New WH memo directs staffers entering West Wing to wear masks

A memo went out to White House staffers today saying it is now required for all staffers entering West Wing to wear a face covering, a source familiar tells CNN.
It also said that face coverings would be available in the medical office. Additionally, the memo told staffers to follow social distancing guidelines and placed restrictions on guests.
CNN's Kaitlin Collins reports.

#Coronavirus #CNN #News


    1. @ROMANS CHAPTER 13 READ the Bible Its nonsense. Words that have been changed so many times. Books that have been added or left out depending on your denomination. If those stories are what’s making you a better person, than I am sad you aren’t capable of getting through life without a crutch. Many children go through a phase where they have an invisible friend. I think its funny your entire church does and you don’t consider how crazy that is.
      I honestly dont care what you believe, but its that your obligated to spread your nonsense. The fact your church has killed thousands, maybe millions in his name. How many wars have been started bc of athiests?? Lol. But with your religion, we cant count the wars and the lost lives. Logic and reason arent the enemy, unsubstantiated faith is dangerous

    2. @crash override funny my 100 year old bible seems to match many others. Nothing is changed you never read it YOURSELF every word you say proves that over and over. 😆 and IF you say it’s all fake then NONE of those people died 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 boy your a soyboy with TDS really bad

  1. Maybe they can use the bleach or hot ultraviolet light….in the body ….like a cleaning of the lungs

    1. William H …. nice try H… but I’m not changing the subject to let you off the hook…!

    2. @William H I thought the coronavirus was a democratic hoax created by the deep state Democrat, what happen?

  2. Another stellar performance by the stable ” Genius”… at his press conference….WAR TIME WHIMP.

    1. Kyuss Qotsa did you read the Mueller report? I did…. donald is only a free man because of Moscow Mitch and Billy Barr… corrupt to the core all of them

    2. @Kyuss Qotsa why do you trust and follow a man with fake tan, fake hair, and fake mail-order third wife????????

    3. @Kyuss Qotsa It worked out well. Presidential immunity is the only reason Trump was not indicted. That procedure can go through on 20 January 2021 @ 1201 Hrs following the inauguration of a new POTUS. If you think the Mueller report is sitting in a circular file somewhere you’re really are as STUPID as you sound. The 2020 elections are going to be a BLAST!!

    4. Trump’s brain is a malfunctioning machine! Somebody please find Stormy Daniels before this man – child Implodes!! Wake up America.

    1. That just goes to show you how much there lying about this unbelievable coronavirus bullshit WOW

  3. No masks needed..
    Trump said He clearly didnt think they were needed.
    (Unless it hits home). 👍👍..
    Ahhhh got it.

  4. Oh, now masks are important. It’s like we’re living in a never ending SNL parody only people are dying and the economy is crumbling. Yay Trump”

  5. Future question during a Trump interview:
    “Why did it take you so long to make people wear masks in the west wing?”

    Trump: “We always had the strongest protections, our rules were always strict the fake news media won’t tell you that. We were always and you know, nobody knew it could spread without anybody knowing they had it, we knew that, we have lots of masks, they are great masks, we are making even more of them today, the Democrats don’t like to admit it but we have so many, the numbers are great and going up. The economy will be great”

    1. @Robin V The trick is to pretend you don’t know how sentences work and never fully articulate a thought. Just jump from one to another eventually talking about how great he is. Also make sure it allows for his accordion hands

  6. Anti-lockdown protesters, we’re waiting for your word on this…… Still think it’s a hoax?

    1. they are all too busy sitting naked in their basements lovingly cuddling and whispering to their semi automatic assault type weapons…..

    1. @jeck jeck ” and possibly the illegal aliens from across the Mexican border… gotta build that damn wall” ….

    2. @me heretoday
      ”And don’t forget Hilalry’s emils! They had information about corona before it even came to existence. That’s why she deleted them, to kill us all.”

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