Officials working to slow down the coronavirus spread have started "drive-thru" testing. NBC's Chris Pollone reports.» Subscribe to NBC News:
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New Rochelle Starts Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing | MSNBC
“I cannot tell a lie”
-George Washington
“Ask not what what your country can do but what you can do for your country!”
-John F. Kennedy
“I dont take responsibility for anything”
-Donald J Trump
Trump has ablility of shifting his fault to others
@nizicike what he does the best.
Yea I know neithe3r can none of the democrats in this video, If you believe in god you support satan and this video proves it,.
The epic center was aipac but mainstream media won’t report it
@nizicike I dont see it as abillity. It’s A LACK OF HUMANS SKILLS. He should never have had that ORANGE in his Turban, being selected. It’s ALWAYS about HIMSELF, never for the people in the US. I’m in chock, that supporters – and majority of the Republican party – keep supporting. AND LEAVE THE REST OF US to suffor. I CANNOT understand, why
incompetence, ignorance, falsehoods, plebeian statements are tolerated for so long. It’s a disgrace. May US BE FREE – from him – FOREVER
@DieMorra i reported the druggy conspiracy nut as spam
@The Tweatles Gonna be great to drink your tears in November BIIIIIIIISSSSSSHH!
@Tony Smith The rat poison Chem trails will get you sweetie.
@Hank Rogers Hank No weapon formed against me shall prosper I have no fear but WE ALL ARE BEING SPRAYED YOU TO! YOU or I NEVER SAID YES TO IT…
@Hank Rogers thank you for watching my video Hank it’s vital Information for those with eyes to see Love you Hank
sweet only several weeks to late.
@Deborah Freedman oh yes that racist bigot I know bad Orange Man
@Drake Fire that’s not how that works
@Tony Smith he stopped it way to late that is my point. He didnt take action when action is warranted. He is a bumbling moron. “I dont take any responsibility for corona” yes we see that. He doest take responsibility for anything.
Too, you moron
Blue Beta ya, a bit too late… but, much better than UK approach
Hazmat suits are miserable and the job is dangerous, those heroes deserve the greatest respect.
Grow up its all a show to steal votes, But if you want to know the truth of what is about to take place watch this 10 part video. The media you watch is brainwashing you and will never show you this.
Very Soon you might get to see the ghost of JFK jr who knows. WWG1WGA name of jfk’s boat.
@Mike Warenda Get lost troll.
@Deborah Freedman flag that conspiracy nut as a spammer
Impressed that this has been happening for three days. Trump on Friday said this might not happen for a week. Kudos to you guys for setting the trend.
@HOW MANY MEXICANS DOES IT TAKE TO STEAL AN ELECTION it has it’s pitfalls but our;s in the USA is crappola
@HOW MANY MEXICANS DOES IT TAKE TO STEAL AN ELECTION so Barry fired the pandemic response team that he put in place? No Slump defunded that

TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT OBAMA WISHED HE HAD BEEN I’m from the U.K. and your just a big fat liar!
6packter cycle through or walk through is much better than having the patient crowding the indoor ER where cross contamination can easily spread.
South Koreans have been doing this for weeks now..
Almost every other country is ahead of the United States of America as far as the availability of the Covid-19 test kits.
Romer Jusu You missed the point he likes the numbers where they are
@Johnny Walker exactly. But the ” numbers ” are not complete as of now. He put the test kits on hold to keep the #s lower.
here is what you stand for and support. I sure hope you do not believe in god because this video proves you support satan himself.
@Mike Warenda Jesus would not recognize his own followers.
Study your ENEMY!
Sorry, Enemy? S. Korean is not the enemy of the US.
@James Kwon Shill.
Thank goodness for Democratic governors. They are not required to bow down and worship the Great Twitter Monster. They get things done.
really, funny how he did not close any businesses in upstate ny where the virus is spreading too, Oh yea more republicans in upstate ny, but they did make sure noone in upstate ny can enter any government building, This ahole is trying to get it to spread and wikll continue to do so until november,. Hope you do not believe in god because supporting satan is what you do and this video proves it. its a 10 part video I would suggest you watch it all for its what you support and is happening. Get ready for the big round up.
@Mike Warenda Yawn.
Let me know when you have something creative. You should learn to stop lying. Pretty sure that’s part of the ten commandments.
California sucks.
TRUMP 2020 !!!
The stupidity in the comments are amazing! Please research.

That is an understatement.
Im giving them no choice either be right with god or support satan, Help spread this link of a 10 part video which explains what is about to happen,.
Trump: “For the record, I was never a big fan of testing, because I like the numbers where they are right now. So when the number of infection cases goes up because of more testing, don’t blame me. And I take no responsibility for any of this, and the reason why is because everyone knew I was fundamentally unfit intellectually, morally, temperamentally, emotionally, and psychologically to be president. Someone as mentally unstable and divorced from reality as I clearly am, should have NEVER been allowed anywhere near the White House. So again, don’t blame me, blame the people who voted for me. Blame republicans in Congress who aided, abetted, and pardoned my crimes. Blame people like Lindsey Graham who continues to defend me. I’m the same person that I’ve always been, an unethical con-man and a sociopath, but you already knew that.”
I consider your comments a public service.
I also blame the people who thought Hillary’s emails made her a crook, no matter that she was cleared, but Trump’s many shady business deals, including money laundering, were fine.
trumpPAB has never done anything wrong, just ask him
Right. He said we knew he was a snake when we took him in.
You mindless DNC TROLLS
There was an excellent record store in New Rochelle. Rhino.
What we have to fear is fear itself
Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
I feel your pain.
William Jefferson Clinton
The buck stops here.
Harry S. Truman
I’m not taking responsibility.
Donald J.Trump .
Q. How do you defeat Coronavirus?
A. Gangnam Style.
Creator It is not defeated in korea as sporadic cluster popped upon the100-200 for a small nation of 30 million
Proportionately large numbers in comparison to USA mega cities
Good work. Finally implementing the South Korea effort. It will be a nightmare in New York in 5 days. Unfortunately that is going to be a nightmare for Toronto and Ontario at large soon. Oh – and don’t go to the gym. They are NOT coming out the tail end of this. It’s just starting.
America land of innovation and opportunity copying a foreign system designed by Asians. I am so happy that ya’ll have swallowed your pride. Now copy some of the other things successful countries have done please.
I remember when we laughed at the first poorly made Japanese cars in the late 60’s early ’70’s. What goes round comes round. Who’s laughing now???
Brilliant approach to tackle COVID-19 testing procedure by improving efficiency and minimizing unnecessary individual contacts between people. A gift from South Korea. Thank you, South Korea.
You want fries with that?
Every death they are going to blame underlying health problems…SMH!! Not slow response.. This is f-ed up.
S Korea has now walk – in test booths for pedestrians!
South Korea drive through is old now there, they are just started walking through , genius

How can this be effective if after registering, I was finally called back to get an appointment 15 days later? You’re either better by then or dead!