The town of New Rochelle outside New York City was one of the first in America to experience the harsh realities of the coronavirus pandemic. Mayor Noam Bramson reacts. Aired on 03/17/2020.
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New Rochelle Mayor On Coronavirus: Our People Have Risen To The Occasion | MSNBC
More wisdom and leadership in one small clip than everything Trump has said/done to date. We need more leaders like Mayor Branson.
NYC & San Fran are the only cities taking this seriously. Even Seattle isn’t going to these extremes despite being the west coast ground 0.
Nor is Denver, Polis thinks this is all a big joke.
How about Fort Lauderdale? LOL
Kiyoncé Kartier so you are mentally challenged. Thank for showing everyone that
My poor friends in Tacoma are scared it’s crazy.
This sad but 1.4 to 8 million people will leave this world. I pray for everyone.
Where did you get your figures from?
@Antonio Montana Here is a calculation based on the number of cases of seasonal flu in the U.S. last year.
Donald Trump lied to the American people from the very beginning of this crisis to protect his personal and financial interests. Those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat history. The history of the Coronavirus is very short, only months long, but that history tells us that you can not will this virus away or pretend that it will magically disappear. The only way to control this virus is to isolate the ill from the healthy. 6,509 cases of Coronavirus in America and 115 dead and still rapidly spreading!
Donald Trump is like the pyromaniac who set fire to a building and then as he watches it burn he runs in and rescues a couple of people and wants everyone to praise him because only a few people died.
People are dying and will continue to die because of Donald Trump’s lying and it is the inactions of Donald Trump that will lead to the economic collapse of America if he is left unchecked!
If the 37 million people who contracted the flu last year in the US had contracted the Coronavirus instead of the flu, 1,489,300.00 people would have died in the US at the current worldwide mortality rate of 4.02518%!
Today’s current worldwide mortality rate is 4.02518% and rising daily.
Today’s current mortality rate in Italy is 7.94% and rising daily..
The Coronavirus is a HUGE crisis!
At Italy’s current mortality rate the number of US deaths based on last year’s 37 million people who were infected by the seasonal flu would be 2,937,800 people.
There are people who are suggesting that this crisis really isn’t that big of a deal. Does anyone really think that Italy quarantined its entire country and the US shut down international travel to most of Europe for what some people describe as not a big deal?
Donald Trump and the Trump administration is putting MONEY and Republican POLITICS ahead of the lives of Americans. Trump would rather let Americans die than let the Coronavirus affect the economy because his re-election is tied to the economy! Trump is choosing politics over the health and welfare of all Americans.
Here is a recent tweet from Donald Trump that states that 37,000 Americans died last year from the common flu.

Donald J. Trump
So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!
10:47 AM – Mar 9, 2020
Italy has 24,747 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus with 1,809 deaths! The U.S. currently has as of March 17, 2020, 5.243 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus and 94 deaths and the experts tell us that America is ten to fourteen days behind Italy.
This is an article written by Monica Maggioni, a veteran journalist and the CEO of RaiCom, a division of Italian public television which describes life and death in Italy with the Coronavirus, published in the Washington Post.
“In Italy, we live in silence, die in silence — and wait”.
An admission of how most Italians did not take this seriously –
For many Italians, the normal warnings about this virus were simply not enough to change behavior. Denial comes too easily, perhaps. It was more convenient to blame some foreign germ-spreader, or pretend that the news was unreal. Then came a reality check: Last Sunday, Pope Francis gave a benediction not from his normal window at the Vatican but via video, in part to avoid the crowd on St. Peter’s Square but also to send a message. That was the first strong sign to snap out of it.
A grim picture of what Italy looks like, the feelings of people living in a world turned upside down and the human toll it is extracting. Think it will be different here?
Now I find myself confined in a place where time is suspended. All the shops are closed, except for groceries and pharmacies. All the bars and restaurants are shuttered. Every tiny sign of life has disappeared. The streets are totally empty; it is forbidden even to take a walk unless you carry a document that explains to authorities why you have left your house.
Now the idea that even funerals cannot be celebrated is a source of further anguish. These days, in Italy, you die in silence and you’ll be buried in silence.
@Antonio Montana Another way to look at the potential is that a scientist from China who is an expert on this disease said that 40% to 60% of the world’s population will become infected if this virus is left unchecked. Donald Trump has pretty much left this virus unchecked to spread in the United States.
World Population is 7.8 billion people.
40% of 7.8 billion people is 3.12 billion people.
The current worldwide mortality rate is 4.02518%.
4.02418% times 3.12 billion people are 125.58 million people.
60% of 7.8 billion people is 4.68 billion people.
Italy’s current mortality rate is 7.94%.
7.94% times 4.68 billion people are 371.592 million people.
This method of calculation predicts a scenario of between 125.58 million deaths to 371.592 million deaths if Covid-19 is left unchecked!
t’rump in January: “I’m not worried. We have this under control.”

t’rump in Feb: “This over-reaction is all a hoax!”
t’rump in March: **signs $850 billion relief bill**
Ro Gue- Hopkins = Soros = Gates = DeepState
So sad, the Chinese Commy Party deliberately buying out WHO’s leadership, with tragic consequences.

