Steve Kornacki is at the Big Board to break down new polls that may put President Trump in a perilous political position. Aired on 6/4/2020.
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New Polls Put Trump In A Perilous Political Position | MSNBC
Means less than nothing. Vote like George Floyd’s life depended on it.
Vote like George Floyd’s life, the American life, and America as we know it depends on it.
What does george floyd got to do with presidential election . You’re just a moron
@Walter White another delusional dimwit.
Only democrats want is ur vote so Biden can sell us out to China
Anyone who votes for Agolf Twittler now is a traitor to US values.
Agreed, such a close resemblance from 1933?
Its the opposite as Democrats fan the flames of American businesses and the idle destroy the towns they live in.
Agolf Tweeter…
@Philip- It’s the right-wing white supremacists who are fanning the flames of American businesses.
“What go around come around kid” Cypress Hill
It’s *goes *comes.
You’re welcome!
Karma is going to hurt him baddddd
Wake up American public. Say No to racism and fascism. Save your democracy.
Say NO to tear gassing your own American citizens.
42% even after all the chaos…. You got to be joking with me….
@Mark Me There are no words for how dumb you are. Your just a mindless parrot who repeats and can’t think. I feel sorry for you.
@Arya Kalali real convincing arguement ,I cant even continue ,you just destroyed me without even stating anything of substance
@The Overlander so leave
@Dan Favata you leave fascist
@Mohammed Yasin
I can’t wait to get this numb skull out of office! Let’s go Joe 2020
Biden is running for US Senate. At least thats what he said not long ago.
no name Whatever you believe he’s our future president.
This clown was waving his hands around before the last election He ended up playing pocket pool
20 January 2021: Biden occupies the White House.
21 January 2021: Trump occupies the bunker.
@Richard Barry The Muller investigation resulted in almost a dozen convictions/guilty pleas.
@Tim Good thing you pointed that mistake out……that will probably change the outcome of the election….. c’mon man c’mon
@Tim Yeah by a bunch of Russians that are in Russia they’re never going to step foot on us soil
Biden is running for US Senate. He said so just weeks back.
How about he occupies the DC slammer.
When fox news concedes that the Democrat is leading, you know you’re in trouble
Dont worry, murdoch the king ( vampire ) of america is sure 2 rise from his guilded coffin 2 rally his flock !
Angry Combat Wombat The fact that trump is so demonstrably awful, and you’re here still defending this guy says everything about you.
I’m not so sure. I reckon they deliberately show him losing to make sure they all get out and vote… Blue side might get complacent
@Angry Combat Wombat – “Context
, Context, Context.
Ad hominem does not apply here so you’re mis-informed.
Psych tRump is not a Normal occurrence.
Even worse.”
@Angry Combat Wombat umm no…
Racist conservative? Smh
@Jim MacReady Hate doesn’t get to win this time around. Not everyone is an angry, ignorant racist like you.
@Thomas Armsworthy JrNo, the GOP turds seem to be sitting at home sucking their guns.
@USA Rules Bone spurs bunker boy said that? He’s not exactly credible… Or hadn’t you noticed?
@Clark Kent Liar.
@Enough Madness Whats not true?
By the time November comes, Joe is ahead by 20+ points.
@Booboobear2388 I guess you would be assuming in that scenario that Biden would know who he is and where has has been..I doubt that also
Biden is running for US Senate. He said so himself recently.
Boogerbear – “When the first presidential debates are aired and psycho tRump doesn’t know where he is or what office he is running for, the poll numbers will naturally favor President Biden.”
@Briza Ac You must be confusing the two Biden has never got anything right yet, the state he’s in, what day it is, peoples names, dates, nothing. He said he put 700 million women back to work. He said Its Super Thursday! on Super Tuesday, he said he’s running for Senate. Now he thought Mitch was Pelosi. Hes a walking mental patient, on the rare occasion he walks.
