1. Bernie called the Silicon Bank collapse back in 2018 when trump Deregulated the banks. Bernie is a very wise man.

    1. @t.r.campbell6585  Not really. The change the Republicans approved pretty much exempted “smaller banks” from fairly onerous rules. There IS some merit to that logic. Big banks can easily handle expensive rules, smaller banks, not as much. And let’s be real…a community bank going under ain’t crap to the big 5

  2. Daily Reminder : “That’s the last four years. We are all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn’t really an upside to Trump.” – Tucker Carlson Fox News

    1. @William Springer math don’t work that way. We had two choices. Writing in someone who will end up with 1% of the vote only increases the chance that the greater of the two evils will win.

      If 20% of those who voted for Biden would’ve written someone in instead, that would’ve removed enough of Bidens votes to guarantee a Trump win.

      What we need is a ranked choice voting system, which apparently it is appearing many conservatives are against.

  3. I love the grounded reality of this channel!!,Despite the recession, I no longer depend on Government Grants since I acquire $16,400 bi weekly profits.

  4. Financial markets are just a mood ring for rich people… based on nothing but a feeling, we can will ourselves into prosperity or failure

  5. Never let a good crisis go to waste; once this banking crisis starts to seriously reek havoc and people become too terrified to think straight, we can begin rolling out FED issued digital currency

    1. @mike lorenzo this got nothing to do with Biden. This probably would have happened in 2020 if not for Covid.

  6. How did the stock market rally this afternoon? It seems to happen so often. Is the Fed putting money into Wall Street without our knowing it? I wish you would check this out. I have been watching the stock market for years. I have seen the Stock market countless of times in a downward spiral, and suddenly without any logical explanation, we get the rally. Something just doesn’t add up.

    1. Of course it makes sense. It’s people predicting the downward slide is temporary due to panic, and they’re trying to take advantage of what they believe is a buying opportunity. It’s not that complicated… no need for conspiracy minded conjecture.

  7. I hope everyone realizes this is how the great depression started because everyone got scared and started withdrawing all their money everyone just calm down and leave your money in the bank

    1. Hollow out a mattress or find some woods dig a hole before making your run on your bank don’t be to late.😳

  8. This is what corporate capitalism looks like. Recessions and bank failures happen like clockwork. If I remember from my Econ classes, they’re called, ‘market corrections,’ and happen every 8-10 years. This one was a little late, but it was inevitable. The next one is scheduled for 2031.

    1. Just print more money and pass the inflation tax on to the little guy to save corporations and the banks. Isn’t that what they usually do?

      Oh say can you see!

  9. I love the grounded reality of this channel!!,Despite the recession, I’m so happy withdrawing my *$38k* profits out of my investment with a platform in town.

    1. @Raphael Louis why are all your replies copy & pasted everywhere?! Seems very legit 😂
      SCAM ALERT 🚨
      SCAM ALERT 🚨
      SCAM ALERT 🚨

    2. @Beau 1🐕 Crypto has been losing value for ages!! Terrible financial advice!
      SCAM ALERT 🚨
      SCAM ALERT 🚨
      SCAM ALERT 🚨

  10. Thomas Jefferson: “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies,” Thomas Jefferson wrote. ” If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around(these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

  11. Every time there is a seller there is a buyer, so as there are some who feel the banks are failing (as long as there is volatility ) there are some who have confidence. The Fed is letting lousy bankers go under.

    1. What on earth are you talking about? Are you actually suggesting that the depositors shouldn’t get their money back?

  12. Most rich people stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping then most poor people stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich but impressing them

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