New study shows hydroxychloroquine didn’t work against Covid-19

A new, unpublished study found that hydroxychloroquine, a drug President Trump has cited as key in fighting coronavirus, has a higher death rate among coronavirus patients compared to those not on the drug.

New study shows hydroxychloroquine didn't work against Covid-19


    1. @Bernie Cruz As true as you are, Unfortunately these Trumptardashians base their entire existence on trying to tell us that we misinterpreted what 45 said!!😒😒😒😒😒.. Uhhhh ok… Like he’s that smart!!!😂😂😂😂

    2. @Mars Tru no, but Trump is… he thinks windmills cause cancer. If a doctor said that to me I would not accept his perscription for anything…… “They say the noise causes cancer,” the president said of the turbines at the National Republican Congressional Committee fundraiser in Washington, DC.

    3. @Derek Lowery Well, hopefully one thing good comes out of these protesters… and that is that they die from being infected from the corona virus! This way America will have less trumptardaishians to deal with and we can then get rid of the biggest idiot-in-chief in the White House come November!! Unfortunately, innocent bystanders who actually are staying home in those protester’s home might get infected and die as well. I guess that’s just collateral damage for the sake of getting rid of those trumptardashians who chose to protest and ignore the social distancing and stay-at-home order!

    1. You are right, everyone here is a simpleton. Are you not listening, non peer reviewed small study. Worthless!!!

    2. CNN is so hung up on their hatred for Trump its hard for any thinking person to believe a thing they say

    3. @Mars Tru Yes, almost as worthless as all those peer reviewed studies that Trump cited when he was hyping hydroxychloroquine.

    1. punchdogggy it’s all over the internet you big dope and 55 other countries are using it. Get you’re head out of cnn’s butt

    2. punchdogggy in France, but the doctor that did that test is regarded as a bit of a cowboy. They couldn’t replicate his results in other hospitals.

      Look up EIDD-2801. Looks promising.

    1. They did three hundred trials and the results came back ineffective against Covid 19. The French doctor who started the craze only did 24 trials, not to mention they were done improperly and without being peered reviewed. 300 proper trials versus 24 improper ones. Which is more believable?

    2. One thing is certain CNN commie news does not want the virus to go away or the country to go back to work
      CNN still and always will suck

    1. just sat here for 40 days reading one after another after another positive report from dr.’s all over the planet

    2. The problem is not the studies, its the research and delivery. People are right to question something this controversial. There must be a reason that causes the difference in opinion.

    3. @Ted fedders And SARS disappeared. It’s pathetic how Trump is, holding funds for the WHO. He must of felt like an imbecile on Saturday, when One Global concert raised over 100 million in funds. All that money was from, a variety of wealthy people and major corporations. Most of that money went to the WHO and for the working medical community. Trump is/has been ENDANGERING the American people. He is STILL lying to the American people. Get it together “fedders”!

    1. @James Lee It’s a WHO site. The description looks promising.

      It is not yet at the stage of recommendation because the research is still going and they are fast which should be appreciated.

      “COVID-19 changed how the world does science, together ”

      You cannot deny the fact that CNN being biased and also Fox news for nodding whatever Pres says, even at times When Pres Trump sounds overconfident.

      Side note – If you want an unbiased opinion, always ask the Neutral audience They have a better ground

      I feel bad that an elected President has to deal with so much disrespect from Medias and people.

    2. @Shri C I don’t think you realize that every president is treated this way by the media. People always complain about how media treats Trump. You think fox treated Obama fair and nice?! I think you may have forgotten

      Also, this doesn’t just happen in the US. Every (I mean every) leader in free democratic countries are constantly criticized. This is nothing new, but Trump and Fox want you to believe this is some sort of special unfairness to Trump.

      The only thing different is that Trump argues back. Which some people like, but to most people, they see this as childish and overly-emotional.

      Being president of the US is not the same as a king or dictator. It’s part of the job and the country and Constitution was created purposely to create this dialogue and checks/balances of power.

      Of course CNN is biased, so is fox news and basically every other news outlet. That’s why it’s important to know the facts (not opinions) and generate your own conclusions. The problem that I’ve found with this is that most people are too stupid to formulate logical opinions. I’m being realistic about that. That’s why a lot of people rely on these news opinions and why it’s so dangerous.

    3. @James Lee I agree with that it happens everywhere. Even maybe with Obama(one of the best Pres), it happened too. But not to the extent of Trump, Press reports are rude to the President at the briefings. Certainly, there are ways to approach their Questions and get the Answer. They are so consumed by the hate that they have lost it.


    4. @Shri C sorry. Honestly not quite sure what you’re trying to say?


      “Surely it is the effect of this”?

  1. Smh what happened to needed years of study to be study… and a larger amount like Gupta said it’s too small and too early but yet u use the headline that it’s ineffective …

    1. uncle touchy+ CNN’s point is just to destroy president trump’s credibility, even if it means depriving patients from medications that could otherwise help them recover from COVID

  2. In this study Corona patients were not given any ZINC but doctors did give them much higher doses of Hydroxycloroquine. Enough to kill them. They should be in prison

  3. The VA study was a restrospective study meaning that a group was exposed to an intervention and after death or a vent was needed that was counted as a treatment failure. There were 3 groups: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), HCQ + azithromycin (AZM), and “standard care” (SC). 368 VA Charts were reviewed and placed in one of the three groups and the SC Group did best. So, the Sophistry conclusion would be that doing standard care is better than providing care because as an Asian study among others showed that HCQ provided no benefit compared to SC. Or did it? A proper examination of the Asian study shows just the opposite: HCQ was effective.
    As for the Brazilian study using HCQ or chloroquine (CQ) being stopped for potential heart related issues—it should! As far as I know, the Brazilians using 3 times the therapeutic dose approached near toxic levels of the medications being used and developed known medical issues using HCQ at those doses. So, I’m to be surprised that using a medication known to cause heart issues at near toxic doses will cause those problems? I don’t think so.
    Instead, let’s address the information bias and selection bias known to affect retrospective studies which is data missing in this study and statistically adjust for those before drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of HCQ and CQ because retrospective studies are famed for their inability to suggest cause and effect relationships or effectiveness without stats like the OR or RR.
    Otherwise, it could very well be that researchers using toxic doses of a medicine getting toxic side-effects becomes news since the therapeutic dose in “normal” people should be lower in those with liver, kidney or heart disease which is nearly every VA patient over 50 yo I’d ever treated.

  4. It still has worked on many people. My friend is a doctor. Why isn’t CNN reporting this

  5. Note that CNN only reports this negative content about hydroxychlo., but won’t report significantly on any drugs that may work. What solutions are they reporting?

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