staff are on frontline in their own way. We ought to appreciate everyone who contributed to help control this pandemic including everyday responsible folks who simply are sheltering in place or providing essential services to keep life moving along at these times.

    3. I’m a respiratory therapist, my primary job is to manage the ventilators and to stabilize patients to make sure they are breathing. I don’t want to be a hero, I just want to do my job.

    1. C B
      As much as i disagree with RFI-crypto he’s right, they knew what they were getting them selves into when they signed up. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be rewarded some sort of hazard pay. It’s most certainly deserved now more than ever.

      The physical stress and most important mental health is all put on the line for us, for you and me. A regular soldier recieves some sort of benefit, they should be provided the same for the time being.

    2. Victoriaaa
      Thank you Victoria for entering a thankless work field. My mother was a nurse for years at a children hospital, and I get what you’re saying in terms of compensation. Just because you dont receive those types of hazard benefits now doesn’t mean it always has to be that way.

      Not that it would help, but I do wish you luck on your journey.

    3. Judith Casey 😂 you just sound bitter. Report me for what? Also getting your CNA and having a certain amount of hours has helped me get into the nursing program and it’s also helped me learn a lot and to see what kind of a nurse I don’t wanna be like…. The ones who think they’re better than everyone. Being a CNA has shown me so much that is pretty important. My patients and their families usually love me 🤷🏽‍♀️ go figure. I hope you’re not a nurse. If you are, you must be a nightmare to work with.

    4. Judith Casey i had not idea you knew son much about the way I am in the work environment 😅 sure you know how it is when you’re caring for a dementia patient or someone who is withdrawing from drugs/medications/ or having a manic episode. They get combative. They hit because they are scared, it happens. As far as family goes, sometimes we have patience I called her family members and tell them things that aren’t always true. Yeah, family isn’t always pleasant it’s it’s up to us to show them that they can’t trust us. The keyword in my statement about my patients loving me is the word usually. We don’t win everyone over. I have seen your behavior as well and if you’re over here judging me when you do not know me…. you’re really no better. God bless you lady. Take care and stay healthy.

    1. Vernon Hector Stay strong America. 🇰🇷❤️🇺🇸 South Korea is sending masks and medical supplies to US as much as they can. Stay safe🙏

  4. I’m am emt that is going to get deployed with FEMA to New York and I am ready to serve for America!!!!! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

    1. @TheJooberJones Flu that turns into pneumonia. It’s a very bad case of the flu. It’s as bad as Coronavirus in felines.

    2. LiveLaugh MakeLove most people barely show symptoms, it very rarely turns into pneumonia. Stop adding to the hysteria and panic.

    1. Jewish people aren’t adhering to the rules. They’re spreading coronavirus. Look at Lakewood, New Jersey & other jewish communities.

    2. DrkViol801 lol there is definitely more evidence for mental illness on the republican end pal. Just watch the president.

  5. Thank god for Governor Coumo for his leadership . There is NO leadership from the pathetic petty President or his incopentent white house …………… My thoughts and prayers to everybody in New York .

    1. DeLvoy really appreciate the effort you went into responding to the argument as opposed to attacking the commenter

    2. @TheJooberJones when I see explanations like this I’m losing my temper already…I’ve an idea, to observe what can happen, and what numbers will hit during Covid, let the things happen, don’t lockdown anything, business as usual, let the math works… you will see then that 50 000 death, but daily 😉

    3. @Never Say Goodbye Here in Italy the mortality rate is not 10%! Is about 3%.. But it’s more letal than flu and more contagious!

    4. @Giulio Durante That’s when you have enough medical supply. Look at Italy now. 92,472 total cases, 10,023 deaths << That's 10.8%

    5. @Never Say Goodbye The cases in Italy are much more than 92472.. Because we cannot do medical swabs for all the people who are supposed to be infected at the same time.. It’s quite impossible.. Also because a negative swab after one day could be positive. Then I give you an example: a friend of mine some days ago was ill, then her father the same and now her mother is hospitalized and it’s positive. So: three people with covid, but officially only one.


