New Jan. 6 transcripts reveal how Trump officials learned of the riot

New transcripts from the January 6 committee report reveals how some former Trump White House officials found out about the January 6 capitol riot and that a press release was drafted calling for the firing of anyone who accepted the 2020 election results. CNN's Sara Murray reports.

#SaraMurray #CNN #january6


    1. @Robert Dillon UNDER OATH: Sean Hannity Said He Did Not Believe ‘for One Second’ the 2020 Election Was Fraudulent

    2. president biden inherited the united states trumpvirus of 2020 but donald trump is a genius for creating the trump operation warp speed trumpvirus vaccine of usa

    1. @C.K. Lee It’s been said hundreds of times by hundreds of people. Myself included. We’ll never know who deserves the credit.

  1. Disclaimer and Trigger warning:  This video contains copious amounts of truth and common sense.  These values have been found to break what ever Trump supporters use to think with.

    1. @Kiss My Axe There are reams and reams of facts; you don’t want to see them. I’m not sugar-coating anything. There are charges from the riot, but not yet for Trump. There may not be.

      Trump is a bad actor. You can’t get away from that point. If you think he’s truthful; and the majority of people who worked for him are all lying, you need help. Other riots don’t exonerate him or others.

    2. @MichaelC Copeland Sr I don’t see how that makes sense lol. Read the entire thread, including your own drivel. All of you numbnutz are still waiting for “insurrection” charges two years later, I’m not. 🤡

    3. @Lasse madsen umm no ? Looks like another line you made up as a result of running out of options. Nobody is saying “lock up Hillary”. If I’m wrong, just point it out. Simple right? Even for someone like you.

  2. Ms. McEnany while watching the siege on the capital probably not only continued eating her turkey sandwich but wished she had gotten a order of fries and the large coke to really enjoy her lords great results for all the misinformation and straight out lies they nurtured. Trusting anything she says left the station long ago.

    1. All that I’m hearing is talk. Let’s see who has the better hand when the smoke clears. Trump is NOT a politician, Hes a businessman. They are scared of this man. He can’t be bought or sold

    2. @Carlos Muñoz The insurrection was the not-peaceful part. We’re not at all concerned about the peaceful part.

  3. Yet Mccanany is constantly on fox news still supporting trump and playing down the insurrection. I absolutely think that she was eating her sandwich while watching what was going on.

    1. ​@Anninukichild can tell you care too, champ. You wouldn’t be here trying to down play the facts if you didn’t care. You’d be in your mom’s basement fwapping to pictures of livestock

  4. “The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.”
    — Principle IV of the Nuremberg principles.

    1. What evidence?

      This was an unprecedented investigation and that it was completely political. Investigations take place without politics in between fair people after the truth, not a group of the biggest Trump haters in all of Washington refusing to allow anyone else on the committee who might be impartial let alone favorable to Trump to balance the process. Do you think Adam Kissinger and Liz Cheney or chosen accidentally along with the rest of an all democratic committee? Do you think the committee went into it with an open mind looking after the truth? The committee told you from the very beginning that Trump was guilty and responsible for January 6 so they worked backwards starting from the preferred outcome of Trump being guilty then going back to try to find evidence to support the conclusion!! that’s not how the justice system works and it’s not have real investigations work. You comprise all the information and evidence and documents without a personal bias or politics in hopes of piecing together all the information to figure out what really happened and what the truth is and seeing if you can come to a conclusion from that 🤦🏾‍♀️🤡

    2. And it´s a problem for America and the rest of the democratic World if nothing comes of it. Sure, it might be painful and embarrassing to drag an ex-president (even the likes of Troll&Dump) through the courts, but the existential damage of NOT doing so may have far longer-lasting and far more dangerous repercussions that resonate around the globe… and H

  5. WE NEVER had such a hateful president in the history of the land. Never one who is most disgusting and threatening. Never one who rants and rages consistently with hateful words. Never one who wants nothing else but to divide the nation, and pushing them to go fight like hell. Never one whose vocabulary is always: fake, fraud, rigged, hoax, corrupt disaster, crooked election, political con job, etc. Thank God we do have a president who talks of peace, love, unity, and ways we can be respectful and helping each other.

