New conservative group got $1.6 billion from single donor

Marble Freedom Trust, a new group led by prominent conservative lawyer Leonard Leo, has received $1.6 billion from one donor — the largest single contribution to a politically focused nonprofit that's ever been made public, and a fortune that could be used to fuel right-wing interests. CNN's Drew Griffin reports. #CNN #News


    1. That’s why we make politicians take an oath so when these politicians become elected officials they don’t use their power to change the laws to keep themselves in power without accountability.
      That’s why they take an oath. It’s supposed to be a promise they will be servants of the people and never abuse their power.
      If there’s no oath to hold these elected officials accountable we the people become subservient.

  1. This is the problem with this Country! People think they can buy into politics! Obsession with Money doesn’t help anyone!

    1. Louis Brandeis said “You can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few or you can have a democracy but you cannot have both”
      That is the crux of the problem.

  2. “1.6 billion dollars. It is, according to experts, a staggering amount.”
    Good thing we have experts to tell us that.

    1. I suspected the amount was big, maybe even large but that’s why i am not an expert. I guess this is what they mean by nuanced reporting. When are the Peabody’s given out?

    1. @worthey1969 His golfing trips cost the taxpayers 10 times his salary clown…He golfed for over a year in office

    1. @Armastat _Shhh child. go back in with the other kids. The adults are talking here._


      You cant deny that you admitted the SC is not impartial so you attack the poster. LOL.

  3. Another reason for a No Political Campaign Donation Bill.
    Each candidate is given 30 or so minutes on a free broadcast government channel to explain their stance on issues and what is important to them, etc…. Followed by statistics on their votes for Bills if they’re serving currently and those from any terms served previously.
    No donations, contributions, or gifts.
    Other countries do this… why not us??

    1. I still don’t understand how requiring your name if you donate is somehow a 1st amendment violation. Citizen United ruling was crap

    2. Or in a country where you need massive amounts of money to run the campaign, have candidates draw the same amount from a pool of public campaign funds. Use your taxes for the public for a change instead of kicking it all up to the companies that strangle you.

    1. Politics is supposed to be Machivellian. Religion is supposed to be good. I actually like politics better.

  4. How sad a 90 year old business man giving away his riches to a party whom that money will only benefit themselves.

    1. @Denize untied states could of ended hunger around the world with the money they are sending Ukraine for a stupid war.

  5. This is the most important story of the news cycle. Don’t stop talking about this until we know the name Leonard Leo like we know the Koch’s by name.

    1. @W U How about you outline the details of Soros’ actions as a lead in to what prompted your actual question which, you have to admit, is pretty vague.

  6. This is why it is so odd that some in the Working Class believe that Republicans are fighting for the little guy. Judges placed by Republicans played a huge roll in these loopholes.

  7. It’s very concerning when a record political donation is going to someone who has done enormous harm already. This should ring alarm bells for anyone who values democracy.

  8. How can that be?!!! This is outrageous! Dark money, no tax?!!!
    Politics in US is such dirty business. We have some nerve telling other countries how to run.

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