MSNBC’s Craig Melvin is joined by New York Times politics reporter Reid Epstein and civil rights attorney Charles Coleman to discuss new laws aimed at targeting protestors. Aired on 04/23/2021.
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About Craig Melvin: Craig Melvin is an MSNBC Anchor and NBC News Correspondent. He currently anchors “MSNBC Live” on Saturdays and Sundays, contributes reports for “TODAY,” and fills in as host for Lester Holt on “Weekend TODAY.”
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#NewFlorida #Drivers #MSNBC
New Florida Anti-protest Laws Protect Drivers Who Hit Protesters | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
I see the GQP is focused on the real issues impacting Americans.

SPACE LASERS and Bio-degradable straws….you’re next!
You make no sense.
So does this law mean that people protesting at clinics that perform abortions can legally be run over by patients?
@Josh Allen jesus probably ignoring that dude.
I think the dead fetuses whose body parts will be sold is enough killing and death in that instance.
How would you feel if you’re in the car with your child and hundreds of people surround your car, pounding the window trying to get in and screaming at you. As a human being and being a mother you would protect yourself and your child. If you disagree with that you should not be a mom
@L. Austin says who??????????????????
Protest gatherings will become a GTA game..
Oh well, don’t block roadways. People have things to do and places to be. NO ONE has the right to hold anyone else hostage.
Florida: “We don’t want to be Seattle. We don’t want to be Portland.”
The rest of the world: “We don’t want to be Florida.”
Peacefully protest no problem burn loot shut down freeways yeah that’s the problem ain’t going to be allowed
Free speech is fine. Peaceful protesting is fine. Stealing big screen TVs etc etc is not fine
@Belly Dancer Em again call out people that disagree with you as Nazis
@Tony Baloney okay so now looting is acceptable in your little pea brain
I’ll take FL over any BLUE state in the country. Look at the stats snowflake- Blue states are folding like a cheap accordion
The supreme court will have something to say about this
@EL CHUPA KNIEBRE Somebody has to Sue first.
@José Hunter’s EW&F Remixes If you have to brag about what ” degrees ” you have it’s not impressive
About what?
and whats your outlook gonna be if they side with Desantis- ya gonna call THEM a racist too???
You dont have the right to riot and burn down and looting businesses bunch of thieves
If you’re worried about the Taliban in Afghanistan they’re right here in Florida they’re telling you you can use a car as a weapon just like the Taliban were told you can use an airplane as a weapon.
@Hostis Humani Generis neither can you dummy
@EL CHUPA KNIEBRE we don’t want klan either
@C S klan

you drank that whole picture of koolaid.
Watch out, there’s a bunch of them just outside your tent flap.
So does that mean we get to treat BLM as terrorists, for getting on IM and telling people to BURN IT DOWN?
Dawn you’re not the brightest are you.
*Florida GOP:* _”Charlottesville was a great starting point!”_
More proof that the GOP loves nazis
@Belly Dancer Em
The side that supports Jewish Israel?
@Belly Dancer Em
Get back to me when you figure out your gender
@Hostis Humani Generis what is your gender? Are you attractive?
Does that mean I can run down a proud boys rally ?
Yes ma’am. Anyone in a group of at least three. If they wave, flip a bird, or talk you can mow them down. Remember to shed a crocodile tear and tell the police that they scared you
@Randy Couch what’s good for the goose, randy
@Hostis Humani Generis oh yes they are
@Carrie See white Boys stumbling out of bars all over FL, easy targets
Never seen Proud Boys terrorizing people as they eat. or beating on peoples cars/
Can’t wait for that next “stop the steal” rally…..
Yes or abortion protest… Vroom vroom

You’ll do nothing so keep waiting

How can you run over them when they’re dry humping statues?
In Florida, if you block the road for governors, who then get out to question and protest the block in the road, at that point you can run them over with your car.
Wow I need to try that out
He has to be accompanied by two people, but thanks i didn’t think of using it against them
Oh,… THAT’S going to end well.
There’s another reason blue states’ populations are decreasing and red states’ populations are increasing
great job

it just means if you organize a protest in florida organize some vehicles to follow behind and run in front of the main group and vehicles to block any side streets while the protest goes passed
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everyone insisting for his con”tact details lol..! NVM! here
@Brown Smith Thanks for his info,I will get to him right away!!
Believe me he’s the best when it comes to Cryptocurrency trading, your profit is assured.
Thanks guys for the recommendation. it will be of good help to me. Now it left for everyone out there to face their fear or live in poverty forever.
I will get to him right away!! Hope he replies
It’s truly sad and unfortunate how a confrontation can go from bad to worse….
Why is it people involved in illegal activity would rather fight and resist when confronted by the law.
Many would still be alive today, both Police and those illegal activity offenders that wouldn’t obey at all.
It’s being responsible for our actions, not race, nationality, political affiliation or even the color of our skin.
Police, Military and First Responders keep us safe, respecting these dedicated men and women is where it must begin.
Brush Guard sales are thru the roof!
Optional spike kits selling out quick!
I love it, great job Florida.
If I’m find myself in this kind of situation i will not think that 2 i will run over whoever its in-front of me and my family.
DeMoRon DeSantis, picking up the peel of the Orange of Discord (Lardbucket Donny) and draping it round his own shoulders.