New details emerge about the men accused in in an alleged domestic terrorism plot to kidnap Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, including a history of anti-government views and calls for violence and bloodshed. CNN's Sara Sidner has the details.
#CNN #News
We need more reporting like this. We need to hear from people that know these people. We need to see them shocked.
She’s very attractive the governor i would make love to her x
@dustysnoop …You like that man jaw face?
You call this reporting you have to get the facts to report and this isn’t entirely true

The *ONLY* thing that matters now is *_VOTING!_* _Vote early, Vote in person,_ and *CRUSH* this evil on Election Day.
@Osaka Seafood Concern No, terrorists will always exist. Its our job to stop them.
@Osaka Seafood Concern having a president less friendly to them cant hurt.
B iden2020

Lol voting doesn’t count in America fool
Agreed…crush the evil leftist mobs that caused 25 billion in damages over the summer and countless people to lose their livelihoods! Trump 2020!
A serpent can shed its skin but it’s still a serpent. And they need to stay in jail for a very long time. Because what they did was a federal crime.
@Michelle M Because what they did was awful.
There’s a huge difference between those people and snakes. For one thing, we need snakes.
Wow all of that because of the trumpets terrible influence
It should be illegal for trump to open his mouth! Stop selling ur soul for a fool. A selfish fool!!! He doesn’t know how to talk care of himself how can he take care of we the people!!! Don’t forget to vote!! Your vote can stop lies and save lives, with dignity and integrity let freedom ring!!
Why dont they move to Russia? They would be much happier there.
Why do they hate the governor so much ?
@Thrill Me

Vladimir Putin would have had them all shot by now
@Chester Jeffrey the governor closed their gyms.
@Gulliver the Gullible . yeah right , where the director of the KGB reigns as Dictator 4 life… Soviet Russia
The department of justice has repeatedly said that white supremacists, KKK and Neo Nazis are the worst threat to our security. Yet Rump thinks there are good people on both sides and does not condemn them and asks them to stand by. Vote him out people!!!
Fascist extreme radical far right hard right wingers are lucky that there are no left wing militias in blue states.
@Filthy P I’m antifa. Meaning, I’m anti-fascist. I haven’t destroyed any property or businesses lately.
You just have ANTIFA beta males who like to light people’s businesses on fire whenever something hurts their feelings. Too cowardly to do anything other than vandalize things and burn innocent people’s property.
Trumpers think us Democrats and progressives don’t own guns. Lol the delusion is real
@Filthy P Exactly. The left are deranged!
Filthy P Exactly but “ANTIFA isn’t an organization, it’s a thought” is what they believe because biden said it.
When you tell people to Liberate Michigan, How did you think people would take that? Think before engaging Mouth please!
he knew what he was doing! he still wants her dead, it’s strange.
He got kicked out of a militia, so he started his own? Not a red flag at all. What’s the term… American Taliban?
The term I always hear is “Patriot”.
Y’all Qaeda I believe is more common
Trump isn’t president for America. He’s only president for his supporters.
his cult dude some of them comments it’s crazy like they worship him
tds is showing!
And he doesn’t even keep them safe with his covid non wearing a mask insane self. All cult leaders victimize their own cult members though so its not shocking.
Just a few months ago, Donald Trump tweeted “Liberate Michigan” dangerous rhetoric from the President encouraging violence.
Build back better text united to 30330

you are nutz!
better than saying we should bomb the white house
Dangerous Rhetoric is what you post, taking his Tweet out of the context it was actually said in, just displays your own ignorance Brian.
He was talking about her Locking Down the State. Now ruled as Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
Bunch of democrats
Even though this story is absolutely critical to talk about, democrats remember: the key to winning the election is to talk about COVID. When covid is the top story, trumps polls drop
“he was in a militia and he got kicked out”
….whose red flag is this?
didn’t their compound have a flag that said “give me liberty or give me death?” WEREN’T THEY ALL TAKEN ALIVE? LOSERS LOL
You take away their guns and they’d be a bunch of ninnies.
“That Woman in Michigan… “. DJT
1). This character thinks Women are Aliens ? Or what ?
2) Besides 1861—- There has never been a President who encourages Division. , Hostility
and Violence
Any Solutions ? Yes. Only one—— your 1 single Vote will be more than enough to vote him out
But it is Critically needed.
The current U.S. President, is encouraging domestic terrorism in this country. Let that sink in for a moment.
These groups have proven time and time again that they are more than willing to engage in violence and domestic terrorism on Trump’s behalf. Like Alqaeda, Trump is OBL to these MilitiaTerrorists.
Hate is a Cancer. Left untreated it kills.
America need’s to eradicate this cancer called fear and get healthy again.
Its been said that “the fish rots from the head” and this is true, and so does a nation. And the insidious rot that has gripped this nation, can be traced directly to the occupant in the Oval Office..
“I think my rhetoric brings people together,” Donald said that last year, just four days after a 21-year-old MAGA supporter posted an anti-immigrant message online and then at a Walmart in El Paso, TX, taking the lives of 22 people, and injuring dozens of others.
A nationwide review conducted has identified at least 54 criminal cases where Trump was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault.
After a La.tino gas station attendant in Gainesville, Florida, was suddenly pu.nched in the head by a MAGA supporter, the victim could be heard on surveillance camera recounting the attacker’s own words: “He said, ‘This is for Trump.'”
When police questioned a Washington state man about his threats to mu.rder a local immigrant, the suspect told police he wanted the victim to “get out of my country,” adding, “That’s why I like Trump.”
Reviewing police reports and court records, the review found that in at least 12 cases perpetrators hailed DJT in the midst or immediate aftermath of physically assaulting innocent victims. In another 18 cases, perpetrators cheered or defended Trump while taunting or threatening others. And in another 10 cases, Trump and his rhetoric were cited in court to explain a defendant’s violent or threatening behavior.
The review could not find a single criminal case filed in federal or state court where an act of violence or threat was made in the name of Obama or Bush.
The 54 cases identified are remarkable in that a link to DJT is captured in court documents and police statements, under the penalty of perjury or contempt. These links are not speculative – they are documented in official records. And in the majority of cases, it was the perpetrators themselves who invoked DJT’s name in connection with their case, not anyone else..
Trump is the chaos and disorder president. He is the cloven hoofed purveyor of fear & loathing, of pandemics & death. He is a provocateur of mayhem & upheaval. He is a merchant of lies & deception. And he is trying to create an America in his own image: vile, dark, hopeless, bleak, backwards, malignant, grotesque, ignorant, selfish, indecent, malicious, debased, indifferent, and malevolent.
Trump and his followers are exactly what Voltaire was talking about when he said: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”