Charlie Savage joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss his new reporting in the New York Times that American officials intercepted data showing large financial transfers between Russian intelligence and Taliban-linked accounts. Phil Rucker and NBC's Kristen Welker also join to analyze the Trump administration's response. Aired on 07/01/2020.
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New Information Bolsters Reports On Russian Bounty Intelligence | Andrea Mitchell Reports | MSNBC
If Pompeo is breathing, he’s lying, his lips don’t need to be moving. He is the very personification of the lie.
Montesa you are soooo funny
come on over to the US and join us
Stop him now.
absolutely were ready to wreck that “fake” president
I do not understand why you haven’t stopped him, already. A total turd is at the helm of your country. Not very smart, are you?
Please “share” and get your DUMP TRUMP shirt at:
M.a.g.a = Moscow agents governing America.
Republicans betray America in lock-step with Trump.
Remember JULY 4th 2018?
and we were misled to assume china was bad… it’s been russia all along…
Exactly Poutin’s #1 Man Trump Poutin’s #2 Man McConnell . If Putan riggs the election for Trump again, I would suggest each state succeed from the Union and negotiate to become Canada’s fourth Territory. They’d be part of a Democratic Country, and get Universal Health Care.
As we move toward July 4th, one of the finest days in American history, we are constantly reminded daily of one of the worst days in American history…..The day Trump took office.
Remember this from July 4th 2018?
July 4th 2019 “and they took over the airport” can’t wait to hear his speech this year…
@Julie White yes
I take no responsibility
I didn’t know anything as President
Because the original excuse is so stupid,
it makes it only more believable that he knew.
And now calling it a hoax,
like he called COVID-19 where over 120,000 people have Died,
makes it all the more believable the threat to our troops.
And that his lack of response to the Threat to our Troops is Wrong!!!
When Pompeo is lying or being evasive, he laughs or smirks like what reporters are asking about is so preposterous It’s a pattern. Watch him.
He’s a smug traitor and dgaf
Pompeo is more dangerous than Trump.
@Rose Boudreaux well said, madam.much respect to you !
Dupers Delight, just like chump
The fact that he’s incompetent or dumb is no excuse for him being a traitor.
Ethan Hill yes, it is about the Trump
hotels, with/and/running illegal money thru
so it is no longer traceable. This is what Giuliani, Parnas, and Furman went to do. Then it goes offshore or in a Swiss bank. This is why the Ambassador and staff were shamed fired– SO THEY COULD NOT BRIEF INCOMING STAFF. So the intelligence chain is broken! All international money transactions– as we find in the Taliban bounty story– are coded and identifiable. PECUNIARY,PECUNIARY,PECUNIARY 

This man is toxic and very dangerous for the country. He should be removed from office immediately.
Oh my goodness how brainwashed do you want to reveal yourself to be? Has a rumor become a fact yet? Has anyone put together the magic combination of convincing testimony and emotional appeal to make a rumor a fact? No matter how much detail you provide about a rumor , it still remains a unproven story. Indeed, we most likely are dealing with lies about a rumor. These media hacks are working really hard to stick to reality but failing.
Question, if this story is fake, will you call them fake news?
@Mike Morgan Triggered and delusional.
Where’s Steven Millar these days? Is he being protected while he shuffles off his old skin and waits for the new one to harden sufficiently?
MatchstalkMan Oh, great comment. I think it’s safe to say that he’s hanging from a beam, upside down with his scaly wings folded round him. Waiting till dark.

@Lesley Leith is he the same species that brought us Coronavirus ?
This racist robot is somewhere looking for a trump plantation while his Bunker boss is making a swindling deal on his battery-recharger.
MatchstalkMan good one! Haha
Whenever Bone Spurs gets in hot water, he says Me and The Republican Party. Telling them in CODE that they better LIE or else!
Genevieve Words “Republican Party: SHIELD WALL!!”
And they do sell well at it. But kissing commies.
Genevieve Words agree! so obvious….
Trump can always use the “I wasn’t told” excuse because he can’t read and he only wants to be “told” positive news. Dunce in Chief..