    1. How big is nz? It is just a corner of the world and NYC is the hub of world. Even nz is vanished it does not matter anything.

    2. Geospectre and yet your projection of 5 million people is not even in the ballpark of reality, which is what.. 10,000 deaths so far?

      And say you are correct. Should we just lock down and sit inside in isolation and no human contact for months on end every year? At what point does this kind of life become worse than the alternative of facing the virus and allowing it to take its course? Fear breeds fear and fear and more fear.

  7. May GOD BLESS EVERYONE who is in the frontlines, the healthcare workers, truck drivers, grocery stores worker’s everyone who is keeping this country going. May GOD be with you all! A simple thank you is not enough.

    1. @zhenxing zhang sorry I won’t email a stranger for a mask, please send your mask to the healthcare workers they need them.

    2. @Albany Mountain Homestead I’m sorry I didn’t make myself clear. I want to sell you masks for help them and livelihood

    3. @zhenxing zhang sorry, I do not wish to make a purchase from an unknown source. Thanks anyway

    4. ​@Albany Mountain Homestead First of all, thank you for your reply. I have reliable certification here. I can trade a small amount of products first and check the product problems. A mask is better than no mask

  8. Nurses and doctors are not soldiers, they should not be put in the firing line because of the lack of preparation by the government.

    1. Holly Hocks
      Right, they need to be protected at all cost not just them but all first responders. I can’t believe we’re having a discussion about our frontline medical pro not having enough protective gear. If they need volunteers to start making these supplies than it needs to be done now.

  9. If nurses dont deserve hazard pay because “they signed up for that job” , then businesses and home owners dont deserve asssitance … “ hey you chose business “ ups and downs – deal with it

    1. @Marina Dubois I have a nurse friend that graduated nursing school and lives in Westchester county and commutes to NYC to work, she started @ 96,000.00 pr yr.

    2. Hazard pay is warranted because Nurses are having to step way outside the norms of their jobs both in number of patients and the fact that each one is hazardous – this is unprecedented and was not considered when determining regular salary compensation. Additionally hazard pay can cover the sheer fact that these RN’s are so likely to take this disease home to their family’s and in turn resulting in unforeseen family costs.

    3. @troy dobberpuhl It’s understood that it is a dangerous situation and time to be in the nursing field. However soldiers, Ironworkers, linemen, all understand that reality of their profession is a element of danger, and if you’re hurt or someone gets killed its part of the trade.

    4. Max your mind is made up. Shelter in the comfort and safety of your home, collect your unemployment, catch up on some netfix. Myself and all the other medical professionals will be knee deep in contagium, under staffed and under equipped. Just global pandemic as usual. Don’t worry well be her for you when you need us.

    5. @troy dobberpuhl well when I was Marine Corps infantry I was there for you. Moarters were known to occasionally blow up. When I was in the rescue effort at ground zero on 9/12, 13, 14, I was there for you. When I witnessed two structural collapses as a ironworker and saw co workers killed that was in the job description.

  10. We’ve been so focused on military and foreign affairs, that we forgot about the invisible enemy all around us.

    1. What’s that? Liberal policy and a bloated welfare state in the disinterest of the country’s general well-being?

    1. Start interviewing members from the jewish communities because they’re the main group who’s spreading this virus.

    2. @Anthony Joseph of course somewhere in the world there were gonna be some loose bolts like yourself trynna push some Zionist agenda conspiracy

    3. @Franklin Reyes yeah, because you totally can’t Google “Lakewood, New Jersey coronavirus” & read all about it…

    4. Anthony Joseph be careful what you say Republicans will cry racism and call you a nazi even though what you said is fact.

  11. Their system is f***ed, now we’re facing a pandemic and all they think about is the money

    1. @Shereen Fester The army chief of engineers should run for president ! U can see the difference between him and Trump. That major is on point. !

    2. Welcome to america my friend..funny thing is even after all of this thr public still wouldn’t vote for universal health care

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