Documents containing highly sensitive intelligence about Iran and China were among those recovered by the FBI from former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, The Washington Post reported. #CNN #News
New report reveals documents FBI took from Trump’s home

“My political ideal is democracy. Let every person be respected as an individual and no person be idolized.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, 1930, Germany
@ChaoticKreg Did I ever say that every decision our founding fathers made was a good one?
No, no I did not. I did not say that because they made a lot of really dumb decisions including the Electoral College and of course who could forget the train wreck of the Articles of Confederation? The founding fathers weren’t perfect but at the very least they were smart enough to recognize that and create a document with the intention that it be amended.
@Artistic Cannibalism Oh. You like some republic in your democracy but you don’t like the electoral college? You like the federal government? Do you participate in state government? Do you like Gerrymandering?
@ChaoticKreg I get to this might be a hard concept for you to understand but you can agree with some decisions a person makes and disagree with others.
For example I like democracy but I think the Electoral College was a dumb mistake that takes power away from the people voting and likewise I find gerrymandering to be disgusting.
However I do like the federal government on paper and believe that it didn’t institution worth fighting for to make it as good as possible.
@Artistic Cannibalism I think we can do better than our current system, and that comes from a place of love. We’re the oldest constitution on the planet and we’ve made so many advancements in political science that we should be implementing
this is disgusting 100% i cant even imagine
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@Barbara fleites I am still finishing the diary that came from your house before turning over to authorities.
Wow- the stuff in that diary is disturbing.
You may wish to leave your porch light on for the police.
@M Hall Goodbye, troll.
@Waldo Bullcrap! Nobody else stole documents.
@Bill Jim You’re too far gone.
He didn’t mishandle documents, he stole them for his own benefit. He would sale them to the highest bidder no doubt.
Probably did.
I like a President who doesn’t violate the Espionage Act.
No praise we need peace alive
@Iris Hewlett What the hell is this stuff doing at Mar-a-lago…. which he owns the property… with classified documents in his “home office” (nicknamed the ’45 office’).
I like a President who isn’t stupid.
Any other person in the US would receive prison time. Classified information is a BIG deal.
@T Valdez Obsessed with Hillary?
@Leon Russell Like a fart blossom.
@Francis Hurley you’re correct.. But they won’t encarcerate someone that ran the country..
@Jorge carrejo you can’t say they won’t because it’s never been an issue before. There’s no way to predict what they’ll do if he’s actually convicted of something. Someone may want to make an example of him
“Your honor, these documents have no more importance than overdue library books.” — Trump lawyer Jim Trusty, speaking to Judge Cannon.
It’s utterly disgraceful
Strange how as president he wasn’t interested in classified documents or intelligence reports.
@M Hall along with your social security and Medicare. So funny
@Linas Zubrickas
. No he will be back in the White House and you’ll be crying again
@M Hall think your tears are flowing now
@Johnson Sandra did he not get security clearance for his family members?
He stole them and more likely than not, sold them.
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According to some of the photos we’ve seen, he might have flushed some that he didn’t like, down the toilet, which is also a crime. Trump being Trump, he could have sold them. He is that greedy.
He probably intended to burn them or destroy them but then it occurred to him there could be money in it.
Why does nobody openly speculate that maybe he wanted to use that information as leverage to get help in his 2024 run?
It’s beyond mind boggling how much this trump criminal wrap sheet just keeps on unraveling. Years and years and it just continues to unravel.
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When will it stop? I am sick and tired of him!
It would be an insult to American justice system for Trump to get away with his accountability despite evidence
That’s a fact Jack.
GOP will try their hardest after the midterms.
He didn’t mishandle anything. He stole them to sell them. Period.
@Sweet T When???
@Sweet T he said “if he sold”
Former presidents are still given access to daily security briefings after leaving office, but the current sitting president is the one to decide if the last president still has access to briefings. I doubt Biden granted Trump access to further briefings, and this definitely something to do with Trump’s eagerness to walk away with secure documents.
What is truly troubling is that millions of people would simply dismiss this even if he was caught using them to gain some advantage but would still vote for him
@J Gaffney If you don’t have a sense of humor, it just ain’t funny anymore
Wavy Gravy
@Joanne Moser Your right
Sadly, people that needs to be kicked out of the country…. misfits we can send off to Kim Jong Un or Putin.
What? Why not?
That explains a lot. I fear this isn’t the worst of it.
I understand the United States has their midterms approaching and I’m assuming they don’t want to indict Trump because of politics which is BS.
This man needs to be held accountable. Justice needs to be served Justice for the American people that believe in freedom and democracy God Bless America.
@Ray Hunt please, we don’t want TFG here!
@Cheryl Carlson with nuns in front and behind him, ringing a bell and yelling “SHAME”
common when will the world cup football started ? Let’s go Qatar next Saudi Arabia
I would like to see required security clearances for all presidential and vice presidential candidates before they can run for the office.
That’s anti democratic.
The thing I don’t understand is how come he hasn’t been criminally charged all ready is beyond me. If it was anybody else they would have been already tried convicted and sentenced by now.
You only get 1 shot @ the King. There are no do overs.
the argument to convict has to be absolutely watertight, as teflon Don is a very slippery fish.
Well, I’ve e waited for years to see him get a reckoning, so I’ll wait until DOJ has a tight case against him. I’ve been disappointed so many times.
“Reckless and Irresponsible” are inadequate adjectives. Keeping those documents was criminal and traitorous.