Nevada Passes Law To Make Voting Easier, Defying Trump Bluster | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman explains a new law in Nevada making it easier to vote, including vote by mail, and the challenges of overcoming obstinate Republican opposition in advancing such legislation. Aired on 8/3/2020.
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Nevada Passes Law To Make Voting Easier, Defying Trump Bluster | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. @real american that’s an exact discription of that coward Trump. Apparently, only cowards, ANTIAMERICAN, UNCHRISTIAN PRO- communist Fascist want Trump in the white house.
      Trump won’t be in the White House in 2021. The majority of GENUINE Americans despise this fraud and know he is UNAMERICAN, ANTI-DEMOCRACY, ANTI-AMERICAN, ANTI-CONSTITUTION and is a pro COMMUNIST, Dictator loving racist.

    2. real american Let..?! What are you going to do to prevent a democratic election? Send unmarked militia men in unmarked cars to the voting centers to harass citizens?

    3. @madhatter 41 Does grandma know you are playing on her computer?
      She will be down there soon to cut the crust off your grilled cheese sandwich little one.

    1. Yea, whatever you do, make sure you vote for the leftard DemonKKKommieKKKrat party of slavery, Dred Scott, the Civil War, segregation, black codes, Jim Crow, lynchings, and the founding of the KKK.

    1. @fsf dsfa you watched it, stupid!

      And while you’re here, please tell us why Bill O’Reilly & Roger Ailes “quit” Fox ?

  1. Make sure you’re registered to vote, they are purging the system. Vote early and/or via mail in ballot. Vote Trump and his supporters out.

    1. @real american why are you so worried about it then. Dont check, ignore the post, go away.

    2. ​@Miss Kitten You need to get back in the line where he “grab them by the pu$$y”
      President Trump made a “surprise” appearance on the White House lawn on Friday morning for a free-wheeling Fox & Friends interview. Among all the topics the president addressed, the least surprising was his fondness for North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, or rather, the devotion the people trapped in his gulag nation are forced to show him. While telling Fox & Friends nodding head Steve Doocy about the progress he thinks he made with Kim regarding denuclearization, he unexpectedly pivoted into one of the most honest admissions he’s ever made in public. “He’s the head of a country, and I mean, he’s the strong head, don’t let anyone think anyone different,” Trump said. “He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”
      Source: Source:


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      if trump uses 12 mg ivermectin and 100 mg doxycyclin  and dexamethasone a day for 5days he will be president again. he is not as smart as using it. so he can not be president again .

      the reason why koreans success to keep virus spreading is wearing masks.

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    2. 힘들다 Ivermectin is a flea/tick repellent for dogs. ???!!! Even my collie was sensitive to that drug.


      the combination of ivermectin 12mg with doxycycline 100mg can  cure covid 19. within a few days.
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      if trump uses 12 mg ivermectin and 100 mg doxycyclin  and dexamethasone a day for 5days he will be president again. he is not as smart as using it. so he can not be president again .

      the reason why koreans success to keep virus spreading is wearing masks.

      in korea some cancer patients took 98 mg ivermectin a day for 30days straightly to cure cancer. they had a some side effects but they did not die. so taking upto 48mg ivermectin 250mg arzithromycin is ok. for 7days ..if he or she is in serious condition

  2. Trump is doing everything to try to subvert our elections.
    Please don’t assume anything. Get out and vote! BLUE. Young, Elderly, Brown, Black, White fellow citizens. You can check your voting status at: vote dot org. We cannot let the GOP limit our right to vote. They use gerrymandering, voter roll “cleansing” and Trump threatens to question mail-in voting and vote results. Folks are turning away from this corrupt party. But we must exercise our right to vote in order to protect it.


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      if trump uses 12 mg ivermectin and 100 mg doxycyclin  and dexamethasone a day for 5days he will be president again. he is not as smart as using it. so he can not be president again .

      the reason why koreans success to keep virus spreading is wearing masks.

      in korea some cancer patients took 98 mg ivermectin a day for 30days straightly to cure cancer. they had a some side effects but they did not die. so taking upto 48mg ivermectin 250mg arzithromycin is ok. for 7days ..if he or she is in serious condition

    2. “Trump is doing everything to try to subvert our elections.

      LMAO! Nonfookingsense! Look how easily you leftard crackpots lie.

      Vote Blue??? Yea, whatever you do, make sure you vote for the leftard DemonKKKommieKKKrat party of slavery, Dred Scott, the Civil War, segregation, black codes, Jim Crow, lynchings, and the founding of the KKK.

  3. Threatening to sue over passing a bill to ensure voter suppression doesn’t take place 🤨🧐 How interesting…


      the combination of ivermectin 12mg with doxycycline 100mg can  cure covid 19. within a few days.
      with dexamethason

      with vitamin d 1000IU .magnesium 150mg vitaminb12 500mcg aspirin 81mg 

      if trump uses 12 mg ivermectin and 100 mg doxycyclin  and dexamethasone a day for 5days he will be president again. he is not as smart as using it. so he can not be president again .

      the reason why koreans success to keep virus spreading is wearing masks.

      in korea some cancer patients took 98 mg ivermectin a day for 30days straightly to cure cancer. they had a some side effects but they did not die. so taking upto 48mg ivermectin 250mg arzithromycin is ok. for 7days ..if he or she is in serious condition

    2. ​@1tonson2 You can call me whatever names you like, but it just reflects poorly on you. It’s just an attempt to deflect from the fact that you don’t understand mail-in voting and can’t find any reputable sources to support your baseless claims. Not only do you expose your ignorance in your comments, but you also reveal your fragility and desperation. I have no intention of leaving America, this is my country and I believe in American democracy and the sacred right to vote.

