A new ABC-Washington Post poll and a CNN poll shows that President Trump is heading into the fall with his approval rating slipping.
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New Polls: Trump’s Approval Rating Slipping | Hardball | MSNBC
For someone who’s always winning, he sure is a victim
@Hadrien Mayeux …No, they didn’t. They’re grown ups and know how to conduct themselves. They have been blamed for things that trump himself has done- AND he botched it. Even though he has been caught, he still blames Obama, Hillary, or the Democrats. He’s called them communists, devil worshippers, baby killers, all kinds of bad things. Please feel free to Google trump & his “evil deeds”. You’ll may be surprised what you find out.
Kevin Thompson It must be quite embarrassing when the CIA publicly humiliates your pho-news network with a statement that your “bombshell story” is totally false.
No one believes the media’s fake polls anymore.
Stupid move to try and bring the Taliban to the United States just days before the 18th anniversary of 9/11.
Ok but the taliban has nothing to do with 9/11… that was al-qaeda
@jezza nice to read, some of us don’t forget those times.maybe that was the origin of fake news?
@Deb Jesser i did not know he said this, if so,get him in a padded cell pronto. HE IS TRULY UNHINGED
I hate tRump and wake up every morning hoping to hear news that he choked to death on a chicken mcnugget but I don’t think bringing to Taliban to camp david to negotiate was a bad thing regardless when it happened.
How can he even be above 20% favorability? Some people just aren’t paying attention!
john smith You must be on drugs or something! Wow The man is despicable! Doesn’t deserve anything that he has let alone the support of the American electorate. Completely blind people who care nothing about truthfulness and honesty and what our country stands for are The only people left supporting this clown.
@Duane Steinberg So you just believe without any research that the Democratic Industrial Complex & their Media are going to tell you anything even resembling objective truth about a man that they absolutely despise with seething hate? Have you ever even questioned the motives of their reporting? What is the character assassination all about if they have a proven track record of 92% negative reporting for 3 years straight?
@Brett Wilkinsonand what about Fox?
He is destroying the country
I’d ask how but you cant explain
This country is rocking manufacturing jobs 3.7 unemployment stock market record highs black unemployment highest ever Hispanic unemployment highest ever women’s highest ever teenagers highest ever putting China in their place Russia in their place killing terrorists one right after another defeating Isis Healthcare right to try cheaper prescriptions good RX prescription border crossings down two months in a row, look at North Carolina had an election last night the Republican won by a landslide wait until 2020 you better get your coloring book and head to the safe place. And after his second term his daughter is going to be the first woman president of the United States keep watching your s*** hole Networks they’re fake news like they had yesterday when they came out and said the president was exposing spies and Russia all bulshit and you keep watching this crap.
You are so wrong he is not destroying the country ,he is building a broken corrupt country to a new born country
No that would be that fascist group antifa
Even called fox polls fake

Are you growing breasts and a mustache? Ooookayyy
Are you the great transcontinental man boy lover?
God help us. the media legitimised and gave Donald Trump credibility.
@Kittymittens Knit’n you have a dead hooker’s ovaries?

@Susan McEwen Yes a sack of’m heading for the river
@Kittymittens Knit’n make sure you get in the sack with the kittens.
You are delusional trump fans brainwashed. Get out of this comment section.
Trump’s mind slipped a half century ago.
Are you the great grinning, leering playground man boy lover?
And when he got in office so did yours because you couldnt stand the fact that he would actually do something good for this country
We need to get rid of the electoral college system
@Atlantic Beach “Why doesn’t the gov’t. get rid of the electoral collage”?
? you have no idea how ANY of this works.
The government does NOT get to do that. IT REQUIRES AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. Take a US civics glass , stop being ignorant.
@assetoverflow you are close, they would campaign in 50 states. *Every* vote would count, so they would go after the Dems in Alabama and Wyoming as well as the Repubs in California and Massachusetts.
We need to have the Constitution implemented back into grade school curriculum.
@Atlantic Beach Trump was either the 4th or 5th Presidential Candidate that lost the popular vote, yet won the office. I find it telling that several times prior to 2016, Trump tweeted that the EC was not a good thing, and we needed to get rid of it. Like many other issues, he’s changed his tune now that he’s realized it benefited him.
@Ancel Rick You realize that it takes Congress, a branch of the GOVERNMENT, to change an amendment…. And you’re telling others they don’t understand how things work. Wow!
A real American would not vote for Trump
This REAL Chicago Southsider didn’t vote for Obama.
@The lion and the lamb prove it??
@Phan Ho Phuong Prove that trump is corrupt ???? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah !!! Oh … ummm I think the evidence piling up could fill a cruise ship ! Most corrupt politician in American history. When all is said and done the documentaries and movies will be endless! In the words of his previous fixer and lawyer, that he threw under the bus. “He is a racist and a con man, nothing more.
Lol let Trump tell it EVERYBODY lying on him

