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So how school in st Ann is going to open
My question exactly
Poor people always have it hard
Didn’t mo salah get covid twice?
No body in Jamaica can’t do any study! We have to depend on !
There’s a feeling that there is natural herbs that can help in the fight of Covid
Your comment needs better punctuation for people to understand it clearly.
No offense is intended.
We a State of Emergency the Curfew not cutting it at all
The tourism sector cannot exist on local patrons alone and the Jamaican economy cannot exist on tourism alone. I like Mr Bartlett’s optimism but this is writing in the wall that we must learn how to better diversify our economy and significant root out corruption and address the crime problems
Why TVJ only carry CNN news? Why the prime minister only established global covid policies in Jamaica ?
CNN is fake news
I have being asking that question myself also.
@Pyonair Press 24 our immunity is better than their vaccine why choose their overnight vaccine , the vaccine that the prime minister said that he would take; how can the poor people know that it will be the same vaccine, these people are working for Satan and his dupes.
Why is because all is apart of the same agenda, CNN TVJ PRIME MINISTER, ONE WORLD, NEW WORLD ORDER. THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, GREAT DECEPTION, don’t trust them
CNN is international, that means world wide.
Poor people fed up
We need to trun from our evil ways ..come together as one at the end of the day we r all Jamaica’s

Curfew is good. Especially since Covid only comes out at night
Lol ….
99% recovery rate . But we still need the vaccine

My thoughts exactly, why is there such a force behind this vaccine when there is a 99% recovery? It’s sad to say but like Europe and other countries the laws in jamaica will only get more draconian and liberty restricting.
@Andrew Blake even if you never had covid before they want you to get the vaccine…. the more they vaccine people the more money they make. The bible says “the love of money is root of all evil.”
Cathy: point taken, and just like the no mask no service barberianism system that they have going on, it will b tho same , no vaccine no service.
@Andrew Blake exactly.
Dem nah talk bout the death rate for the people them getting the vaccines tho. Kmt.
Why are there so many ads daily.
We are unable to watch the news in peace because of the ads
Yu people only pray when ur in trouble

I can’t wait for this virus to go away. Be safe people. Thanks for bringing us the news, Giovani.
Wat virus u talking about. It’s 1 year now since the fraud going on and u are still in the dark. Please do some research things will never gets back to normal. Satanic vaccine coming
@Peter Neil since it’s a fraud, why don’t you go outside without a mask and with no social distancing?
@Dawn Palmer am not scared Covid is not among the people. People forcing me to wear mask the testing is the biggest fraud am one of the person in the street without mask am god fearing. They looking help to carry out the evil agenda the government with him criminal protocols him fi wear satanic mask
@Peter Neil first of all God fearing people are smart/wise. You’re not being truthful. Continue down that path and you will get the virus.
Hate hear the word pandemic. This is a plandemic
It is so sad to see so many Jamaicans still in the dark, so blind to what is really happening, sadly many are going to take the vaccine and then we will experience Hell on Earth, The Elites plans are working,
Really sad trust mi
All these extension of the covid curfews are in alignment with other countries in Europe and the Caribbean, they will not end until the jamaican ppl comply with vaccine .
Too many ads TVJ. Not even half way through and more than 5 ads already.
I need to go there to get mine done once I land in Jamaica
I feel your pain Geovanie, all they allow you to talk about is Covid and the Evil bwoy Gates Vaccines.
Curfew can’t stop the spread of corona!!!!