Donald Trump’s disapproval is now above 50% in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Ohio. Lawrence discusses with John Heilemann and former Missouri senator Claire McCaskill.
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New Polls: Trump Disapproval Skyrockets In Key States | The Last Word | MSNBC
I’ll bet YOUR FARM that I can get a better deal with China!
-dotard donny
Best comment
No, you can not, you have not proven yourself…
Trump lied at the G7 convention I said he’s leading in all the polls knowing good and well he was not
He’s leading in the polls among Republican candidates …
He lied about alot over there as usual
Jovon R. He lies about everything
You seem to be swallowing the same poll nonsense that was dished out to you in 2016
@Barbara V the polls in 2016 couldn’t predict Comey putting out that Hillary was under investigation and swinging a lot of undecided Voters to trump however it’s going to be a fair fight this time
True American Patriots oppose Trump. Period.
You got that right

Patriotism is idiotic. This country exists to service the wealthy.
Z X until we lop off their heads. #LetThemEatCake
Shame on USA it should be around 1% Approval at this point.
Time to do something about the school system.
It’s hard to imagine, but those like Renee really don’t understand how wrong and unAmerican they are!
@Roger Wagner not the gun control system, but the cities ruled by reps are not in decay…or???
@WolfPlayer It’s so obvious you’re a Russian troll it’s hilarious. You might have better success if you actually learned to read and write in English. Your posts are incoherent nonsense.

Moe I’m actually Hispanic but what ever go with what you want to believe.
WTF, how is the Traitor’s approval rating so high. Do those people live on Faux News and never hear anything else? Shocking!
@Debbie Harding hahaha and your chairman Nadler hahahahahaahhaha why Hitler?? you have no proof for this…ahhh you’re yet in your childhood, you didn’t experience ww2 so you’r really dumb not ignorant soooo dumb…
joep meloen. Another poorly educated Trump stumper. God bless.
@Stay Hungry STFU , go to fake news fox news where Trump is God over there

@SACRA 916X3R Hey, I’m in Sac too

@Bruce Boring Exactly or worse
It’s amazing Trumps approval numbers are still even that high!
Yes it is and that’s scary.
Yes very very scary

and despicable.
You people sound the same. You CNN/MSNBC Looney’s are more like the fox Looney’s then you think
We can only hope the numbers keep going down, but the fat lady hasn’t sung yet. He’s not a business man he’s a scammer.
@nathan brehm everything you said in your post is a lie and you do not have one ounce of proof to back up any of it. You believe what the left-wing media is shoving down your throat with the facts they are twisting. Also you do not understand the definition of a con man.
@nathan brehm if you would be open-minded actually read the transcript of his press conference after Charlottesville that will dispel this fake narrative that he thinks that the klan’s people were fine people…. that is just one example if something you’ve been fed that is just not true
@Barbara V and Ivanka lied about him keeping Hitler speaches on his night stand. Ok….
@Barbara V so history and multiple sources are all wrong, but you’re right, because Trump…. He lies on TV, blatantly. He says something then denies it in the same interview if not the same sentence. Sorry he has you fooled.
It’s Scary to see how many people voted for a corrupted mob boss
It’s scary to think that there’s people like you who actually believe that
Yes!! finally! People woke up and push the 30 year Mob out of office crooket Dems. just look at there owen back yard. that should tell you something about them.
It’s scary how many stupid people think something without any actual proof. The literal definition of ignorant
SharaRanks lol
There are obviously still a lot of brain dead Republicunts who support the Russian bone spur draftdodger!
I can’t fathom how his approval rating is higher than 10%
S T s, the polls are wrong , and tend to be about 10% off , Trump actually is approved by Americans , he just struggles with Brainwashed Dems
@Jake MacHine Nope – and most people know this even prior to research – but here’s one link. There’s a lot of them…
Because he is just the average american.
Most people can’t understand how the Nazi’s were able to convince the German citizens to murder large amounts of their population, just look at the Republikkklan followers and you’ll understand.
S H You’re missing the point you have nothing. And you will have nothing left when you vote left.
Still get 40+ approval? The rest of the world approval is 0% and still going down to -10% ( yet to be born )
There seem to be voters Trump could literally hit in the face with a shovel and they would still praise him.
– First of all your Liberalism is showing… Presidents don’t rule!
– And the virtually 100% Democrat initiative to greatly expand home ownership to many that couldn’t realistically afford it was started by Clinton when he legalized Wall Street to sell high risk resi mortgages as investment and started the relaxing of mortgage rules. For the next about decade many other Democrats continued to relax mortgage rules, growing the housing bubble.
– President Bush had nothing to do with it!
@Glennis Peterson,
– Democrats during Bush’s Presidency were growing the bubble.
– Congressman Frank (D-Mass) for example was our liaison to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and they said he was telling them everyone gets a mortgage.
– Even then Senator Obama I’m sure was involved. A house in every pot is right up his extreme Liberal alley.
– Bush completed or started all of the housing bubble burst repairs, including the too big to fail bailouts, before Obama became President.
@Rand Kocher Even if that was all true, under Obama, the disgraceful predatory lending practices were outlawed. Democrats were out of power in Congress after Clinton’s first term. They were out of power after Obama’s first two years. If you’re going to tell me Obama was involved with a “house in every pot”, I need more documentation than “I’m sure…” Yes, Bush implemented the very controversial too big to fail bailouts, but over the next eight years Obama presided over the recovery, which was still in effect when Trump took over. He’s presiding over a decline now. Ever wonder why the deficit falls under Democrats and gets jacked up under Republicans? Here’s a hint: Because Republicans are not being truthful about their concern over the deficit or the economy. They showed their hands when they voted in the highly irresponsible tax cut for the rich, and Tea Partiers have been marginalized under Trump.
I guess a lot of farmers finally woke up and smelled Trump’s brand of manure.
I expected more.
Haha speaking for famers when you a soy boy who lives in YouTube comments. Yikes
Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D. , like in 2016 the polls are wrong
Farmers only make up 3% of the country’s population
Texans and Georgians , still try to relate with a millionaire real estate tycoon from New York.Who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth,has no clue what manual labor is nor real empathy.We really need to up our education systems.
Well said.
When voting think of your kids and grandkids who will suffer from the mess this man is creating. Let all your hatred go think about the future
This is really comical statement. When people voted for Trump they thought about the condition of the country and they were so sick a politician’s and Corruption. Obama’s Legacy is TRUMP.
Take out the

trash and the evangelicals before it takes you…
As at today, it is surprised that he still has more than 40% of approval rate.
Ugh. Just ugh. How anyone still approves him is beyond me
Cheyenne Garcia Because Jesus wants him there!
The way you talk says it all. Ugh like omg STFU dummy
It’s absurd how anyone could approve of the crazy man.
I agree with you. This TRAITOR needs jail time now.
I think you mean “abzerd”.
We are going for another 4 years. Buckle up snowflake
Wow! Even when that’s good news it’s still depressing to know he has 45% approval. This is proof that evil makes people stupid.
…..and sadly good and/ or intelligent people powerless and even cowards.
I am not stupid or powerless or evil. You people just refuse to admit anything he does that is good. There’s a lot about him that I don’t like but he does do some good things.
People were not even willing to give up a gym membership to protest Trump. Unless it directly affects them no one cares.