Neumann: Men Plotting To Kidnap Gov. Whitmer Were Taking Cues From The President’s Language | MSNBC

Former top DHS official Elizabeth Neumann on the arrest of men linked an anti-government militia group for their plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and how the president exacerbated their actions. Aired on 10/08/2020
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Neumann: Men Plotting To Kidnap Gov. Whitmer Were Taking Cues From The President’s Language | MSNBC


    1. @Jeffrey Dahmer so then u wont have to pay to become a woman….u should be happy since you would probably need surgery to become a man as well.

    2. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 last I checked middle class was not 425k a year so no….u r wrong n flat out lying

    3. @velt Ski what poor education did you recieve?! You’re clearly watching fake news, Trump is the worst thing America has ever had, he’s losing, he will lose and you’ll be crying and regretting your choice to not support our soon to be president Joe Biden…..

      Do some fact checking and think REAL hard…..

    4. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 A middle class earner makes $40K to $50K a year. Biden wants to raise taxes on those who make more than $400K a year. That’s not middle class.

  1. Their plan was to take her to a secret location and “hold a trial”. This was not a kidnapping it was an organized assassination attempt.

    1. They was going to broadcast her beheading or shot to the head on national TV and Social media.

      bet that was what they was planning.

  2. You wonder why we haven’t heard much from ISIS? Because really they couldn’t do much more to divide the US than right now

    1. Radical Trump supporters are brainwashed to hate Democrats similar to how ISIS members are brainwashed to hate America.. they are both part of highly dangerous cults, they are poison to the brain

    1. @M Murph Keep mooching federal money from Blue states to fund your social welfare that more of your citizens are on per capita in red states.

      Idiots like you are the real socialists.


  3. The *ONLY* thing that matters now is *_VOTING!_* _Vote early, Vote in person,_ and *CRUSH* this evil on Election Day.

    1. @M Murph How do you justify KIDNAPPING ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    2. @James Elliott The McCarthy era (error) was in the 40″s. Is this when America was “great”??? Too bad you happily sold your COUNTRY for a red hat made in China.

    1. @Mara Pemberton I wasn’t meaning to answer my own question, the question was a response to the person I replied to.

    2. @Megadog She did it for very, very good reason which other states ALSO followed. And how exactly does this justify kidnapping her and how does this explain your original comment, “They don’t like any politicians”, get your facts right.🙄

    1. https://youtu.Be/qSpAAOj-S_4
      Tbe group that tried to kidnap michigan governor was lead by this man, he’s a left wing, anti-cop, anarchist. NOT a ring wing militia, or racist, or republican. Or anything the governor of Michigan is trying to make is seem

  4. These militias/terrorists want to ki// her for trying to save people’s lives. Let that sink in for a moment.

    1. Barr always kissing up to Humps Hyenas hyde, Barr would defend Hitler if he was his Cult leader, Shame and Sad!😧😧😧😭😭😭😭

  5. It’s interesting they’re only “good people” when they support HIS agenda. Corrupt to the core.

  6. Come November we will see how many racists and white supremists reside in America, just count Trumps votes.


    2. @Jock Young Bless you for trying to educate the fool, but just let the meth head be…You can’t cure stupid and honestly, you can’t cure willingly ignorant. But I do commend you for trying to educate “Tump lover”.

    3. @Elizabeth GrayYou’re right…it was AWFUL of her to try and protect her citizens from a deadly virus. Because, we all know Trump totally has that under control Now, about this “herd mentality” thing….we need YOU to go clean the WH. Such an honor!!! No need for PPE…Trumpy just trying to get a jump on that herd immunity thing. Best of LUCK!!

    4. @Ed Horton Sir, you are sanity in the storm. And I like the term “Bubble damaged by Fox”, that is very precise. Well done.

    1. I saw their photos on ABC first, their neighbors said they had no idea of the atrocities they were planning.

  7. God bless this woman. She was actually my first choice for VP although I do adore Kamala. These bigots must be defeated, arrested, and locked up. They are a threat to all of us. Please vote for the Biden ticket and also vote for all democrats. She is one day going to be a very important person in this country!

    1. @Aziz A This is Now! Biden has grown as a person! But you just live in the past. He is a better HUMAN then the Trumpvirus will Ever be. You can’t compare the two of them. Pathological Liar in Chief, pathetic Liar, sociopath who is trying to take over the States of America. The Trumpvirus has done Soo much damage to Americans with his Lies. It’s like No one knows What to think anymore when it comes to the Trumpvirus. Biden is a Clear Choice. We can not bear another 4Years!!! Bad to our Allies
      Great with the Dictators!! He’s taking lessons on how to run as a Dictator. This Dictator incompetent Lying sociopath. He is falling apart !! You Cultists just don’t see as clear as you need to see. We are Voting the Trumpvirus out and there is Nothing anyone can do about it!

    2. Dawn Sandra first of all calm down I’m not for Trump or Biden I couldn’t care less if you vote Trump out or in , I’m just interested because you say I don’t see it as clear as I need to see it so please explain because he literally said a month or two ago “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black” he said it on a video so he has grown as a person from last month is that what you trying to tell me ????. Also He never apologized for the 1994 crime bill even Kamala Harris attacked him for that like 2 months ago , he never apologized for saying “I don’t want my kids to live in a racial jungle” so on what bases did you say he has grown as a person please tell me ? And he has been in politics for 47 years 8 of which he was Vice President he didn’t do anything he didn’t pass criminal justice reform or increases funds for black colleges or increased black employment.

    3. @Aziz A Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you ask who to vote for on an earlier post…. BE GONE TROLL

  8. This is a case of the Stupid leading the more stupid. Those militia are so stupid they actually think Trump knows what he’s doing.

    1. @John Doogan
      Not unless they have a suitcase of cash. After Trump loses the Election he’s fleeing the Country by January 20th.

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