1. She isn’t missing (caption is incorrect) she willfully and tactically planned this. Withdrew $90K (will not last once he takes it), filed for retirement, sold her house…) She’s a willing participant.

    1. “Missing” has nothing to do with whether or not it is intentional. When you don’t know where someone or something is, they are “missing.”

      The fact so many people these days want to put their own spin on what words mean in order to argue pointless arguments and devalue valid sources of information is a lot of the reason we’re all in a much larger mess than we should be recently, so how about leave the reporting to people who have the proper education for it, and get your ego coddled elsewhere.

    2. “On the run” would be a better description than missing. At this point “fugitives” would probably be the most appropriate term.

    3. That doesn’t negate the fact that she’s missing lol Being a missing doesn’t mean being innocent

  2. They got help I don’t even think that car broke down. They’re on the run probably switching identities, travel routes and transportation with help. If Vicky is as calculating as people claim, that car was disabled and ditched!

    1. Seems pretty accurate that they’re getting help (aka, accomplices) along the way. Besides, this had been planned. And pretty well, it seems. But with today’s technology in the hands of the public at-large, it’s only a matter of time before they slip-up and get caught.

    2. @Sal Spencer It’s pretty simple if they get to somewhere where they can live off the grid, like the Appalachian Trail. I’m not sure if any of them have survivalistic skills or not but if they do, that area is pretty much free of people. He can hide out there and she can go in and out of town using her fake aliases, disguises etc to get what they need from time to time.

    3. @Sal Spencer Some rural places don’t even have security cameras yet let alone facial recognition software.

    1. I think he’s trying to make the killer think he has a chance to appeal his conviction if he turns himself in?? I know cops use this “I’m your buddy and I understand you’re not a bad person” tactic to get suspects to confess or turn themselves in. Still his comments/expression do seem bizarre.

  3. How does Security ALLOW a single guard, to deal with a 6 foot 9 260 pound Capital Murder suspect, even allowing them to EXIT, no matter? Neglect

    1. @Jason Smith
      Yes it is & where I live it’s US Marshall’s or sheriff’s deputies .
      Not the office staff 3nd in charge.
      This whole thing is off to me .
      I’ve worked at the jail.

      They just comfortably came thru the Sallyport doors.
      A inmate accused of murder .
      No shackles or belly chains.
      No ankle to hand restraints.
      Walking out behind the jailer.

      One of the first rules .
      Don’t make friends with inmates.
      No special favors .
      Very interesting.

      This jail needs to shut down.

    2. @Deborah Fuller you obviously didn’t watch the video, there’s ankle to hand restraints, clearly there.

    3. He’s actually 330 lbs not 260 lbs but yes you are correct, something seriously wrong with security to allow a female guard to escort a very big dangerous inmate out of prison all by herself. If that didn’t set alarm bells ringing with the jail, then there needs to be a serious investigation to find out why they have such a flaw in their security. May as well give the inmates the keys to the jail while they are at it!

    4. @norm simpson You make a good point . . . that is Alabama. Strange things happen in Alabama . . . VERY strange things.

  4. The prison and staff need to be investigated. The fact she (a guard) had a long relationship with an inmate before the escape is horrific and amazing. And the fact a murder could be escorted out by a single guard is shocking.. Someone knew what was going on n.

    1. @babkee babkus this whole thread is pretty funny but the dude was pretty uplifting shall I say…lol I bet the prisoner is kind of seeking did I do the right thing…lolllll

    1. The only way to escape from the authorities and flee to another country is by using a boat and sail down the gulf coast to a destination unknown. THERE ARE NO CAMERAS OR COPS

    1. @Mad Mikey Mc
      Nobody questions nothing…
      Nobody stands up…
      That Sherriffs Department and Jail need a complete forensic investigation.

    2. @notverynotoriousg I did not know that as I don’t live down there… but if that is true I might have a slight correction to your comment which may only be partially accurate… he would need the space for TWO booths as I know he couldn’t fit into a normal one… 😁🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. This female deputy isn’t long for the world…..her “boyfriend” is a murderer, she sold her house for below market value to get quick cash, to facilitate the escape. Now that he is out and has her cash, what does he need her for anymore? So sad that she was so desperate for “love”

    1. @Crispin Julius he’ll fit right in with the freak show at Walmart, they’re probably living in the parking lot as we speak, easy access to the fine dining available at the deli

  6. He’s going to kill her as his frustration over the plan’s failure grows. How cd *either* of them hv thought this would work, given his atypical and super-noticeable build?

    1. Heck yea but we enjoying this in real time ! They probably will make a documentary about this but I got my 🍿 ready just like u

    2. Oh, you know lifetime is already casting the roles of Casey & Vicky as we speak 😂

  7. New video of BEFORE the escape. So many people need to lose jobs, if not go to jail themselves for this.

  8. This guy is noticeable. There’s not that many big guys walking around and its not likely he’s gonna be able to disguise himself very well. She may not even survive this.

  9. The Ford Edge was very unlikely to have mechanical problems while they cleaned it up with nothing left. They must have had another vehicle waiting and they moved everything to the 2nd getaway vehicle. They could even travel back South on that vehicle.

    1. Exactly. They’re not heading north, they did that as a Diversion. They might not even been driving the vehicle at that point. They may have just gotten in the vehicle at the shopping center drove a few miles, gotten another vehicle and paid someone to drive this car north. This was too well planned out for their vehicle to be found ASAP

  10. You’re trying to tell me that in the age of internet that we are in, that the jail he was in didn’t have any possible way to see immediately if he actually had the appointment for the mental health evaluation? I know for a fact where I live in Upstate NY all of that information is electronically available for the jail within seconds. They make the appointments for that kind of stuff while your in their custody. So why exactly did this not get noticed immediately? 🤔 something is wayyyy wrong with this case in many different ways

  11. We the jury find the Sheriff department and the county jail..guilty of corruption and laziness. 🤪⚖️

  12. Unbelievable that she would throw her whole life away for this.
    No way she’s innocent. Look at all the steps she took to plan this get away.

  13. When I separated from the Marines, I worked as a prison guard at a federal facility for two years. In that short amount of time, four employees were fired for improper relationships with inmates. It’s more common than you think. Two guards were caught boinking on a conference table too. The place was just a sewer, I couldn’t wait to get out of there.

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