1. Thank you for sharing today’s best information.. great.. greetings from traditional Indonesian gold seekers ️⛏️👍👍

  2. Yikes. This makes me think the gator was dead when the python came upon it. I can’t believe an alligator that size could be trapped and swallowed head-first by any-sized python

    1. @Zeuvy Nah, they’ve been alive longer than we have. Life SUCKS for all animals on this planet at this moment. Life below water surface is chaos and the Lions are skinny

    2. @Oracle Of Delphi Hehe, we deal with Trump and y’all deal with snakes, spiders and gators. Trump belongs to one of those

    3. Snakes are idiots. I have this happen before. Taking on more than they can handle and exploding. But at 18ft, he should have been able to digest this gator. Just got caught and killed while trying to.

    4. @Vashtha Fell Omen Obviously any animal in the world will take on more than they can handle when they are in any sort of captivity, you would too. IT CANT digest the hard shell of the gator, impossible for any bio-chemical matter to do unless strong acids

    1. @Bean Season Like Seriously, HOW DUMB CAN YOU BE NOT TO UNDERSTAND THE METAPHORICAL connection… I’m an African IN Africa and I got EXACTLY what that comment was about and YOU DIDN’T/ DON’T get it..???
      I honestly sometimes question the level of Americans’ LITERACY – NO wonder YOU guys have some REEAAALLY stinking politics especially the MAGAs who managed to make YOU become such a Huuuge Embarrassment to the rest of the World on January 6th, 2021 … Oh my… 🙄😒😏🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

    2. @Bean Season I just explained that before I read this threat in a lengthy comment. Just search for my name under “newest comments”.

  3. We are living in their territory..is what my aunt always said. We just have to learn to live among these animals.

    1. @KBuchanan0470 Umm, _Burmese_ Python. They are not native, originating from SE Asia. People buy them as pets and then release them when they get too big.

    2. @KBuchanan0470 You do realize that we are apart of this world as well right? Humans are not aliens. We just happen to adapt better than most species on the planet.

  4. I’m thankful the Smell-o-Vision idea never really developed. Bad enough seeing that – I don’t want to smell it too.

    1. Perhaps not so much to the scientists who work with her in person.
      Just like it’s probably not so surprising to other models who’ve spoken with her to find out she’s a scientist.

    2. @Andreas Habeck Because the person that said that thinks very little of women. Just because a woman is smoking hot and knows it doesn’t mean she can’t also be well educated and smart. You should always play to your talents, and she’s got plenty.

  5. When a group of people who are used to necropsies are THAT disgusted by a bad smell…YIKES!!
    A normal person’s nose would’ve resigned in protest.

  6. Wooow, wht an incredible sight, amazing, beautiful nature at it finest… and the snake thing was pretty cool too. 👍👍

  7. In Florida, your neighbor is either a burmese python or an aggressive gator. You are lucky if either is not actually your roommate.

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