Vandalism of signs is routine, but this case goes to a new and troubling level.
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Trudeau has divided this country.
Fortunately only a month of him left.
PPC 2019!
I hope so!
@Carson Allaby who dat?
They probably vandalized their own sign. Definitely happens way more than actual hooligans.
Not from what I’ve witnessed first hand.
Jussie Smollett strikes again!
@James Biggar What have you seen? Just curious.
Get a life
Bro they backwards smh
Guarantee not one kid went home and asked there parents about the sight

This is happening in Montreal too. No excuse for this but never before has Canada been so divided. Thanks Trudeau.
Oscar Jetson can you explain why Trudeau is responsible?
@day1971 western alienation.
@day1971 if you need an explanation , you are either a liberal or haven’t listened to this one term PM the past 4 years.
That is not a swastika because the arms go the wrong direction.
Tyler Durden sure mister expert, will that make a difference for being dump?
Yeah…its a freedom wheel then. Hahaha
@day1971 your grammar is horrible.
Iron Draak still better than trying to find excuse for something so obvious.
@day1971 Who in this thread is trying to find excuses for this?
Justin go back to snowboarding we can’t stand you !!
Inspired by Jussie Smollet
Guaranteed the Liberals did this or the NDP to make it look like racism and then they will stand up and say Canada will not stand for this vote liberal and we’ll make sure this never happens
Abcs Yhhi3jejej Get a life
Idiots, probably some kids or something.
Idiots? I call them Geniuses!! Liberals are id*iots!!
Well, now they know how it feels.
More Liberals out playing with spray paint…. they are almost always hate hoaxes. And always hoaxes when the swastikas are backwards like these.
Props to this guy for illustrating how easily leftists cry
Mommy what was that old lady taking about on the news?
Who fckin cares, pay no attention to young vandels, plain and simple,
Atlantic Prov are waking up and well aware the lib-tards are the core of all this cluster f@@king — Must go and go now!
NB just elected a CON and we’re already feeling the train wreck. We can’t get right of Higgs fast enough.
LOL, some viewers might find these images offensive. Are you fuking kidding???? I can think of a lot more things that are more offensive than that!!
AWWW! Are the Wittle Liberal Party getting offended? Aww Muffins!!