1. @Bruce Lee As long as the end result is nuclear holocaust in russia, then I’m fine with it.

    1. Please dont devalue their lives, they died for freedom…..big sacrafice for all of us……necesarry.

  1. Fun fact, Kiev is older than Moscow. It’s seem like Russia trying to destroy its history, culture and Ukrainian. I just read it on Wikipedia.

    1. @V B They founded the city. After being totally demolished by the Mongols in the 13th century, Kiev has never returned to its glory days (it remained a small insignificant town when the region was under the control of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). The foundation of the current city of Kiev was laid to the ground during the Russian administration of that region. No matter how bias you are towards the Ukrainian, you just can’t deny the fact that modern Kiev was founded by the Russian Empire.

    2. @I’m Your Daddy Again, ridiculous statement. Yes, Kiev lost its strength, but no way you can say it was just founded, you said yourself it was insignificant city. But it was! It wasn’t founded! That’s your opinion (probably, the only one in the world), stick to it. And you contradict yourself – am I bias towards Ukraine or Russian Empire? Rithorical question, btw…

    3. @role Of course they don’t. Putin won’t permit for people to learn anything compromising his position. You should know that by now. History one learn from a lot of different sources (outside of Russia). You should know that too.

  2. I don’t fear Russian’s move.What I’m worry is their attack on civilians when retreating like whipped dogs.

    1. @Casper 7 All the discussion is pointless. If Russia had NOT invaded Ukraine NONE of it would have happened.

    2. These areas have been attacked by russian’s, any civilian who hasn’t evacuated is considered an enemy. Its your own fault for letting them stay to die unless their civilian soldiers

  3. The 8 mi convoy shows Russia + Rasputin still haven’t learned a lesson from the bashing they are getting. LOOK AT THEM motoring down the highway as if they are going to the inlaws for Sunday beer + BBQ!
    (Though this is good for Ukraine)

  4. Their latest move is no different than their previous move that spelled disaster for them – a long convoy moving along a paved road, making for an easy target.
    Gotta love how much more sparse this convoy is – just a sign of how well this “special military operation” has been going for them.

    1. @Kitty Cat The fact that they have hunger has to do with the climate that we in the north change and not help them to get more sweet water. But Europe will soon understand, that they most help them more to get a better life themselfs again.

    2. @Jesse Hachey that’s what i heard..
      That may be a good thing, he’s the big kuhuna, after him they will have to hire the local dishwasher or uber driver.😳

  5. While no amount of money will cover the hurt and loss of life, I hope russia will be forced to pay restitution to Ukraine for all the damage they have caused.

    1. @Desmond Burnett Yes they will eventually give up to Russian negotiations the point of the sanctions honestly is to try to prevent that but you risk making ordinary Russians angry and support the war which means it last longer and only benefits Putin.

      Which is why Zelensky knows this and is trying to do everything to prevent that but it’s not working well the war just started.

  6. What’s crazy to me is that they have no reason to destroy so many lives! It hurts to just watch it happen. I understand there are sanctions, but this doesn’t seem to be enough.

  7. That column of tanks needs to be destroyed before they reach their destination. Ukraine needs to take the offense to them and not allow Russia to get any traction.

    1. @edmund Youre such a tough guy in the comments saying Ukraine should do this, the US should do this, etc. Youre free to go volunteer and fight in one of the volunteer Ukrainian battalions. So go ahead and join the front lines. Or, is it more convenient and comfortable sitting in front of your computer screen?

    2. @Tassab For Sellers Youre such a tough guy in the comments saying Ukraine should do this, the US should do this, etc. Youre free to go volunteer and fight in one of the volunteer Ukrainian battalions. So go ahead and join the front lines. Or, is it more convenient and comfortable sitting in front of your computer screen?

    3. @Rice T Youre such a tough guy in the comments saying Ukraine should do this, the US should do this, etc. Youre free to go volunteer and fight in one of the volunteer Ukrainian battalions. So go ahead and join the front lines. Or, is it more convenient and comfortable sitting in front of your computer screen?

  8. @West, give Ukraine all it needs to defend itself before it’s again too late!!! Hope you will stay ‘safe’ Ukraine. Our hearts are bleeding for you.

    1. @IPostComments we are escalated more combat equipment and US troops arrived at polish boarder performing further combat excercise..

  9. This battle is going to be fought on relative open terrain. That’s a kind of warfare Russia is familiar with. I really hope the Ukrainians can adapt and that the west can provide them with the necessary offensive weapons in time. Strengthening NATO forces in Eastern Europe is essential. Not only for protection but also to keep Russia from committing more troops to Ukraine.

    1. @Mary Gardner Yah, I’ve checked previously and it looks like not till June are there regular 70 degree days in Ukraine…supposed to be a lot of 50s in April and 60s in May……..the thaw has already happened, but I don’t know when exactly the ground will get firm enough. Sometime very soon, maybe this month, maybe May. It doesn’t have to be hard-packed, just not so soft that heavy vehicles sink too deep. They’re tracked, so it doesn’t have to be perfect.

  10. I assume that convoy will meet some of the artillery Russia has so generously donated to Ukraine.

    1. @Belly Dancer Em You watch CNN and say we all know 😂. Anyways continue with the one sided war. Sorry to post a comment

  11. amazing that ukrainians already start cleaning up and rebuild; a great example of resilience and character in facing tragedy; not letting putin get into their mind and depress them but try to go back to life as it should be, with dignity and humanity; beautiful example to humankind; my zen teacher reminded his friends during the vietnam war, every time the village was destroyed by bombings, they rebuilt it, 4 or 5 times, and he reminded them that everything is impermanent, so war also is impermanent, and it will end someday. courage to ukrainians 🙂

    1. Did you think the same thing when Syria started rebuilding their country? Or in the case of Libya and Iraq NOT even being able to rebuild…your life’s a lie

    2. @Rodrigo De Armas What I’m saying is the truth. Check Belorussia’s news (Russia ally)–…”Russian soldiers bring stolen items from Ukraine including Washing machines!!!! Tons of I-phones, microwaves, kids toys, women’s jewelries and even bedding! They opened up a market where they sell those things half price.”…….

  12. Somehow I’m surprised that the Russian troops aren’t ambushed when they want to regroup before they join refreshed troops . The Russian army is in retreat, so it makes sense to fight these weak troops even harder! In addition, it makes additional sense to attack the Russian pocket around the Donbass with troops from behind from the rear, because they are concentrated on the Donbass. I would do it with some of the Switch Blade drones. Just my opinion.

    1. Depending on which route they were retreating, they were harassed in many locations. The one thing the Ukrainian forces have been doing exceedingly well is getting behind Russian lines. The problem with the retreating Russian columns is that they were pulled back in through Belarus and Russia which does not give Ukrainian forces many options to pick them off. Also Russian artillery holds off advancing forces long enough to get out of Dodge. As for your analysis on the eastern side of the country, that will depend on Ukraine actually having the forces to make that happen. I am sure there is quite the discussion amongst the Ukrainian general staff and where to send troops now that the capital is free.

    2. Youre such a tough guy in the comments saying Ukraine should do this, the US should do this, etc. Youre free to go volunteer and fight in one of the volunteer Ukrainian battalions. So go ahead and join the front lines. Or, is it more convenient and comfortable sitting in front of your computer screen?

    1. I find it quite interesting to see a large war play out in real time. Good stuff

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