New Book Explores President Donald Trump’s GOP Takeover | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Supporters of President Trump chanted “send her back” at a rally in North Carolina, but a brand new book traces the support of this rhetoric back to one vice presidential nominee. Politico Chief Political Correspondent and author of “American Carnage” Tim Alberta joins Stephanie Ruhle to explain.
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New Book Explores President Donald Trump’s GOP Takeover | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

New Book Explores President Donald Trump’s GOP Takeover | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


  1. trump was the bomb we all lit years ago. Looking back, yes Sara Palin was a warning sign. Too late now. We haveto come up with solutions! We haveto start addressing the problems that brought trump into power in the first place!

    1. In its quest to make America Venezuela, the Left is coming for your toilet paper.

      Kimberley Strassel spotted this beaut on Twitter:

      And now they are coming for your toilet paper….. To be clear, folks, there is NOTHING the left would not seek to control in people’s daily lives under the guise of fixing “climate change.” They will even tell you with what to wipe.

      — Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) July 18, 2019

      Apparently, toilet paper is the new plastic straw of the green lobby, and they’re out to put a stop to it. Kid you not, here is what the National Resources Defense Council is shilling as its new narrative:

    2. snoop alert of course Snoop, a black President would absolutely be hard for you to take. Are you a Native American? If not, go back to where your ancestors came from. America was stolen from them and black Americans were taken against their will to work as slaves for white invaders of someone else’s country. Is that clear enough for your ignorant mind.

    3. snoop alert: No. It wasn’t Obama. It was the Clintons. The people who voted TWICE for Obama blamed the Clintons for their troubles. I don’t blame them! Looking back I can see and understand that! I wouldn’t vote for a Clinton either if I were in their shoes!

    4. Russia, Robert Mercer the unknown billionaire racist kingmaker, FBI has to get tougher and more aggressive with these domestic alt right terrorists, and the social media giants ( FB, Google, Twitter has too as well ). I don’t know if i agree about Sarah Palin as it was about the Tea Party which got uglier and more scarier ( started as a bunch angry old white guys who lost everything in the 2008 crash and devolved into a bunch of goatee wearing guys who showed up with guns at rallies ). Now these MAGA guys are like the Nazi Brown shirt SA guys who were led by the homosexual Ernst Rohm ( Hitler had him arrested and killed…..Night of the Long Knives ). The Feds have let these fascist scum off the hook for a long time ( don’t forget the Bundy Standoff too…..should’ve took a picture of all these guys and arrested them later ).

  2. The only plus we’ve had with having the incestuous lunatic as president is that,he has really shown us how frail that our Constitutional form of government really is,nobody should ever make it for granted again.

    1. In its quest to make America Venezuela, the Left is coming for your toilet paper.

      Kimberley Strassel spotted this beaut on Twitter:

      And now they are coming for your toilet paper….. To be clear, folks, there is NOTHING the left would not seek to control in people’s daily lives under the guise of fixing “climate change.” They will even tell you with what to wipe.

      — Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) July 18, 2019

      Apparently, toilet paper is the new plastic straw of the green lobby, and they’re out to put a stop to it. Kid you not, here is what the National Resources Defense Council is shilling as its new narrative:

    2. If Trump said oxygen is good for you – 20 million Democrats would immediately stop breathing and suffocate themselves.

    1. Based on what logic? Epstein is scum, and deserves what is hopefully coming to him, but if you’re expecting some deep Trump connection beyond him being another example of the “best” people Trump sleazes around with, I’m quite sure you’ll be disappointed.

    2. Someone Else completely agree. the pizzagate/ Q ppl are feeding on this like misquitos.. the fact that some still believe trump is some kind of savior is not only terrifying but also depressing.

  3. “The forces that produced Trump and Palin” are Fox News… Trump and Palin are only a symptom of the larger problem

    1. We have met the enemy and he is us (Pogo). Trump is the focal point, but the scary thing is the fear and anger of a large, uneducated minority of Americans, who DT has deceived.

    2. Fox News, right-wing radio, right-wing internet media, right-wing think tanks and strategists, New Gingritch — it’s all the propaganda of the GOP. Their talking points have long appealed to the worst in people.

  4. Several articles have stated that there are ‘hundreds/thousands’ of videos/recordings, etc that were confiscated from all of Epstein’s homes during the FBI raids. One can only imagine the BIG NAMES that will appear in the future.

  5. Epstein is working for M ossad and Ghislaine Maxwell is his handler.
    M o s s a d is running a huge blackmail operation.

  6. Blackmail in the underground tunnels under that weird temple on St James has video of many rooms with children trafficked from Haiti on boat or submarine to the underground tunnel under the island

    1. In its quest to make America Venezuela, the Left is coming for your toilet paper.

      Kimberley Strassel spotted this beaut on Twitter:

      And now they are coming for your toilet paper….. To be clear, folks, there is NOTHING the left would not seek to control in people’s daily lives under the guise of fixing “climate change.” They will even tell you with what to wipe.

      — Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) July 18, 2019

      Apparently, toilet paper is the new plastic straw of the green lobby, and they’re out to put a stop to it. Kid you not, here is what the National Resources Defense Council is shilling as its new narrative:

    2. @RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING LMAO You are totally delusional. Trump’s nationalism is exactly the path to Venezuela’s type of government. They have national socialism which is what the Republican Party has always strived for. The progressives in the Democratic Party have advocated democratic socialism, which is completely different from national socialism. Democratic socialism believes that some parts of society may be better if they are democratically planned: mass transit, medical care, minimum wage, etc. Democratic socialism still believes the capitalist market is best for consumer goods and services. You are arguing from ignorance. BTW posting some idiot’s blog post isn’t impressive at all. Shows just how gullible you are.

  7. Every single person that have even the minimum of common sense know, that “unfortunately” Trump is undoubtedly a pathological liar, maniacally hypocrite and even more worse!

  8. trump fails again. We all saw and heard whats going on, started by him, fueled and stoked by him and endorsed by him.

    1. Do your homework. Going for the middle class was the ‘southern strategy’, not the whites.

    2. When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act he correctly stated that he’d just turned the South over to the GOP. And that’s what happened. Dixiecrats like Strom Thurmond switched allegiance. The South’s racist power base went from Dem to Rep overnight.

  9. Decades of Fox News treating opinion as news and stoking fear of immigrants among a depressed white rural population is what led us to the dumpster fire that is t’rump.

  10. Interesting Kid Rock is mentioned
    And to think Kid Rock came to the hood… live in the hood… was accepted in the Detroit hood… was embraced by the hood… became a successful artist… now he wraps himself in the confederate flag… his home looks like a slave planation estate… go figure..

  11. This guy stole Noam Chomsky’s commentary for the last 4 years….. Google noam Chomsky and democracy now interview

  12. Well at least it’s a Book with more than 30 pages, so Trumpsky will never be able to read it anyway.

    1. If Trump said oxygen is good for you – 20 million Democrats would immediately stop breathing and suffocate themselves.

  13. When John McCain chose Palin as his running mate I thought that disqualified him from becoming president. It was a colossal failure of judgment. I could tell she was a shallow nut job just from watching TV. And I had no opportunity to meet her like he did. I’m not even American

  14. Which “hopes and ambitions” was Reagan “channeling” when he stoked outrage over “welfare queens?”

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