Two Canadian fugitives on the run for more than three months have been apprehended in Hungary.
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Dumb and dumber fit them better then Bonnie and Clyde
Wrong – Lloyd & Harry were smarter than this.
Bend those arms a little higher
I wonder how much you get paid being in Interpol
The woman has family who has ties to Canada’s Liberal Party. And, she is a wealthy Instagram influencer. With that said, did they have help from family, friends, and/or business contacts to get them out of Canada and on the move?
It only took our hard working, courageous investigators 3 months to find & arrest them. Incredible job! So grateful.

Trying to make it political with no evidence? Will the right wing never cease grasping at straws?
@roof pizza Nope. It’s reported her mother is connected to the liberals.
Was it worth it?
It’s great the way Police Forces around the World can work together to get anyone anywhere.
Interpol, however some countrie’s don’t co-operate very well, they should of done their homework.
You’re absolutely right. I’m in Montreal and proud, not only of the Canadian investigators but, of the police in the other countries.
With the laws in Canada and USA they will be out on the streets again and or very soon.
The system
Wow this is really unbelievable to see how Canadians being arrested by our police.
Greetings from Hungary!
I thank your police for their cooperation in arresting these two murder suspects.
“Millennial Bonnie & Clyde” is accurate – committed one crime, caught in under 3 months(probably because of their phone), and surrendered instead of going out in a hail of bullets. In other words, a very poor recreation of Bonnie & Clyde that only millennials could be capable of.
No she’s a wome. Went to school with them she has two sisters they are triplets
My prayers to the family

All this ufo talks and the alien got caught in hungary
Drug dealers. That’s all this is
Hungary to Cut Tax on Crypto Profits in Half, Down to 15%
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Bonnie and Clyde? Lol… I’m glad they are caught, but you can’t compare them like that, come on…
Why aren’t they telling the full story…drug deal gone wrong…