CNN's John King looks a round the country at Covid-19 trends and sees that many states clustered in the Southeastern US who reopened early are seeing new coronavirus cases go up.
#Coronavirus #CNN #News
New coronavirus cases climb in Southeast states that reopened

It’s like a weather forecast but with the grim reaper
it should be more like “I smell bullshit”
They didn’t die. Its just a rise in cases…. Not deaths…
@Mickeymickstein Please expose what drugs you are on. I’m in need of what you are on now. I really don’t care if it will even kill me before covid 19 does at this point, i’m going mad to where I NEED it at this point. I hate reality!
Michael B .l0
scooby sk
I like the touch screen, very cool. No green screen lol
At least you know what green screen is.
@Zacharya Evaristi Ruff day?
Yup its great living in the future.
Just here for the comments. Cough it up folks
@May Cartagena
@Think About it.
@Jennifer Russell
@Sasuke Uchiha
@Andrew Sprague

“If you look at this map, it is a map of sadness.”
Why do I feel like this is gonna be the next meme
Mastema You mad bro

people, make a meme out of it RIGHT NOW
Stupid programing.
Quick Patrick write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN!!!!
The map shows Vermont cases increasing by 50 percent. Yea VT went from 2 new cases to 3. It is 50% but come on CNN…
Lol Massachusetts is going down to and is red lol
To be fair, they didn’t really focus on Vermont and did say that it wasn’t necessarily a cause for alarm, but yes, I think the numbers can’t really be reviewed when they are that low.
Where did you get 2 to 3 cases from? After about 5 seconds of googling I found out they have over 900 cases. What?!
@Adam Greene 2-3 new cases
This is the comment that persuaded me, thank you.
i’m just here to watch the people cough
“map of sadness” lol that’s not good! 0:25 hysteria
So they currently have a hospital bed for me that I couldn’t possibly afford anyway, and only until the second wave heats up. woo hoo
Where’s Minneapolis going to be in a few weeks, is the question.
It’s worth the deaths
Wherever they say.
It will be in Minnesota.
Not my Question?!
Just be smart,…and YOU’LL BE FINE!!
Just wear a mask and carry sanitizer! Wipe food packages down. Jesus,…It’s not rocket science.
Let’s move on,…shall we.
Who cares ?….

Turn those numbers into percentages and you’ll see the real picture. However this is still a sad situation.
Yeah that’s true. It’s like “Oh look at all these deaths and cases, this thing is super dangerous” then you see a percentage and realize it’s not that bad.
@Nevanator2005 fr. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. We are like 5 or 6 times the size (population) of the UK. And way more dispersed. It’s easy to say woow look at those numbers but we’re doing better or at least comparable to some of the other countries. Not to say that’s an amazing thing, but they should stop roosting the administration for it. It’s nature
They we’re warned and people just go out and act like everything is over
You can come down with it in you’re own home moron!

The Vengeful One Then it will be Covid-20 the mutation
@Ameer Abdallah Stop! That makes sense.
Charles Darwin has entered the chat.
God has left the game
Us people- we can go out again
Covid-19- hold my beer
SO GAY,…so over used!!
Is this what they mean when they say “The South will rise again?”
couldn’t be anymore excited
I wonder how long it will take them to surrender this time?
Yup, stupidity in the south will rise again……even though it’s always been there
50% of death in retirement homes. Thanks Cuomo…i smell a class action lawsuit coming……
@Sammy N Trump wasn’t the one who put corona virus patients in nursing homes
Sammy N
they’re not so different
bumbling big mouth losers
@Sammy N maybe try doing research first before you talk. trump is much much better than cuomo.
@mopthermopther as a trump supporter i do agree that he talks more than he should about topics he shouldnt. but you have to hand it to him, if he wasnt in office the country would have millions of people dead as all of the dems didnt want to close the country and its borders as soon as he did. he got all of the ventilators where they needed to be and also isnt putting sick patients (who arent of age) into nursing homes.
yeah, trumpy is doing the best he can. He has to fight the virus and his critics
Let natural selection run it’s course.
Utah feels untouched by covid, we’ve been open all year but for 2 weeks in March.
@Melissa Arriiaga Wow, that’s impressive! Everyone there must be on some good multivitamins or something.
Does anyone else think that comparing the entirety of the us to MUCH smaller European countries seems kind of unfair? Maybe the EU is a more apt comparison.
Whaddya mean?!?!? It’s completely 1:1 accurate to compare countries that are less populated than some cities in America with America as a whole.
States Re-open business during pandemic and virus cases soar?
that didnt actually happen. only around 18k cases were new when the states opened.
I live in East Tennessee. All I’ve seen on the interstate in the last 3 weeks was cars from the northeast states! Y’all think maybe you should stay at home?