CNN's John King breaks down new poll numbers showing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump in many important categories.
#CNN #News
New polling shows strong lead for Biden in key demographics

CNN's John King breaks down new poll numbers showing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump in many important categories.
#CNN #News
“White. No college”. LMFAO OF COURSEEEEE he leads there
@redcomic619 YES they are
Look what college does to kids these days. Its all them out there burning and looting and swiping mommys credit card when they run out of soy.
Like trump never does that?
@Your Prefrontal Cortex I’m thinking that as well or 3rd party
Yea these polls are real

. CNN confirms a settlement reached in child lynching case “A CNN spokesperson confirmed Tuesday with The Enquirer that a settlement was reached.”
“Think about what this president has to deal with” – He hasn’t been dealing with ANY of it it!
@Scott. Biden is a sharp guy and has 8 years of VP experience in the White House under a greatly admired administration. He won’t hurt us and will bring in great people. Trump is just a noob.
@Scott. Yep, Biden isn’t capable of doing anything but confusing his wife with his sister, mixing up centuries, and when looking at him up close, he has that marbles for eyes thing down, showing the lights are out and no one is home.
A recent Zogby poll found that overall 55% of people believe that low energy, Sleepy Joe has early stages of dementia, with 60% of millenials believing this.
@Doctor James
Do your research sheep
Most of these politicians have a college degree. Look how that has turned out.
@Saint seer And right now, you over 3.5 trillion dollars in the private medical insurance system. The difference is you’re paying more for health coverage so other’s can’t get coverage.
@timber_beast law degrees are postgraduate degrees. You need to finish a regular college degree before you go to law school.
@Black Duck but he’s got 5 billion dollars, patriotism, balls of steel and a wife that probably makes your mom look like a dude.
Someone needs to verify Trump’s academic record. There’s no way he’s got a college degree
Yea these polls are real

. CNN confirms a settlement reached in child lynching case “A CNN spokesperson confirmed Tuesday with The Enquirer that a settlement was reached.”
Yea Right!!!!

My family 50 republicans never had been asking in a poll in their lifetime, just imagine how accurate this is!!!

White no college?
vickytjaden, actually you were, you come under the white non college… the deplorables!!!
CNN’s polls are as believable as Epstein killing himself.
@Rafael Gonzalez No, Trump told me that China weaponized the virus and sent their million citizens to US to contaminate us! Trump saved us by stopping flights from China very early, I am not naive to believe your accusation
@Mung Moore
What are you talkin about Trump was a client!
You still have the hots for Hillary, don’t you?
@D-BO 842
Thoughts From The Man Who genuflects at the foot of his Trump statue every morning!
@Bloom Berg
I have a picture of Trump on my dartboard but that doesn’t mean anything!
*At 6.35*
“To demonstrate the capacity of *EMPATHY & UNDERSTANDING.”*
He can’t give you what he *DOESN’T* have.
If such things were for sale, guess the only one who’d afford them…
Wasn’t there polls last time around saying Hillary would win? Yeahhh, about that…
she did win… the popular vote, by three million.
@vman armand Is that how you win the Presidency….didn’t think so. Cry to Mommy.
@Land of the Free

@Ferrari Spider The economy is in a deep recession, record high unemployment numbers, pandemic on full force (only in the USA), civil unrest nation wide…
Good luck with that landslide victory.. you Trumptards!!!
@EternalFame The economy is in a deep recession, record high unemployment numbers, pandemic on full force (only in the USA), civil unrest nation wide…
Good luck with that landslide victory.. you Trumptards!!!
Basement Boy knows better than to come out and open his mouth.
Who has the very unpleasant task of changing his diaper?

If I’m Joe Biden, I wouldn’t change I damn thing that I’m doing. Stay the course Joe.
“Believe the Polls”
hi dear…. how you doing today?
“a leopard never changes its spots” In this case, you can’t fix stupid!!!
You can’t fix CNN
I just cant wait to see how trump is going to act n what he gonna do when he loses lol.
He gonna sit there and stomp his feet and whine and cry cheat
“Trump’s behavior is conscienceless, showing utter disregard for the safety of others, consistent irresponsibility, callousness, cynicism and disrespect of other human beings. Contempt for truth and honesty, and for norms, rules and laws. A complete inability to feel remorse, or guilt. As a New Yorker profile of Trump put it nearly a quarter-century ago, Trump lives ‘an existence unmolested by the rumbling of a soul.’ That’s Donald Trump’s problem yesterday, today and tomorrow,”
I’m just scrolling through comments and I’m shocked . The lack of rational thinking is why our country is in shambles.
Biden just tweeted,
“Ignore the polls”
Of course. Trump stole the 2016 Election with Russia’s V. Putin’s help and Plans to steal the 2020 Election with China & other dictators’ help. He sold out the U.S. for Re-election. Treason. So folks cannot afford to just sit home on Election Day like 49% of Voters did in 2016.
@KM JR Their Lost!
actually, thats what trump tweeted
@NDFOOTBALL BIDEN 2020!!!!!!!!!
the democrat lynch media Huffpost is also reporting this. So sad
Yet he’s not consumed by any one of them!?! ONLY consumed with his popularity!! DISGUSTING
“Think about what this president has to deal with”. They’ve all been caused by Trumpydoodle’s own ineptitude & he’s not dealt with any of them.
“Social Media” shows strong lead for Biden.