A new anti-Trump ad from the conservative group, The Lincoln Project, raises concerns about the president's well-being. Robert Costa reacts. Aired on 6/16/2020.
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New Lincoln Project Ad Questions Trump's Wellness | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
“Something is very seriously off with Trump.”
– George Conway, Lincoln Project co-founder
@Harry Gearhart That still remains to be seen. And Trump is master in the art of bullshitting.
I hope this book will have some effect https://youtu.be/Kr4fTAtQUh8
Yay he is fighting against us against the Deep State!!!!
You quoted great unbiased source……
Yeah, it always has been.
Biggus Dickus Is it the stench of his corruption?
I think he had a mild stroke and that is why he went to the hospital!
Must have been all the McDolads he eats
@Jim Hultenius if you had a stroke he probably needed to go to the hospital but he can be treated at the White House from now on
Probably from taken that dope he was pushing and started to take! Side effects
@Julie Ring they are hiding everything. He would never had been treated at a hospital. That shows weakness
@Brian 09 Trump syphilis Brain
There’s something wrong with old Bunker boy. Physically and Mentally.
Did you see his other tiny miniature hand trying to hold that cup of water steady?
Reminded me of the guy Hansen on scary movie 2
I smell diaper…..
@Fabi Grossi you have a problem with forming your own opinion because you believe what CNN tells you to believe.
To many drugs
@Scotch MorrisonNo serious I’ve heard that there is a Russian operative working in the White House. He was planted there by Putin. The intelligence agencies are working around the clock to find him. But friends of him, inside the intelligence communities are working to hide his real identity. He also has friends in the State Department and the Justice Department! They are working hard to mislead the people about his identity. Every time the intelligence communities wants to conduct a in-depth investigation, all of a sudden people in high places are getting fired. Amazing, isn’t it? Even people of overseeing bodies like Inspector Generals. This dude even managed to blame Ukraine of interfering in our national elections, while everyone knows that is was Russia. He even tries to get the Russians into the G7, it’s so obvious. When the free press is publishing the truth then two things happen: one, his secret network trolls the internet and posts mad angry messages with BS., And two, his secret network are creating misinformation about the truth and scream ‘Fake News’. Man, I tell you it’s beyond amazing.This Russian operative even has a propaganda machine which brainwashes people who are opening their minds for state controlled nonsense, for example that the pandemic is over! It’s even so bad that well thinking and wise republicans are setting up superpacs to get a Democrat elected for President. They want this Democrat President to find this Russian operative, because our incubating President can’t. But they found his Russian codename, do you know what it is? ‘Orange’! I wonder why this codename was chosen! Man he is so deep in our White House that insiders are calling him a deep state operative who is creating chaos in our nation. Well I hope that they find this Russian operative. It looks easy, but I was told that calls himself as a stable genius. Anyway, hope that they can arrest this dude.
He looks like a walking double triple half quarter pounder cheese burger with legs! Oh my goodness… Any day now, he’s gonna choke on his cholesterol!

@Covfefe Coffee, Biden is a jogger and in very good health. You Trump lovers want to believe he’s worse off than Drumpf ,but that simply isn’t true. Your dear leader couldn’t run if a black bear was chasing him. Wake up !
…the north korean leader is now laughing [turned the jock around]
mizzypoo You’re right, I doubt he is/was smart enough to know that the presidency was a real job. He thought it was nothing and he’d sail through it. He’s stupid so Vote blue in November!
@Covfefe your vs you’re
Who would trust Trump with either their daughter or 401K.
Ask any former Trump contractor or mistress… if you have a doubt
Sean Hovan She got three million more then Trump!

and trump got the presidency 

Sean Hovan What are you talking about?? Trump canceled many good policies that Obama put in place just because it was Obama that put them in place! How childish and stupid. He’s a child in a job for an adult!
I wouldn’t leave him alone with my cat.
@J Upiter He has a history of grabbing them…
Malignant narcissistic sociopathy is the medical prognosis.
don’t forget dementia
I didn’t know you could diagnose an entire political party. But turns out you can.
Yep…he’s a sociopath and the people around him are definitely co-dependent…..
Add dissociative and psychopathy with dementia onset.
what you wanna bet he has handed all those tasks over to his kids.
Bravo…Well said my friend!
You’ve nailed it bro