    3. @1tonson2 funny he did so much research but yet when Trump chose a team to go investigate voter fraud he couldn’t find anything he accused Democrats of but, did find it in Republicans.

    4. @Regina Fetty YEAH, and OBAMA/HOLDER refused to look at ANY of his research..
      The fats are there just ignore them..

  4. “If we had no testing, we would show very few cases.” -The President of the United States of America’s.

    If we had no unemployment statistics, we wouldn’t have any unemployed people.
    If we didn’t have police, we would have no criminals. .
    If we don’t go to the dentist, we wouldn’t have as many cavities!
    If you don’t have a mirror, you aren’t really here

    1. @Tarquin Bright you have selective memory. Trump said it was a democratic hoax then campaigned telling people not to wear masks and encouraged governor’s to open up the economy in spite of elevation of infections. Only after a personal visit from Tucker Carlson did Trump start taking the virus seriously.

    2. @Tarquin Bright Trump is so stupid he brags on passing a cognitive test that is so simple a ten year old can past it . He is fragile can’t hardly walk up or down a ramp and can’t hold a glass with one hand. He once said windmills cause cancer. That Frederick Douglas is still living. That raking leaves can prevent a forest fire. That dropping a nuclear bomb in a hurricane can break it up. That injecting Lysol or bleach in your body will cure the virus. I have never heard biden say such stupid things nor have I heard anybody agrrlee with Trump. As far as democratic cities Trump has never addressed the root cause of the social unrest he only calls protesters agitators . And instead of trying to control the pandemic and help citizens deal with the repercussions of lost income and unemployment he made Confederate monuments his priority.

    3. If we don’t vote trump will be forever our president until he passes job to another family member

    4. @Tarquin Bright No, the numbers appear high because testing shows that people are positive for Covid. If people were Covid negative then the testing would show low numbers.

    1. The Democrats are planning the biggest mail-in voter fraud in history. They are good at it. First they need a reason to force everyone to use mail-in ballots. COVID – 19. Then they will falsify millions of votes. Mail-in ballots is a common tactic they use in just about every election. Next the left news (propaganda machines) will start presenting the narrative that Trump wont accept the results of the election. They are already doing this. Even Chris Wallace (leftist in disguise) is promoting that narrative.

    2. @Steve Fitts Yes, we are all in on it. Dems, Deep State, Globalists, Soros, Hillary, Unicorns, everyone is in and only your keen mind could unravel our clever conspiracy. Well, I guess we’re done then… good job.

  5. Nevada passed a law to be part of an American democracy…..let’s hope other states want to join……..

    1. Worrywart @ tell me where my facts are wrong? When you have no facts I see you like to insult… Your the child…

    2. @ATM GUY you’re a conspiracy theorist brainless ignorant hillbilly boot licking Trumpanzee…….go drink your ‘shine, take your meth, your heroin, your opioids – and clean your loaded guns, civilian in-bred…..

    3. Utah has had mail in voting for years & people love it. You don’t have to take an unpaid day off work. Or hire a baby sitter in just to go & vote.

  6. More politicians need to stand up to Dictator Trump and his empty threats. Trump has ruined our economy and our Democracy.

    1. What’s Up Because in our democracy, going out to protest during a pandemic is promoted but voting in person is prohibited. Needing an ID to vote is banned…but you can’t do anything else without one….sounds like a perfect communist democracy.

    2. @Alisha Monique I don’t know which city, county, or state in which you reside, but in NV they ask for ID and compare the signature on file in their election book BEFORE handing me the plastic computer ballot card. In the last primary election they allowed Mail-in and matched your signature on file with the one returned on your ballot. My son received a time sensitive letter from the county informing him that his signatures did not match and he had to provide a copy of his signed ID as well as providing his signature on the letter or his ballot would be discarded. Sounds like you have an issue with your local election board. Good luck

  7. Unbelievable she is having to say this to the (so called) president of USA, he is such an embarrassment to you guys, hope you shake him off in November

    1. @janet clough Thanks but I doubt a simple shaking off is going to suffice. After he has vacated the WH I think we will need to do a DEEP scrubbing, Pressure washed, and Blow dried in order to rid the USA of this Orange Stain

  8. Well done Nevada! (To be honest, I was shocked at hearing 3rd generation free. This is the 21st century… ) and yes, a voting right is sacred. Tnx!

    1. Are you handicape or disability need vote by mail-in!!!!!! Dementia JOE is a sick, old, corrupt, and supporting leftist violence!! He should go to jail or retirement house!!!!!

    2. my name haha. Have you actually heard Trump’s interviews? 🤣 And you’re saying Biden’a the one who has dementia??!! 😆😆

  9. The Stable Genius logic:
    1) It is unsafe to go out and vote on *one day* so let’s delay election.
    2) It is perfectly safe to go out *everyday* so let’s send kids to school.

  10. Gee, you would think the GOP would want voting as easy as possible so their constituents could support them in this YUUUUGE win in Nov they keep mentioning…

  11. Sad that a state has to say “ We are not afraid of you” referring to the US President. I feel bad for the US citizens right now.

    1. @justspazzin 64 Wow what an intelligent statement. Is this what passes for genius at the trailer park?

    2. ​@Justice For All I think you are giving @justspazzin 64 too much credit I think he is more like the guy in the cardboard box sleeping on Main Street with his sign ” will werk fer fude”

    3. @J Sim Cite any source you have even intimating any fraudulent activity having to do with Nevada’s elections? OR STFU

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