New Revelations As Impeachment Inquiry Heats Up – The Day That Was | MSNBC

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on that July 25 call between President Donald Trump and the President of Ukraine, when the president pushed Ukrainian President Zelenskiy to do him a favor and look into his likely rival, Joe Biden. The president's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani received a subpoenas for documents related to communications with Ukraine. These are just two of Monday's developments in the impeachment inquiry. Aired on 10/01/19.
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New Revelations As Impeachment Inquiry Heats Up – The Day That Was | MSNBC

New Revelations As Impeachment Inquiry Heats Up - The Day That Was | MSNBC


    1. Nothing gonna happen to Trump. He’s fine. You guys….not so much🤣
      Y’all are in big trouble. Hehe..its coming for you Skippy 😆

    2. You are a freaking psycho. Every word Dems say about Trump?……thats EXACTLY….what they themselves did.
      Attack Trump before he gets you busted. Too late for that. We planned this….its payback for Obama. Cry all you want. Can’t stop it. Boom!

  1. it’s gonna be a hot winter!
    glued to the news here in Holland🇳🇱
    good luck America, go get the bad guys!🎃

    1. @FUimfromTX You must have skipped some crucial history and geography lessons in school. You didn’t know Holland is a country? You have a lot of catching up to do.

    2. *This isn’t impeachment, it’s a COUP!’ Trump warns followers Dems are out for their God-given freedoms & rights*

    3. @prakash yadav Its a joke….you moron. You must have your boyfriend’s fingers too far up your a$$ to think clearly

  2. the thing about truth is that it rings the same every single time no matter the time date or question.

    it’s the LIES that get the hem n haw and twisting of response.

    it’s unnerving how much lying is going on here.

    1. Free Ma When you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything. When you lie, you and all your conspirators have to remember the same story word for word and pray that nothing manages to poke a hole in it.

    2. My grandma always told me that if you lie you should be good at it, because it takes seven more lies to cover up the first one. She was a wise old lady.

    1. I am 53, but boy, do I agree. I am so tired of the its-all-about-$ boomers and gen x. They own all of this crap we are going thru with Trump.

    2. Age has nothing to do with this. These individuals have been drunk on false ego and entitlement and consumed by conceit and greed for their entire lives.

    1. Everything trump touched die, and now their reputation is dead ,if the leave for new jobs who is going to trust them unless it’s a criminal enterprise oh dear they already working in the WH

    2. @jane toscano Why would I believe a man, that would put America national security at risk, had how many bankruptcy, tax evasion , taking taxpayers money to boost his failing properties, fake university, fake charity , insurance fraud, payment to a pornstar, grab women,and that’s only a few the public know

  3. It is just NOT okay that all these people who work for us keep publicly lying to us! In what world did that become acceptable? And, don’t bother to blah, blah, Biden/Obama/Hillary, because you will only make my point.

    1. Pink Crayon I thought you said it wasn’t ok for these politicians to lie to us, in this specific instance, what is wrong? I’m confused on how I proved your point

    2. Illegal to use public office powers to solicit an foreign leader to help his personal elections campaign, over the US national interest.

      It is a distraction attempt saying Biden is committing corruption, while at the same committing corruption.

      Trump held back military aid and solicit the Ukraine President for personal election campaign interest. He ignored US national interests in stop Russian aggression. Putting US troops currently in Ukraine at greater risk.

  4. Ukraine said: “If we can’t get Javelins, could we get some Discus’, Shot Puts & maybe some of those Hammer Throw thingies”?

    1. andtam008 Why should he deny it he did nothing wrong that is his job to help the President deal with foreign leaders. So he’s guilty of doing his job?

    2. @jane toscano , yeah, it’s the job of a corrupt AG to protect trump from prosecution of his numerous crimes? I guess. It’s a corrupt “administration.” That’s why they’re GOING DOWN!

    1. timber_beast Maybe you can tell me how is he dirty? I would like to know I ask but no one seems to have facts.

