A resident of Solano County, California, who has novel coronavirus might be the first example in the country of "community spread," a situation in which the patient did not have "relevant travel history or exposure to another known patient," the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The person's "exposure is unknown," the CDC said in a news release.
#Coronavirus #CNN #News
The tone of these people has totally changed, they are scared, lol
Eric oh damn ! Now the homeless might be a further burden .. Wth???
Besides bigotry and ignorance, intolerance appears to be in need of a vaccine too.
Check your pulse . I’m not sure you have a heart .
I have a ingrown toenail. Are they going to put me in isolation
Amy Sullivan the problem with just wishing it on California is that CA is a huge contributor to the US economy and Trump really cares about the economy.
@Rima Singh I think that this Corolla virus is some kind of warfare
I was like “WTF is on my screen”. Then remembered it was Ash Wednesday.
@carol Lund I’ll just go ahead and change my ‘average’ to most. The group think mentality is very real, and amongst Republicans too.
@hEAtOniK Not at all. I am quite a normal, ” average” person who thinks Donald Trump is a horrible immoral, despicable human being and has thought so for many many years, even when rhe media loved him. He is as far from being a Christian and what it stands for as you can get and he has trampled on every one of our treasured American values, that I believed in and was proud of, for over 60 years. All the decent people I know feel the same way.
And saying” most ” is even worse than saying ” average”. It is nonsensical ,childish and arrogant. You don’t know millions of people. “Most ” of the Trump supporters I have come across are bitter, angry, hateful, judgemental people like yourself. But I have no idea if ” most ” in general are that way. And I doubt it, because the world is a much more nuanced place than small minded people like yourself would like to believe. Grow up and stop trying to fit people into boxes to satisfy your preconceived notions.
Gabrielle Tillmon … Hello friend. Ash Wednesday is the first day of a forty day period called Lent. Its the lead up to Easter. It’s a Christian practice and symbolic of the need to sometimes turn inwards and reflect on one’s values and one’s commitment to living one’s values.
Joseph Lechuga … Yes. We are guardians of the earth, just as we are guardians of ourselves, our families, and our neighbours. Our role as guardian is to stay attentive, to maintain, and to nurture
Most likely origin: Somebody decided not to self quarantine because they “felt fine” and this was the first casualty.
It’s 28days atm
@plack_ benis
I know the feeling, over here in the uk, that’s how it is with pets health care. Over the last 3 weeks I have spend just under £300/-. I do not have pet insurance. I came back with a few leaflets. Now one of my cats would have to fall under the pre existing condition clause, as he’s being tested….unsure yet. Today £115/- Luckily I have been saving for this eventuality.
Probably a manufactured item from China carried the virus
It’s a manufactured item from China. One of the workers was infected with coronavirus and it resulted in the item being shipped and spreading the virus
Just a theory
If it gets to the homeless population in California it’s over .
Nancy Pelosi will fix it, if the Homeless get Coronavirus she will ban Corona …problem solved

It’s just a common cold even if u get it you’ll survive 99% of the time
@Gilbert Rubio You can say the common cold is a Corona virus but you can’t say the COVID-19 virus is the common cold. Both are just in the same family. Some Corona viruses such as MER are very deadly (30% mortality with MER) so it’s disengenious and misrepresentive to say the COVID-19 is just the common cold but for most people the symptoms will be less than the common cold. It does share similarities with the common cold but let’s hope it doesn’t have the high mutation rates of the common cold which prevents us from making a vaccine for the common cold.
Im in the north
Being an introvert is starting to pay off
@James Scherbenske do you honestly think I give 2 shits about yours, idiot?
Yes and I respect you for that. Being an introvert is a great way to be if you chose to be.
Yeah, I don’t understand the panic on social media, if they actually went out and met people, they wouldn’t be posting online.
True, dat!
His paint is peeling off his forehead he’s a TERMINATOR!!!!!
I thought I was seeing things lol. Did not know what that was.
@alpha13dylan I’d say being a Christian is more compatible with being a Democrat than with worshipping President L. Ron Hubbard. But the number of true Christians in this world probably numbers only a few thousand at best.
More like Soyinator.
@Karly Pearl Ingroup signaling.
Startin to wonder if this is being spread on purpose,”community spread”?& nobody traced traveled?things tht mke u go hmmmmm.
Viruses are like that, it’s in their nature. Specially one like this, that has infected *asymptomatic* people going around unknowingly spreading the disease.
Curious that you think this is somehow “spreaded” now that it’s circulating in USA. Do you think the same with every season of flu, every outbreak of measles, mono, whatever, but only when it touches USA?
Microbes couldn’t care less about the so-called American exceptionality.
I tried to clean the spot over Chris head on my screen. It’s Ash Wed and he’s Catholic. It’s ash
Religion is both scary and disheartening. Thoughts and prayers kill us all.