Mickey Jones But his supporters were fine with Trump giving the big corporations billions of our tax dollars without oversight Why? Because he had every intention of stealing our tax dollars that’s why, Trump is a con man has been his whole adult life. Vote Blue in November
Thank God there are still reasonable people left. Well said.
Trump tweeted weeks ago:
“Liberate Minnesota”.
Or, stupidity?
Or, a call to violence?
Alpha Versus Omega Men:
Former national security adviser John Robert Bolton reveals that Donald John Trump asked his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, to help him win the 2020 US presidential election.
@Agolf Twittler WTF… ? You trying to grab the troll crown or I’ve seriously misinterpreted your support.
Donald John Trump just published his own cookbook, “The Art of The Veal”.
My personal favorite recipe is the one for the rather fishy seafood dish “Squid pro Quo”:
@Agolf Twittler
NO, he is not well, he is very sick and useless to , that we ALL can see and hear!
GIANTS 1921-1922 I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were so stupid.
He’s the healthiest president of all time.
Manuel as far as mental health he is the sickest president ever.
@GIANTS 1921-1922 Better then the BUNKERBITCH
Democrats bringing a soup ladle to a gunfight is so spot on. Too soft. Democrats need the Lincoln Project.
Soup ladle you said..

. Ooowww…what a mess

Yeah then everyone can behave like raging infants. It might solve the short term problem of keeping up in the race to the bottom with Republicans but the long term social decay that occurs when BOTH sides behave like this? That’s going to get much, much worse.
No serious I’ve heard that there is a Russian operative working in the White House. He was planted there by Putin. The intelligence agencies are working around the clock to find him. But friends of him, inside the intelligence communities are working to hide his real identity. He also has friends in the State Department and the Justice Department! They are working hard to mislead the people about his identity. Every time the intelligence communities wants to conduct a in-depth investigation, all of a sudden people in high places are getting fired. Amazing, isn’t it? Even people of overseeing bodies like Inspector Generals. This dude even managed to blame Ukraine of interfering in our national elections, while everyone knows that is was Russia. He even tries to get the Russians into the G7, it’s so obvious. When the free press is publishing the truth then two things happen: one, his secret network trolls the internet and posts mad angry messages with BS., And two, his secret network are creating misinformation about the truth and scream ‘Fake News’. Man, I tell you it’s beyond amazing.This Russian operative even has a propaganda machine which brainwashes people who are opening their minds for state controlled nonsense, for example that the pandemic is over! It’s even so bad that well thinking and wise republicans are setting up superpacs to get a Democrat elected for President. They want this Democrat President to find this Russian operative, because our incubating President can’t. But they found his Russian codename, do you know what it is? ‘Orange’! I wonder why this codename was chosen! Man he is so deep in our White House that insiders are calling him a deep state operative who is creating chaos in our nation. Well I hope that they find this Russian operative. It looks easy, but I was told that calls himself a stable genius. Anyway, hope that they can arrest this dude.
Yes name it after a republican. Lmao dummies
There are a few soup ladles in the world that are Bad To The Bone. (Just sayin’… Haven’t any of you people ever cooked for hundreds?)
The fact that trump follows the Lincoln Project is the bright spot in the day
#voteoutbunkerboy #somethingswrongwithdonaldtrump
It’s a thing of beauty.

