President Donald Trump's unannounced visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center spurred speculation about his health from the public, and from doctors. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta joins Brian Stelter to share his concerns about who is being told what. #CNN #News
New details revealed about Trump’s unusual hospital visit

A source said – “He was having trouble breathing with his head so far up puttin’s butt.”
@Christine Blair I question that…
@Gina R I bet Philadelphia, PA is a good place to live in. Don’t worry Christmas is around the corner. You can probably get yourself a nutcracker because you love going nuts all the time and spewing out Trumptard is just confirming my notion to come to pass.
@Pirates Fate because of what I said, to read an FBI report and watch the constitutional hearings? I have no words and I shall not stoop to an unamerican idiot who calls me a commie because he can’t read or have the attention span to watch what is happening to OUR country. The Blue wave is coming and I hope you know how to swim!
Right ON, Christine!!
so trump’s heart looks more like the grinch’s or mr. burns?
Dr Sanjay hit the spot with this heart disease and calcium:
Waxoff Waxon Did you see how quickly the one doctor revealed more once he knew Sanjay knew more? He knew he couldn’t gaslight him, so he revealed what he could to get out of the conversation
That doctor would’ve preferred to hide that little fact.
He is stressed out that his taxes will be released and the world will find out the truth!
Why don’t the doctors just give him a lethal dose and be done with him
Hopefully he’ll have a heartattack and die in his sleep foaming out of the mouth. Wishful thinking
I hope he does not die because he does not deserve a Presidential funeral.
he got a heart attack when he heard he had to take responsibility for the first time in his entire life,..
Let’s encourage him to eat more fast foods.
monroe444444 I hear he only eats Chick-fil-A.
So what will you do now?
I encourage you to eat the barrel of a shotgun. Blow your brains out.
@Emperor Charlemagne I’ll donate as much Chick-fil-A as humanly possible for this trash to leave the WH on a stretcher.
It’s never too late for Donald to take up smoking
@monroe444444 how much money you got? I suggest spending as much as humanly possible at chick-fil-a.
maybe he wanted people to get distracted from impeachment inquiries
So your saying that he extorted his last two doctors? Seems like a pattern of behavior?
Hes gonna resign because of his “health issues” to dodge the wave of shame.
junebugg719 PS speaking of fools your so-called president needs a clipboard to hold paperwork that has three sentences on it that he can’t remember saying he has to read them off the clipboard so who’s the fool
vote Bernie 
Nancy Simmer why hasn’t the dreamer act been passed??
Nancy Simmer Bernie is who you are voting for? Someone who just went to the hospital for heart issues???

…..good luck 
Nancy Simmer “my so called President”… you live in America?
Nancy Simmer

It has been speculated that it was an extra big temper tantrum…
The bigliest … lot of people say it was perfect too !
Next time he “visits” the hospital I hope he comes out feet first!!
Me too!
@Jimmy James you know about disgusting, huh?
brad bustamante oh come on now we just having fun with this guy who thinks he’s the president laugh it up have some fun:-) vote blue Bernie
when your back is turned he makes fun of you.
vote blue
Hopefully you and your entire family burn in a house fire…..
@Jimmy James Hoping someone dies is truth??? lmao
Probably stress related illness brought on by the impeachment and him being obese.
Trump: “I’m gonna have a beautiful stroke, believe me. Biggest in history. It’s gonna be YUGE, believe me”
I hope so!
Praise somebody!
Corvus Corax We should be so lucky.
He’s fat…out of shape…built like a quid pro quo
They found he has an empty head and a shriveled heart.
he’ll be having another one ‘real soon’. ‘staged’ assassination is coming soon to a theater near you.
He will be whisked away on the sex boat to pervert island.
Maybe he finally caught VD from someone in his golden shower team.
Im surprised he’s not saying the Dems are poisoning him slowly.
Tell me about….lol missed opportunity lmao…. just kidding reds dont be mean on Sunday…gods listening lol.mean comments are welcome.
He eats only from McDonald’s because he thinks it’s quality.