The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack is in possession of email correspondence between conservative attorney John Eastman and Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, a conservative activist who's the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, a source familiar with the committee's investigation told CNN.
The source who spoke with CNN would not provide details on the emails' contents or say if they were direct messages between the two or part of a larger group correspondence. The Washington Post first reported on the emails. #cnn #News
New report raises questions about Clarence Thomas’ wife Ginni Thomas

She needs to go to jail for a long long time.
@Caius Keys The weasels abandoned her once she couldn’t fulfill her part of Quid pro Quo and raise big donor cash.
@potcrak1 Prolly true! With the DC weasels it’s all about the dough-ray-me — with an emphasis on the “dough” and “me”!
If only they took Anita Hill’s story seriously….
@Maggie Norris Have I miss Maggot ? I wasn’t aware of any accusations against me but by all means please do keep making false innuendo against someone you don’t know.
@Hartub Moses Hmmmm I don’t know nothing of this? They tried to ruin Clarence Thomas and piling on accusations doesn’t make it necessarily true. I would venture to say you haven’t a clue what you speak of. And Tata for now and pip pip and all that
@Lisa Brygger yeah, sadly I have very little hope of that happening. Money drives our politics, our politicians, and our policies. Until we get money out of politics, it’ll always be some out of touch goon with no intention of representing US steering the ship (straight into the iceburg)
She was a liar, remember?
America wanted a new reality show and we sure as hell got one.
@Crypto King ……..?
@Crypto King …………?
@Crypto King …….?
Keep it coming…a free press – what a great thing…
@NBA1 bot …
Last fight
The many people saw this coming before the 6th and did nothing ! Why it happened and why it got so out of hand. I was not shocked, writing was on the wall and now here we are
Yes,I confirm.
nice to see you.
Last fight
She let the power get to her head. Probably thought she was running things from behind the scenes. Thats her level of entitlement and Karen in full display.
Thank you for your response.
@Reformed Conservative Liberal.
(That was an insult, Fluffer).
@Reformed Conservative Heh heh. I nailed it, didn’t I?
You are BUSTED, Fluffer! Carry on, I’m loving this!
Never let anyone to threaten you into submitting to something that is wrong. You’ll lose before you begin.
It’s called blackmail
Last fight
Tell that to Republicans.
Tho they’re all still walking free, most even benefitting off the mess they made. Hopefully the DOJ will ensure they get what’s due, but for now it seems their corruption has been to their benefit.
Clarence knew. He sided with his wife who, by the way, was in an actual cult in her younger days… He needs to step down. She should be called in front of the Jan 6 committee.
nice to see you.
If a judge had been compromised, s/he needs to step down. Ive worked in a sensitive state position (not political)… but if your judgement and reporting is skewed in any way, you must respect your position, notify HR and take a sabbatical or resign.
That’s called integrity.
Last fight
Unbelievable how conniving and treasonous these people are.
I agree with you mark Zuckerberg
How would say that my friend
Federal employees have rules about what they can and cannot do on partisan election matters. This also extends to direct family members, but the courts do not seem to have these rules in place.
1 Kevin Brady Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
She’s gonna need a good lawyer.
Sidney Powell
I think it best if she gets a really dumb lawyer.
Last fight
Sure wish it wasn’t like this in America. We are separated by everything we were told would bring us together…. Stay safe folks. There’s a stink in the air that is lingering heavy
@Brandon Duarte one of us is wrong and I hope it is me because I can take it a little bit better then you. I’m independent so it doesn’t matter who won or lost to me. Also a 3 deployment vet here. Careful with the boarder line threats. I need no one to protect me. Stay safe now Sir.
@lordeagle100 what threats? 3 time soy soldier I take it then if you get triggered over facts
@Brandon Duarte your funny. Your all mad…. Stay safe foolio
@lordeagle100 it doesn’t matter which political party or if you are independent. Not if you are Hispanic, white, Asian, Middle East or Afro American.
What’s at stake it’s our democracy. If you don’t care to live under a dictatorship I understand.
Who thinks Ginni Thomas is the leak on the Roe V Wade info.??
ME!!! I DO!!!
My money is on John Roberts.
I do. I can’t wait to see the Republicans dance the Republican Shuffle when it all comes out.
@Maggie Norris Roberts has expressed concerns about the Court making quick and drastic politically motivated decisions. So he has motive.
Impeach Thomas. And throw Ginny in jail.
Impeach Kavanugh too or at least reopen the FBI investigation
Stop shitting on sidewalks.
I say we dismantle the entire Supreme Court and start fresh. It’s become far too politicized, and we just can’t have that nonsense in the highest court in the land.
@Sarah too much drama
I remember when I was a young boy, I was tought never put myself in a position where there was even the appearance of wrong doing or a conflict of interest in any situation!! This is what happens when parents don’t hold thier kids accountable for their actions.. Now people believe or think “It’s only illegally if you get caught..”
How sad that our country has fallen so far..
1 Gary Kubodera Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
It’s a lot broader than that. It’s structural on multiple levels. The lack of accountability for ‘opportunistic’ behaviour on the one hand, at all levels, political and economic, and indeed in the US even legally. But also the tendency to reward that behaviour. As people live in a society where behaving according to norms of proper behaviour are increasingly penalised, and behaving opportunistically is increasingly rewarded, more and more of those people begin to slip into opportunism.
The US has a problem whereby it accepted particular ideas about when it was ok to behave like that and it radiated outward and corrupted the society over time.
It’s called, ” being beyond reproach “.
And THIS from the party of “law & order”! It’s baffling and infuriating.
All who funded, organised and coordinated the attack on America’s Constitution, Democracy and rule of Law needs to be held accountable. Justice Thomas vote against releasing emails takes on a different meaning because of his wife’s involvement in Insurrection.
@crash corrigan “not knowing” what a woman is and answering pointed questions about transsexuality are two different things. She was trying to answer a question on a national stage, with a lot on the line, while simultaneously not being offensive. Don’t be daft.
@Sarah Forget “daft.” I prefer deaf. Now let’s answer the big question: Should Joe Biden use training wheels when he’s out biking? Bwahahahah!
@crash corrigan that man has no business biking. That’s just ASKING for a broken hip.
Who here believes Ginni didn’t let anything slip, didn’t tell her “Best Friend,” Justice Thomas anything he could or should’ve stopped?
1 Natalie Hatcher Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
She needs to be investigated!!!
1 Adrian Becker Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Put in jail.