Yeah I love them too! This one was hilarious!! But they REALLY should add the hashtag #BunkerBoy to everyone just to troll.
Those guys should be making Super Bowl commercials when the time comes. They are probably already responsible for 1 or 2% points that trump lost.
@Talent Caldwell Totally agree
@Jim Hultenius
I knew during the last election that Trump’s day of reckoning would come. It was so easy for him to criticize and demean others, but he was not in office yet. Once he got in, all eyes would be on him. It would be his turn to be scrutinized, criticized, and deservedly demeaned as one of the most hated men in history.
saintnash1 ………please don’t generalise and put all boomers in that category !!
It’s quite insulting to many of us who CAN think critically and also encourage our children to be open minded.
Please open your mind too !!
The false narratives going around need addressed. In America the first Amendment let’s people say things they would get sued for elsewhere, and it’s been weaponised. I read an article in a conservative magazine, and at the bottom a reply said that they didn’t like Trump, but had to vote for him to save all the babies being killed post birth (!?!) . They believed that was actually a thing. Democracy is voting on the issues that affect your country, America is voting on who has the best PR, and manipulative followers. Until people learn how to debunk things on their own, the whole system is running as a twisted version of what was intended.
@Geneva8181 sorry. The boomers are generally a big part of the problem. I am a critical thinker and in spite of other parents tried to teach my kids to be that way. Dont be so farging defensive. Our generation was spoiled a lot. Get over it.
saintnash1 …..there you go again making assumptions. I am not being defensive but just expressing an opinion from my point of view which we are all free to do. I for one am glad that I have raised children who appreciate the sacrifices that I made for their wellbeing, and they also know that I was very far from spoiled.
Actions people take and not assumptions about them I feel is better way to judge people.
*Why can’t Democrats play nice and gritty like The Lincoln Project people???*
@David S. Spelled Republicans wrong hahah
Check out their latest DNC ad. It’s truthful and nasty.
Because the Lincoln Project is not playing nice. I have no problem with it, but they are not playing games. And I like it.
Because the Dens are soft. Carrying daisies to a gun fight!
Who cares, I don’t..
The fact that so few people vote and yet the USA is touted as a representative democracy.
The fact that a American President doesn’t want TOO MANY people to vote because he says he wont win the election.
The fact that the person with the least votes can become President in the USA.
Gerrymandering is alive and well in the USA.
Live by lies. Dies by lies. November 3 is National Take Out the Trash Day. No recycling.
Gary Smith
I hope to God ur right Gary an am not even a yank
@Tosca Tattertail True. He’ll still be in the WH for 2-1/2 months after election day. It’s too bad it can’t be instantaneous, but we’ll take what we can get.
Too bad i can’t like this comment more than once

but there you go
He is like a pizza box which cannot be recycled. Stained with grease.
Oh please say that his health is failing. Maybe he drank bleach.
Looks like he had a mild stroke.
A good one
Its the hydroxychloroquine.
Hold mine.
He has neurologic problems when he cannot lift the bottle of water up to his fat mouth, it is serious!!!!
Yes, his shaking hands.
You call that a mouth I call that an a****** with dingleberries
Can’t wait to see how they drag him out the w.h!

The whole world will laugh so hard it will be the biggest party ever!
Just tell him that a huge rally awaits.
That should be aired for all the world to see. How sweet would that be?
@Chris Zerkel

Keep embedding Lincoln project ads in reporting, spread the word.
No serious I’ve heard that there is a Russian operative working in the White House. He was planted there by Putin. The intelligence agencies are working around the clock to find him. But friends of him, inside the intelligence communities are working to hide his real identity. He also has friends in the State Department and the Justice Department! They are working hard to mislead the people about his identity. Every time the intelligence communities wants to conduct a in-depth investigation, all of a sudden people in high places are getting fired. Amazing, isn’t it? Even people of overseeing bodies like Inspector Generals. This dude even managed to blame Ukraine of interfering in our national elections, while everyone knows that is was Russia. He even tries to get the Russians into the G7, it’s so obvious. When the free press is publishing the truth then two things happen: one, his secret network trolls the internet and posts mad angry messages with BS., And two, his secret network are creating misinformation about the truth and scream ‘Fake News’. Man, I tell you it’s beyond amazing.This Russian operative even has a propaganda machine which brainwashes people who are opening their minds for state controlled nonsense, for example that the pandemic is over! It’s even so bad that well thinking and wise republicans are setting up superpacs to get a Democrat elected for President. They want this Democrat President to find this Russian operative, because our incubating President can’t. But they found his Russian codename, do you know what it is? ‘Orange’! I wonder why this codename was chosen! Man he is so deep in our White House that insiders are calling him a deep state operative who is creating chaos in our nation. Well I hope that they find this Russian operative. It looks easy, but I was told that calls himself as a stable genius. Anyway, hope that they can arrest this dude.
He hasn’t been “well” his entire adult life. But now he is disabled.
take a good look at his pants….I smell diaper
I don’t think he was ever “abled”.