    1. @surely you joke, mein failüre And you seem to be – not a very good reader. I stated already, I am a Republican. And you ask me what’s wrong with a Democrat President? Is that not obvious to why a Republican voter wouldn’t want 4 more years of a Democrat President? Is that Rocket Science to you or something?
      Look, I am very reasonable. I voted for Joe, but not because I believe in Democratic policy. I did it because I do not, and have never, thought Donald Trump was a Republican. I didn’t vote for him in 2016, and I voted AGAINST him in 2020, because I can clearly see that he is a FASCIST. But I will remain a Republican, and hope for a solid Republican candidate in 2024. If we get that, he will get my vote. If we get Trump again(there’s no way we will, but if we do), I will hold my nose, and vote for Joe. Again.

      You are amazingly self aware, and it’s stunning how much you look like Biden. Wow.

    3. @Rkm
      Aw…Is you’re boss mad that Biden is supporting Ukraine? I’d ask what you’re being paid, but do rubles even have any value these days?

    4. ​@Billy Cole II If it began with Obama it’s because for you people to see a brilliant, graceful, moral, ethical, wholely decent and thoughtful black man leading the country was more than your shriveled, racist, indecent characters could handle. Obama made you look like the puny excuses for manhood you are. You divided the country! Trump divided the country, and now we all have to live with it.

    1. We know what he wanted, leverage not just over the US Gov but on other countries that had interests in the documents on like say
      “Re: President of France”

    1. Yup, you are absolutely right. And it´s unconscionable that this slippery little serpent from the Rose Garden of Eden should now get off scot-free.
      K-Lie McTrumpNanny was one of the most vomitous little sycophants during Troll&Dump’s reign.
      An entirely disgusting creature who betrayed her nation and even more, the foolish and uneducated who believed what she said to be true.

    2. And the black, lesbian, uneducated, spokesperson does now? Atleast Kayleigh was smart, good-looking, and well spoken. Got her job on her merrits not who she sleeps with or color of her skin!

    1. Yes I was watching it in real time from Australia and was abhorred by what was happening, so can’t believe Kaylie was not aware. I used it as a lesson to teach my grandsons about how important voting for the right people is.

    1. @Billy Cole II Neither the Speak of the House nor any Mayor of any city has any authority over the National Guard… stop pushing that absurd, debunked lie

    2. @Billy Cole II  Are you serious?? The National Guard was never offered or called by anyone in the Trump administration and Nancy had to call during the riot and ask if it was even POSSIBLE for her to get them there. Just because Trump keeps saying it doesn’t mean it’s true. That’s been his game plan this whole time.

    3. @Billy Cole II In D.C. the president controls the National Guard, not the mayor or congress, etc. That is why it took them so long to get the national guard there. Because Trump wasn’t giving the order.

      AND do you remember the weird military firings and replacements Trump did in November? Well there are only two other people that are allowed to deploy national guard troops in D.C. One is the secretary of defense and the other is the secretary of the Army. Trump replaced the secretary of the army with a Trump loyalist in 2019. Then on Nov. 11, 2020 about the exact time it was clear Trump definitely lost the election, Trump replaced the secretary of defense with a Trump loyalist. Thus ensuring he had complete control over the national guard deployment in D.C. You think that was just a coincidence? Come on man.

  6. The black gentleman’s laugh at “nobody wants that” was pretty funny. I laughed at the same instant. I tend to agree with his exposure statement, as well. Dude’s pretty sharp. If I were voting where he was running I would take a very serious look at him,

  7. The Committee refused to directly implicate the 99% of GOP Congressmembers who’ve provided “aid & comfort” to insurrectionists (& those who committed treason) who are worthy of IMMEDIATE dismissal from public office. And that’s the most critical action that can be taken. ASAP.

  8. The problem I have with her quote is “I turned up the volume on the TV”

    Kinda implies the TV was on already. And she couldn’t SEE what was happening??

    1. Naahhhh, don´t over complicate her. She just likes looking at the pictures. Having to understand what the People are saying gives her a headache.

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