DONce !!DONce !! Double D can’t say his ABC
dolt45 is a hopeless child
@imperial_glass true lol
Trump is not a dunce. He has a great education. He graduated from Trump University.
@David Gatzen I know. And he bought his Graduation Certificate from Walmart
hee hee!!
20 Americans were killed in Afghanistan in 2019 the highest casualty rate since 2014.
@the truth exactly. What’s worse since being briefed has purchased Russian medical supplies, issued joint statement with Putin on ‘Trust between countries’, given 5.6 million in humanitarian aid to Russia, invited Putin to America and had over 6 friendly phone calls, withdrawn US Troops supporting NATO against Russia and destabilising the alliance with Western democracies and called for Russia to be reinstated in the G8.
@Fifer McGee $1 is too much, the threat of a bounty requires a response along the lines of Trumps threats of fire and fury when bullying a non nuclear power. With Putin Trumps Bonespurs act up.
@Christine Quinn
Sadly for some people many deaths are just statistics yet one death is a tragedy.
Don’t forget those soldiers that were ambushed and slaughtered in Africa – was it 2018?
There is no way Trump reads daily reports. He can’t read a teleprompter, no way would he read a dry briefing that isn’t about him.
Ms McEnany says, “the President reads!”
That’s a relief that he has mastered that daunting discipline. Origins vs. Oranges. What a covfefe
She’s almost right, Trump doesn’t read, he merely looks at the pictures.
He scans looking for his own name. Also hamburders.
Michael M Bigly!
Ha ha! True!
How does she know he reads. I’ll bet she’s never seen him read. The next protest should be a wake with everyone dressed in black, because trump is killing us here.
Let me see…should I beleive the Intelligence Agencies OR the guy who has lied over 20,000 to the American people? H,mmm – its a tough one!
It’s not like Trump and the Republican leadership have Ever shown Any fealty to Putin over USA and American Values!?! (sarcasm, of course they have)
Remember this symbolic meeting on JULY 4th 2018?
Support the intelligence agencies.
When “W” was president, I didn’t enjoy it, but I could at least count on the Union staying strong. Under Trump, democracy is dead and he threatens the actual stability of the country.
Stability of the country!?!?..where have you been these past 3.5 years
I can’t believe I’m saying this about a war criminal, but I miss good ole’ Dubya.
The only thing he united both sides on is believing a civil war isn’t out of the question anymore.
Aleza Seibert I don’t think enough Americans hate each other so much as to get in a civil war. I can’t think what the issues would be to make such a thing come about.
You mean global instability. Specifically, all those responsible for the USSR collapsing: USA, UK and Europe (NATO).
The lack of trumper’s coming to his defense in MSNBC comments is alarming. They are in the shadows now
Oh now Trump wants to include the Republicans party. What happened to”I”along can fix it?
He wants to remind Republican leadership of their loyalties????
It seems like Mr. Trump has been cheating people in the same ways most of his life.
A scam and con from Trump street!
Being the “most informed person on planet earth” doesn’t mean much if you’re not listening to the information.
…and let’s face it, his attention span is under 2 minutes if you aren’t talking about him, so there is no way he is getting anywhere near what any other President, got. Trump gets his intel briefings from Fox opinion hosts each morning, along with the latest conspiracy theories.
@David Gray I am holding in my hand one bag of Pepperidge Farm Goldfish. I’m voting for them little guys.
BS Barbie was cracking an “I’m lying smile” in the middle of saying that Trump was the most informed president ever… I think it even surprised her coming out of her mouth…like that she was shocked she went that far with the lying.
The chumps phone calls MUST be monitored at all times, he cannot be trusted with anything!! PS the chump cannot read, AT ALL!!!!
Well, if that’s true, he must have AI controlling his brain to give that speech to the West point graduates. That was a fine speech. Except for the part where pointed out that some had disciplinary punishment and let them slide on it. The right thing to do would be to let the whole group keep their honor. In other words, STFU
but his phone calls are always prefect. just ask him, he’ll tell you…”the phone call was perfect, (I insulted, harassed and bullied them into agreeing with me, just like I always do.”)