    2. @jane toscano – since you asked…Barr lied to Congress under oath. Barr has used his office and the Justice Department to try to shield Herr Gropenführer from the consequences of his actions vis a vis the Mueller report, claiming erroneously (lying) that the report completely exonerated Mango Mussolini when the report itself clearly states it does not. Barr acted as an accomplice to Trump’s crime of abusing the power of the office of the President to coerce a foreign head of state to investigate his chief political opponent. Barr illegally withheld the whistleblower complaint from Congress.

      There are well-documented facts. There’s nothing you can do or say to change them. They are also crimes for which Barr can, and should, be impeached.

    3. Rely on FAKE NEWS for News?
      Since when talking about public information admitted by joe biden on TV is impeachable?

    1. This lying, bankrupt, failed reality tv host, conman is going down, fast but not fast enough!

      Wahoo! About time!

    2. @CMaylene Give me a call if the Democrats ever vote to start impeachment proceedings (snicker snicker…fat chance).

    3. @hdtvcamera1 – there you go again, making a goddamned fool of yourself. Tell me…does Dear Leader say thank you when you gargle his balls?

    4. @Tom Ogden don’t be ridiculous they start with the shaft then work to the balls. they have a lot of practice at this

    1. @Steven Dean do you have any evidence to support that cuz there’s a ton showing that they used the Trump charity as their personal bank and created the ugliest painting in existence

    2. @swimingbird88 If you accuse someone it is your job to provide evidence.
      for the clinton foundation. they have received billion dollars of donation for haiti, and they only built 6 houses. where did all the money go? Chelsea was working for clinton foundation, and she got paid for almost close $1 million per year. that is thiefing.

    3. Trump & his entire family can travel the world making deals & millions of $$$, but Biden can’t take his son on a international trip. Such hypocrites..

    1. Trump & his entire family can travel the world making deals & millions of $$$, but Biden can’t take his son on a international trip. Such hypocrites..

    2. @Wilson Are you being sarcastic? Biden’s son was kicked out of military for drug abuse. He landed a $50,000 a month job in a field he had no experience in because his father was the United States point of contact for international aid. Trump’s family has been successfully involved in international business all their lives. They didn’t have their father threaten to withhold a billion dollars in aid to fire the prosecution that was investigating corruption… And given them a 6 hour deadline

    3. @Wilson That’s not an answer to my question. It’s a nonspecific response from someone who is avoiding the fact that Trump did nothing wrong.

    4. @Wilson how many resorts do you own? How many businesses do you own? How many thousands of people do you employ? If Trump’s not successful, then you are a massive failure.

  5. We need all the exposure we can get from all the media regarding all the lies and corruption around the President…so we can stop it from future Presidents

  6. Rudy claims he has receipts. He’ll flip in a minute if it looks like he might get jail time. He locked up a lot of mobsters in his day. Trump already trying to make him the fall guy.

  7. It is not simply that “Dear Leader” pressured Zelensky to investigate Biden, but his request for aid in smearing Biden is itself an egregious violation of Campaign Finance statutes. No “quid pro quo” is required to establish that fact.

    1. @swimingbird88 how can you prove that besides here say , trump has lost millions being president and donates his checks besides 1 dollar ! Everything is just hearsay unless YOU are right there personally to see first hand what is really going on

    2. @princeoftidds were you there do you know actually why he got fired don’t believe every story out there have an open mind towards every possibility I’m just waiting for the full story 2 come out if Joe Biden broke the law he should not be president and there is evidence from Ukraine that Joe Biden did have the prosecutor fired that was investigating his son’s company I’m just sitting back and seeing how this all unfolds

    3. Ukraine is desperate for military aid. Over 4000 dead ukrainian soldiers dead since the fall of Crimea. There are US troops and allies training their military. Providing aid against Russian aggression.

      Trump withheld military aid. Then solicited the Ukraine President for personal interest in his election campaign, not US national interests and putting US troops at risk. IIIegal to use public office powers for personal election gain, over US national interests.

    4. @mark bui do you know that with 100% accuracy I don’t and it actually came out that the money was held up a couple months after the phone call , so don’t assume one way or the other that it was the phone call could have been something else we don’t know

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