Hahaha same!
I did the same thing to a dr once when he came in the exam room. Irish Catholic FROM IRELAND.
@NihilisticEntropy I think your disturbing
@Lloyd Benitez De Guzman
666 is number of a man.
The largest quarantine in human history lets you know how serious this really is.
Yes and I doubt they do it by over a two percent mortality rate. I bet it’s closer to ten percent
Ultimately, the Quarantine is a reaction to the problem not the problem itself so it isn’t an evidence of how serious the problem is but how serious the reaction is. Remember the H1N1 was declared officially as a pandemic and it was as the definition of a pandemic does not include how dangerous it is, but they’ve been highly criticized as the H1N1 did not have an unusually high mortality rate for a flu.
LMFAO….The biggest hoax in world history
@Jimmy Agreed!
The largest quarantine in human history lets you know how serious this really is.
Eric in old English means boy that eats dad sperm
In The Corporate States of America, most folks aren’t allowed to stay home when they are sick
@Stuart Pickles YUP…Sheeeple. Sucking from the teat of CNN.
@Aduckapadaisy i don’t know man, i travelled all over the world and the only place that I consistently see people not washing their hands after using the toilet is the US. You guys are gross.
Wash your hands regularly, don’t cough and sneeze on people, above all stay home if you’re sick!
Red Girl
What makes you think that the government pays taxes.
That our Money and We Should Not Be Spending it on Capitalism and Wars Period
You are arguing with Capitalist Mummies, When You should be telling them,
Don’t waste Our Money On Keeping us down as Slaves.
That is Our Money, And it Should be Spent on OUR NEEDS.
We are tired of Voodoo Economics & the Trickle Down Theories.
Nah, this is a super power.
Or just stay home period.
@Erik L
From my understanding there are currently over 82,000 cases of the coronavirus. Of that number about 5% exhibit extreme symptoms of the flu (fever, body aches etc) and of THAT 5% only 2.4% actually die from the virus. Most certainly not making light of any death but it seems most infected immune systems are able to fight off the virus.
I’m still shocked at the amount of ppl I see on a regular basis that DO NOT WASH THEIR HANDS after bathroom business.
licking them clean doesnt count? ; )
Lol I felt so bad for laughing after I realized how long I tried to scrub my phone

What is that actually on his head ????
hanna issa it’s for Ash Wednesday. It’s a catholic practice
Corazon I thought that was a birthmark
And the CDC refused to test him. That two billion is one-fourth of what we spent on SARS. Duh.
Previous month I was able to gather my first five figure wage ever!!! I’ve been working for this company on-line for 2 yrs now and I never been happier… They are paying me $95 per hour, and the best thing about it is that I am not that tech-savvy, they just asked for standard understanding of internet and basic typing skill…Superb thing about this job is that I have more free time for my kids. I am able to enjoy quality time with my relatives and buddies and take care of my children and also going on family holiday together with them very frequently. Don’t avoid this opportunity and make sure to react quick. Here is what I do *revenue39.com*
Any information coming out of the white house needs to be check twice and recheck again.
Truth Hurts Your autocorrect changed “CNN” into “White House”. Might want to edit that.
The Truth Hurts only those who don’t live in it.
Trump supporters are embarrassing, they believe anything that comes out white house. #45 stood there and said absolutely nothing but Bull$#!.
I new being antisocial would work for me one day.
Same here.
Obviously it didn’t since you don’t know how to spell knew
Lol me 2
“We’ll get you from the inside.”
“Go for a walk” my dad says, WELL NOT TODAY
That’s funny
It’s not the walk that’s a problem but the crowds.
John Wang I live in a pretty populated area, mall literally right next to me
“The development of a cure, but that’s 6 months to a year off”
Plague Inc players: Yeah I’ve got time
No joke, reading the news headlines made me think of Plague Inc.
my doctor told me to get a flu shot. I said I don’t think that they have a vaccine for the coronavirus. And he answered yeah anything that they give you now will protect you from the coronavirus
you see I’ve been thinking all along my doctor voted for Trump. which I probably shouldn’t begrudge him for but just the idea that he is taking medical advice from Trump … that scares me
@Well_that escalated_quickly oof. I’d find a new doctor asap.
Actually a vaccine is 12 – 18 mths. away. That means Feb 2021 to Aug 2021. So this virus will bounce around the world for over a year from the Northern Hemisphere’s Winter now to the Southern Hemisphere’s Winter during May – August this year then back to the Northern Hemisphere beginning in November 2020. So depending upon how much resistance a person develops if they do contract the virus they could get it again later this year or those who are fortunate not to get it now could still be infected later this year into next year.
@Well_that escalated_quickly The flu shot isn’t so much to protect you from the Corona virus but to free up hospital beds that would otherwise be taken by flu patients. Geesh, people only think of themselves when it comes to vaccines…