Former premier Alison Redford and Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi discuss the growing frustration in Alberta over the province's economy.
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Hmm.. comments are enabled… I’ll like just for that
Sometimes they have to pretend they are open and independent.
way to lower your expectations. Yayyyyy……Comments should ALWAYS be enabled!
@Andra Book can you smell sarcasm much?
@Saskguy20 oh ok, in that case…its smells great!
sry but too many ppl say that non-sarsactically.
@Andra Book
Redford give me a break this low life person on a panel its disgraceful
You idiots are going to take the opinion of these pos! We don’t want talk!! We want out.
And it’s not frustration, it’s fury.
Go to America if you don’t like it
@mr blob If you don’t have anything intellectual to say stay silent because your just embarrassing yourself.
@Call Me Papi You’re so pathetic, you’re the type of person that makes Canadians look bad, Shame on you.
@Eusunt Dac Crawl back under your rock you loser liberal troll !
Jeneric Jeneric you’re*. Case in point.
I listened to this entire interview and all that I heard was political rhetoric and buzzwords, not a single element of useful information.
Everything is challenges, partnerships, solutions, working together, voices at the table, etc
so much for trying to get information from the news
That’s Nenshi for you
rustlecompton you’re so smart — I wish everyone was as insightful as you.
Seems to me Canada is an empire sea to sea that is starting to look like the British Empire where the sun never sets. The west was colonized by the east and the east has been extracting wealth out of the colonies for 50 years to prop up its royal court and its entourage in the east. Decisions that affect the west are not made in consultation with the west and policies and rules of the game are dictated with the benefit of the eastern masters in view just as the British monarchy did in its heydays. The west is exploited and used and they will always be second class in the political structure. They do not have any harbour to dump the tea in to. Oil and pipelines are secondary and the real issue is that the current structure of Canada is undemocratic, unfair and dictatorial.
Well said, well said and exactly true. These are the facts.
Bad idea asking Redford the shame of Alberta a disgrace
Trudeau uses the politics of division, diversify as a strength, for his political gains. A national leader, must hold to Unity, as the true strength. The West In, Trudeau Out!
No more discussion. We need decisions that include Western Leaders who actually Lead. “A Leader is a dealer in hope!” Trudeau is not the solution He is the problem!
Here, here, you are so correct. “Trudeau is the problem”. After listening to “Cross Country Check Off” to-day, goodness me, these millenniums voted Liberal, the fools are cutting their own throats. Who has grown the deficit? Who continued to spend like there was no tomorrow, the problem is who did it. Back on your topic, he doesn’t care about the west, any part of western Canadian, Quebec is his priority.
LOL! brian mulroney had a meeting with Don Getty after the failed meech lake Accord in 1990. 29 years later and someone has an idea about the West to not leave? LOL!
Allison Redford left the PCs in a mess. How does she even get a voice after she made such a mess !
because you taxable serf units keep voting her in!!!
because the Liberals might hire her for a cabinet position and they think it will magically “do something”
What a bunch of

All I hear is
Carbon tax January 1
Another transfer payment this spring
And no pipeline.
It is time to leave
Angry Beaver byeeeeee
yourmanwatson alright commie …. hows your manifesto reading of karl Marx’s book going
Jon Candy no you wont …. commie .
ttryyipp Eh allegedly someone is a bit salty lol boohoo.
@ttryyipp Eh allegedly yes I’m a commie for driving something that will save me money in the short run and long run. Just call me Stalin
Their long answers at the end boiled down to ‘yes I want a minister job’
leejyy —— They are both looking for a job in Trudeau’s camp. Nenshi is now 3 term mayor, it is said votes were rigged apparently last time and he won.
Ask these two for Western opinions?

West wants to shoot Nenshi into the Ocean.
Everyone in this video annoys me on there disconnect
No action is what’s needed not m0re talk fn government hacks
Hey Nenshi, we don’t want anymore conversations, we want pipes, So you might just as well speed up your plans to join the federal libs and let someone else be a spokesman for Calgary.
Trudeau should be talking to the premiers of the West