@no name – “You’re confused. Psycho tRump has never gotten anything right with the state that he’s always been in like what day it is, peoples names, dates, nothing. He said that Mexico would pay for the wall. He said to inject household cleaners to fight off COVID-019. He thinks that his daughter is his wife. Now he thinks that he’s a dictator. Hes a walking mental patient, on the rare occasions when he walks like a penguin.”
I wake up in the morning and click on the news, wondering is he dead yet?
@José Hunter’s EW&F Remixes – More like ‘hoping’ for his demise.
@David Stanley – “u r a stupid and weak individual who has never been in a loving relationship and that’s why you can relate to psycho tRump so well. Wake up to that thought.”
@John Moh Blaxta Do they listen to EW&F in Kenya?
@Briza Ac Nah, I don’t wish death on anyone, even Moby Trump. But his blubber would be valuable
The only poll is November 3, 2020. Please vote Blue .
Latinos for Trump 2020
Guys don’t get complacent remember to vote Nov. 3rd and remove this man
Its imperative we vote him out unanimously so he can’t cheat or contest it.
Uh, no he didn’t. Keep an eye on Don, even if you’re a fan. He is very capable of selling out this country for his ego.
@USA Rules some of you idiots dribbling the same BS dont realize a few states flipped by a single percentage point. It’s over for you if comes down to that again unless you have another last second Comey Hillary investigation scandal.
Ooh. A tiny url. Been a while.
For what?
I’m still shocked that traitor Trump has anything above 10% support.
I believe the kind of uncertainty this guy is spreading is going to hurt business in the long run. Why? Because you don’t know where this dude is going to start an attack next and when. And so with that much uncertainty in the back of your head, how is that going to make you want to invest anywhere? You wouldn’t see the effect immediately but it would be a long term downward trend.
@Secret Weapon ! Liberal losers who voted liberals who sat on their hands while their city was being looted and destroyed.
How is that Trump’s fault there person with brain crippling TDS.
Perhaps because you aren’t an American?
@Lisa Kennedy
If you pop over to Fox news, you would understand why he has support.
They only talk about trump as being a perfect president and never cover anything that puts him in a bad light.
Think of it this way:
A traffic cop’s job is to hand out tickets to those who drive bad.
In court, they tell the judge what the ticked did wrong regardless of how good the rest of their driving record is.
But fox news is like a traffic cop who only tells the judge about the times they drive correctly and turns a blind eye to all the violations.
Additionally, they do everything they can to discredit the cops who are handing out tickets like they should.
Bottom line: If you watch fox, you have not idea why anyone would complain about trump other than some sort of leftist anti-american agenda.
Keep that in mind as you see his fox watching zombies defend him against all accusations.
Voting is all we can do. Get out – get out – get out and VOTE!!!!!!
@Hayden Williams
Or …
Vote Against-Red Vote Against-Red Vote Against-Red Vote Against-Red Vote Against-Red Vote Against-Red Vote Against-Red Vote Against-Red Vote Against-Red Vote Against-Red Vote Against-Red
Either way works.
please vote out this con man.
Kind regards from the Netherlands
david leider THANK YOU
for your concerns…don’t listen to these Stupid tRUMP trolls there just a bunch of degenerates!!!
yep there is poison and an antidote, oddly I know 100 people and about 1/3 of them want trump to reign, amazing stuff, just awful, unjust and possibly evil “principalities” at work.
we hate Trump in Australia. Pleaese vote this keyboard warrior out
This is a Joe Biden burner account.

Angry Combat Wombat we’re concerned about US politics because change his happening with Trump, change we’ve never seen before, FACT
Sad thing he is not at 20%
But please everyone, get out and actually vote in 2020. Every voter that chooses not to vote is a vote for trump
Trump is going to win
Can’t wait for another 4 more years of him!! #Trump2020
@Trooper Ixights – “Can’t wait for Biden’s 4 years. #DUMPTRUMP2020.”
Your vote dont matter he was supposed to lose 4 years ago in votes but look what happened