CNN Political Director David Chalian reveals the latest polling that suggests President Biden receives low marks from most Americans. CNN’s Rahel Solomon and , Washington Post national correspondent Philip Bump explain why the economy is driving Biden’s job approval numbers lower and how that may impact Democrats’ chances in the 2022 midterm elections. #CNN #News
New CNN poll: Few Americans think Biden has right priorities

imagine bragging about $4/gallon gas. Lmao
We are still paying around $5 here in Indianapolis.
10$ would be better
To keep in mind those numbers that think everything’s going well it’s the few that don’t have no financial issues that’s the rich the rest is the Americans that are struggling day today because of the rich
If you are struggling that is your fault, man up and handle business. You will never succeed blaming someone else for your problems, grow up and be a man.
I subscribed Epoch Times newspaper last year because so many friends kept recommending it to me, Wow! It is a trusted voice that really opened my mind, I feel so lucky to have it during the long and terrible pandemic time.
Don’t Forget that the first words out of Biden’s mouth when he declared his run for President was: “My name is Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States SENATE.” And it’s been a rambling, senile roller-coaster ride ever since.
For roller coaster, see the Orange Ball Sack.
@Rick Lichau As the saying goes …. you can’t fix stupid, but they are easy to identify from their MAGA red hats.
38% approval and that’s on a CNN poll so you know it’s actually much lower
I subscribed Epoch Times newspaper last year because so many friends kept recommending it to me, Wow! It is a trusted voice that really opened my mind, I feel so lucky to have it during the long and terrible pandemic time.
@Jao Bidan I think around 19-23%.
*Trump made a statement! Watch the video, everyone is shocked* EVERYDAYS.ML
Mr.Paul – respect for you.
I smell a scam
I subscribed Epoch Times newspaper last year because so many friends kept recommending it to me, Wow! It is a trusted voice that really opened my mind, I feel so lucky to have it during the long and terrible pandemic time.
Imagine how the main stream media would have treated Trump under Brandon’s job performance or lack there of
They treated him that way, anyway.
Agreed, imagine if it had been President Trump’s wife who had referred to Latinos as “Tacos.”
@Truth91 even a potato?
I’ve yet to hear an explanation why the war on fossil fuels, why leaving the border wide open and better yet, why couldn’t Biden just tell Ukraine, they’re not getting into NATO? Remember what your dad told you about a good running car, don’t mess with the engine….
How is border wide open? It is the same exact policy that Trump had. Besides what happened to that 15 billion dollar wall built. Someone steal it or was it just a stupid idea?
To validate CNN’s poll, a new CNBC poll released today showing Biden’s economic approval is double digits lower than President Trump’s worst rating.
@Dominic Civitano glad to hear you’ve done your homework and know all about Sanders’ positions.Maybe you would be willing to share with us what is ridiculous about them
@dcprom0 No they polled only Democrats. That means Biden turned 8% of Democrats into Trumpers

Every thing Trump said Biden was going to do has happened.
So true !
YOU LIE .. the stock market is WAY UP
Remember when they said “the grown ups are back in charge?” Lmao then they elected Brandon.
@Skankhunt36 Obama???
You mean to tell me sending BILLIONS $$ OF TAX DOLLARS and MILLION BARRELS OF AMERICAN OIL to other countries was a bad idea???
1 Bongfacekilla Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Actually it did or have you not seen petrol prices coming diwn?
@гарненькадівчина puellam servum ad dominum we don’t care
He’s your guy. You helped drag this shell of a man over the finish line. The most popular President in history.
@Scratch King I’m a democrat and I personally sent in 200
If be so ashamed of myself if I voted for Biden.
This is the same Biden Administration that was happy to say we saved 4 cents on hotdogs! Whoopeee!
1 JT N Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Wowww CNN
For all of those that hate Trump, you deserve what Biden’s doing to you.
Both are same!!
FJB. It’s funny to me when CNN criticize the president they fought tooth and nail to get elected! I would say they hold some percentage of the fault for the state of things!
@Leif Otto that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to F things up.” – Obama
“Poor kids are just as smart and talented as white kids”
As if…
As if…
Oh wow. Is CNN finally showing signs of true journalism and news?
Tomorrow: “Jan 6th was the most deadly day in US history”.
4,000 dead from covid – 19 on Jan 6 ’21
*CNN, do you remember saying “the grown ups are back in charge?”.*

Well whoever is in charge, it certainly isn’t Joey
God these people are really just beyond belief. The pitchforks are coming
@Cornpop was a bad dude it is certainly joey
“He’s become the old man standing on his front lawn yelling at everyone.”
— Dr. Drew
1 WowJustWow Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
He gets snappy during his so called comments & speaches It’s redelicous as is everything else he’s destroyed & still doing
“Is there something Biden could do to combat that” yes, step down.
1 Jon Cobb Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Kristy Campbell Greetings Muli-Profile Democratic Socialist person – I see you have a new Profile –
auditing epics, NBA1, Andrea Madden, Mohamed Trevino, Kristy Campbell, Marie Lucas, Lauryn Greene, Kenia Mcauire, eddy Roehr
Keep them coming, this is fun
TRUMP2024 to clean up this mess