It’s obvious that they do.
@Chauntel Shannon
Obvious to a person like you who is blind in one eye and can’t see outta the other. BTW, you should change your profile picture, you just give credence to the “dumb blonde” meme. SO SAD SMH
@FMB1 yeah and people who don’t provide profile pictures are ashamed to, because they are ugly AF like yourself. I swear every time I get on YouTube there is some ugly creepy stalker like you trying to talk to me.

@Chauntel Shannon
Seems like after 34yrs you’d learn not to put out your personal info. But just like most dolt 45 kkkultists, you’re too ignorant for words.
The system is rigged and corrupt. And we are angry and resentful. And Trump acknowledges it. But he just tells people what they want to here, then stabs the in the back… like the priveledged con man he is.
I still wonder how it’s still nearly forty seriously is hatred/racism that important to 40 percent of america
@Tessmage Tessera a changed man! He has changed! He continues to change for the better. We all have room to change for the better. I try everyday. That’s part of the redemption plan, and Trump has been reborn. Just like me. I am a new person. I think differently, I treat people differently, but not perfectly. I don’t think about myself all the time. I help the helpless that I can. He made mistakes but tell me which one of these jokers running against Trump in 2020 haven’t? As a woman I have seen plenty of woman throwing themselves at people with money and most guys go for it. Thank God he stopped and unfortunately he is still reaping a harvest from that bad seed of perversion. I mean you are correct that nudity is everywhere. Men that are trying to be faithful to their wives and children have a hard time I’m sure. You pretty much have to walk around with your wyes closed. Woman are just objects. Ya, it makes me mad.
@Tessmage Tessera 20/20 is the bet.. see you at the polls
Jerre Geary can you explain what you mean? I have read other Americans say the same thing. I thought America had really advanced with your election of the past President. I assume you mean that Trump has relly divided your country. That is what it ppears to me.
@Stacey B = America’s taliban = dolt 45 kkkultist
WTF are xian kkkultist so ABSURDLY ignorant? Home schooled I bet. Wouldn’t want to taint an xian’s brain with actual knowledge when there’s
xian indoctrinating to be done. Not to worry though dolt 45 still has a place
in his wallet for you. dolt 45: “I love the uneducated”. ROTFLMFAO
The only fake thing is trump and his selfish ego.
Notice that Trump keeps claiming that his “internal polling numbers are great,” and yet he never… not once… shows us a single one of these “internal polls.”
Actually my friend, they are lying to you again. Sorry, but the true number is 61%. Those who don’t follow the Fake News are awake and completely aware of their Fake polls and the motives behind them.
@Jerre Geary tic toc tic toc tic toc, time will tell.

I’m pretty sure his ego isn’t fake. He flaunts it every chance he can!
I still can’t believe his approval rating is in the double digits.
@Atlantic Beach
@Leo Ortkras

Me either
I see we still have some gaslighted sould extolling the virtues of trumpnocchio
It’s called the benefit of a doubt.
How I got through high school.
That and manpower requirements
For the Vietnam War. Another
Issue with trump.
Donald Trump is a huckster, nothing more than a man who lies and sells potions in a traveling show!
Any poll that doesn’t favour Trump, he rejects as fake news. But any poll in his favour, he loves. That’s how you know Trump is fake.
@Guy and there were books written about the Clinton’s corruption,your point?
@Dmitri Fukov What is your point other than to distract with whataboutism? Either stick to the subject at hand, which is Trump’s mental instability, or bugger off.
@Michael Gibb thing is I accept there’s two sides to everything.
From that last statement I gather that you’re either from the UK or Australia.
Don’t even start cuz both countries are electing the same populist style leaders like trump precisely because the elite are too aloof to realize what they are doing
“JOB approval ” ??? Job means actual work… not play golf and Tweet.
In fairness, he also watches TV all day.
Haha! Spot On!!
Yes, Trump your numbers are so good you don’t even need to campaign!
They’re not enough bad things you can say about him that are true.
That’s why they invented the fake russia dossier xD
if his approval is 40% that’s unbelievable after everything this twit has done ….their brain dead .