White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tells reporters at her first press briefing that she will never lie to the press.
#CNN #News
New White House press secretary makes a vow to never lie

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tells reporters at her first press briefing that she will never lie to the press.
#CNN #News
In my best Maury voice – “And the lie detector determined… THAT WAS A LIE!”

Congrats! you are the winner of the “”Make Asher LOL award! The check is in the mail
I could not help but to read it in a Maury voice
Terms and conditions may apply
=D That was awesome!!
Is a civil,holy & orientation war.
“I will never lie to you” – Kayleigh McEnany. And the moon is made of cheese.
Dennis Manson fox is one. CNN nbc cnn abc bbc New York post Washington post futurism Forbes business insider buzzfeed Al Jazeera Reuters all! All of them are the same!
@john abbot let’s try to think on reality…not more toxic.
@john abbot what is good usefulness? what is good mentoring? what is true responsibility without bothering somebody?
@DrifterKybeKanescythe what jibberish are you speaking? Im not sure if your saying if trump’s a moron, or if he’s a TOTAL moron?
@john abbot i guess i’m saying he’s a total moron…by the way…are terms like entirety power pathways hard to follow in one’s imagination…i’m not sure if that that’s hard to follow…
Never believe a person who says
“I’ll never lie.”
@Angel Núnez we expect the truth… but you like lies cause you’re a red capper
She was lying when she said she’d never lie.
@Angel Núnez so, we have a fake, inept president
@Angel Núnez – “Psycho tRump will never respond truthfully to a person who’d ask him if he’d ever lie because he’s a compulsive liar. FAUX Entertainment is pure fake news with fake talking heads. What can you expect.
Lie number 1. “I’ll never lie to you”
Wanna know when she’s lying? *When her lips are moving.*
@Tim B you can be destroyed for lying , you know that right?
@Tim B she said she wouldnt lie. That was a lie! because she will lie.
Kinda like cnn, huh?
Kristina * which lips lol
Which LIPS?
She’s like a younger version of kellyanne Conway

Like a thousand years younger.
She looks like a fox news alternate.
And like every Kayleigh everywhere
Younger and a bit less SKANKY?
Ask a liar if they tell lies and expect an honest response. Genius.
LOL “I will never lie” then the first thing she say is a lie, Trump puppet !
” I said I would never lie! I never said ANYTHING about presenting alternative facts!”
Hagrid kicking down the door and yelling to Stephen Miller, “Steve, yer a Lizard!”
Fancy some tea?
Getting ready to vote for a Democratic Administration so people can feel free to be honest and kind without having to defend criminal acts or talking about those who do them. In my opinion
Victoria Davis yea ok lol
She gave her word to never lie, and went on immediately to begin lying.
It’s very difficult not to lie when you speak for a liar.
When someone who subscribes to “alternative facts” says she won’t lie to you, does that statement really mean anything?
@Glenn Lavalle aren’t you tired living in denial?
@Rapha94 you are so thick between the ears.
Pookie Mcdookie why are you calling me names?! Why? So much hate in you?! Just like these CNN reporters. Always ready for a attack. It’s a free country I can have my own opinion you idiot!!!!
Bruce Boring when did the 1% want our well being?! Remind me please.
Pookie Mcdookie I’m apolitical I like to be aware of what’s going on. I just process everything I hear and see through reason. If that bothers you, I don’t think it’s me who has a problem
When she lies, she will just say she never said that. Like her boss. And what is left of his til-death followers will just believe that she owned the press.
CaliforniaLove Shell either day she never said that or she will say she was being sarcastic.
“I will never lie to you” because I don’t know the difference…
When she was on Cuomo’s show debating, she said “I have never heard Trump tell a lie.”
Trump is obviously getting old , not concentrating
Curry Flora she is on dope.
She don’t know the meaning of the word “lie”
She must deaf. every time his lips are moving, he’s lying.
As Trump’s mouthpiece, she’ll lie whenever he lies. Dropping in the polls, this is Trump’s desperate attempt to rewrite history and polish up his image. Back to his usual con game.
How cute. She’s auditioning to be a trumpford wife just like Iguana.
Lol.. how rude.

SHE IS EVIL LIKE all she professes tobe, SNAKE OIL again in barbie face
.13 She blinks a lot and nods her head both yes and no to lie. Mostly yes to lie to someone reading her body language. It is hard to read a bot!
She is lying about NOT lying…. Can’t believe a word these people say. They are LIARS!!!
She looks better than any liberal y’all put on TV.
Are you referring to CNN or the press secretary or both? If both then I agree with you.
Trecman yea gotta be truthfull like biden