TRUMP KAG 2012-4000
Experts have pinned the virus as starting possibly as early as October, months before the CCP alerted the world about the risks posed by the deadly disease. Rather than addressing the issue, China arrested journalists and doctors who tried to sound the alarm. In addition, the “People’s Republic” blocked information on social media and removed all news stories that attempted to report accurate infection numbers. The end result of this was preventable suffering, as countries were unable to take the urgent action needed to respond.
Yet through all the CCP’s obfuscation and ensigning preventable deaths, the WHO consistently praised the CCP for its “transparency” and “leadership,” saying its actions were “making us safer.” To the incredulity of health professionals around the world when finally alerted to the seriousness of the threat in January, the WHO refused to declare it a public health emergency. It took until February 10 for the WHO to even send an advance party to China.
Finish all arrogant, leftist organisations as UN, UNESCO, WHO, dRAT parties, Bill Gates’ and Soros’ Hobbies, etc. etc!
@nizicike WRONG! This debacle is all on Trump because he is unfit to be POTUS, a fact that the majority of Americans knew before he ran for office.
Ro G you in January: sucking little boys. You in February sucking little boys You in March : where are all the little boys
Ro G Trump is the clear vote for responsible Americans
@nizicike normally I might agree with this sentiment but in this instance, because he is the President and late it will almost certainly cost lives.
Trump It’s only 15 minions it will be gone tomorrow
Seriously now the military is sent out so they can get it and spread it all over the place
Kari Major yeah they can help and also in the process get the virus, only to spread it all over the world
Peter Rawai yes I speak facts
@vsboy 25you don’t think very highly of either your military or your government do you?
What about all the health care workers? Should they stay home too.
These soldiers understand precautions, the government is not going to be sending military out of the country without quarantine and testing. These men & women have sworn an oath to protect the citizens of the United States of America- that’s what they are doing.
I thank them for their service
Well being that I’m ex military and live around a huge base we are not exempt and no one wants to get sick but we will do our jobs we literally have no choice in the matter. However we all know what we signed up for. Just like health care workers.
You do know a lot of troops marry overseas right? It’s been on base we don’t have enough tests .
This is a wealthy area with access to the best of everything. In the vast majority of America where things aren’t so peachy it’s going to get very ugly.
I didn’t know I was a wealthy man.
I guess paying rent and commuting to work on a train then a bus because I don’t own a car made me wealthy.
Also I never realized my family members and friends who are in the same position within my community were also all wealthy. Thank you for enlighting me.
@Fuji X Mountain You need to get out more and acquire a broader perspective. Take a visit to some trailer parks out in Appalachia, friend.
@John Baker Maybe when I become a wealthy man I will have the luxury of getting out more…my friend. Until then I will continue to worry about my basic neccesities and the well being of my closest in my family and those who have lost their jobs in my family and friends within my community.
Stay safe everyone. Wash your hands!
And don’t come near me…
Every town rises to the occasion ..
It’s a human.
How about Fort Lauderdale?
According to BBC News, 12 Leaders of a Christian Church in Seoul, South Korea are being investigated for homicide and willful negligence because 9,000 members have symptoms of Coronavirus!!! They hold people accountable for WILLFULLY ignoring public Health rules!
They send in all the black troops, that’s messed up.
I see three blacks, one white and in the background what looks to be an asian or hispanic in rhis picture.
They interviewed some of them and they said they voluntereed to come and help the community
That’s not true lol they send battalions the army just has more black people honestly than the other branches.
@Leslie Johnson This is the National Guard.
@Fuji X Mountain
Specifically, members of NY’s 369th Infantry Regiment, aka the “Harlem Hellfighters”. Legendary outfit.
Yesterday, there was in the US the number of new cases that Italy had when it went into lockdown.
So, it’s sooner the better or wait till it gets worse and then locked down.. pls do the calculation…
And when they have passed this test. No one in? Only the ones that have had it and lived, can come in?
Has their containment made an difference in case numbers or is it still going up?
God bless USA

Meanwhile millions of college students rush to th beach for spring break to party.
like in Florida we have a huge amount of elderly.
Praying for all my New York… friends, family and strangers
Robert de Niro just tested positive?