CNN's Phil Black tours an abandoned Russian military camp in a forest in Ukraine. #CNN #News
‘Neither disciplined nor comfortable’: CNN reporter tours abandoned Russian military camp

CNN's Phil Black tours an abandoned Russian military camp in a forest in Ukraine. #CNN #News
Also, the mess remains. Hærverk, is a Norwegian word, literally meaning army-deeds, but used to describe messy destruction.
@MarcosElMalo2 Not surprisingly, “hærværk” means the same in Danish as it does in Norwegian, but what’s funnier is that “smadre” in Danish means “to destroy” and “de smadrer” = “they destroy”.
@Mace Indeed. It’s from the old Norse, herviki that means the same, actually. One good synonym is vandalism.
@Mace Cool. Some english from Shakespeare “Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war”. Quite a few english words have nordic roots.
@David Allison Yup, I read somewhere that it was around 2000 of them.
@David Allison Shakespeare had mastered the Latinate words that came with the French but often ended a passage with Anglo Saxon English for the cheap seats.
stand with Ukraine
@Vet On The Verge Thanks For Speaking For People Across The Globe! BTW As A Vet You Do Know How Intelligent Pigs Are Right?
@augustin1999 so come to Venezuela to see what your Russians and Chinese friends have done here…..
My grandad hated Japanese because of their south east asia invasion. He would never forgive their cruelty, now I understand what these Ukrainians feel toward Russians. This hatred will last at least 2 generations
@The Blade True. I always thought the JP emperor deserved more credit for bringing about peace in JP. After all, he could have easily asked his subjects to fight to the death, like Adolf Hitler did, and they would have obeyed him.
@The Blade The estimated combined casualties for a land invasion of Japan (based on battles for the Pacific islands and Okinawa) were between 6.5 and 14 million, not including the occupation.
@Lana Wachowski you’re not the one being tortured. Fighting for your home. Your life and your family being in question every day. …. I’m not saying hated is good. I’m saying that this pain will not be forgotten so easily.
To the traumatized man at the end of this clip, we will never forgive Russia either for what they have done to your country. To the peaceful people of Ukraine. Shame on them. God bless Ukraine
It’s so hard to watch these cowardly atrocities, I wince everytime a reporter warns you it’s graphic, but we can only pray & bare witness, I feel his hate, can’t forgive, I’m not that proud.
There is no god. Grow up.
Heart goes out to them poor young men that where tortured.
For nothing. They must have thought that if he wasn’t in the forests with an AK shooting at them he was a spy. Or(probably)they were just being mean.
Stop watching lie media instead follow Patrick Lancaster and Graham Phillips for truth.
Is sadism just a “normal” activity among Russian troops? It seems to be a routine thing they do for entertainment. I don’t blame the man who feels nothing but hate. Bless those poor souls who were tortured and killed.

I blame you, Diane. People like you make these things possible.
@Commodore Schmidlapp you’re just wasting your time. your prayer is misguided. I refer to the bible itself, especially the psalms that pray destruction for evil people. so you need to first pray that all references in the bible concerning prayer for destruction of evil people be wiped out, taken out.. I know that God is not displeased with my prayer concerning the Russian madman.
Slava Ukraine

To the brave Ukrainian soldiers and civilians defending their country from a madman.
“…. my femilli (BoJo s one) came (keim) South with James The First … we were (The Johnson s) … we were DEFENDING the engulish Throne , before your femilli (The femilli of Sir Keir Steimer) was ever heard of …” Brittish quotes i like …
“… it is in order to preserve the aidill of a Constityutional Monarchy (Sir Keir Steirmer) that i now demand … ” that you (Labour) agree for a SNAP general Election ….
Because …. “There is nothing but a General Election , to heal the woonds and summon up the bloods” quote in engulish we like …. in East Europe … sincerelly …
@P.D Everyone’s favourite KGB-funded fifth columnist.
It is just madness. They have made an enemy of their neighbors. They may not have got along before, but after the horrors of this occupation there will be real enmity toward Russia. Not only that, Russia has been kicked from the world stage. And for what?
Glory to Ukraine. Support from Australia. May peace come soon.
It doesn’t even matter “what for”, they showed their true colors and have to be punished with no hesitations.
Follow Patrick Lancaster and Graham Phillips for truth
Terrible, a shame and a crime, may those poor poor people rest in peace. I understand their hatred, but peace must always prevail. Salvation for a the Ukraine

@MKultraInstinct <-----Propaganda troll. Report comments as misinformation or spam.
We stand with you Ukraine. All of us who still are human and believe in humanity
@Martin Azer best comment ever
Where are you from
You armenian
We stand with Yemen, Insarullah
When he says the sign says beware of mines..smh..I then image myself being in that situation and every step I take I have to worry about landmines blowing me away..deep sigh..god help these ppl
Reminder of WW2, Vietnam
Sad that the young man feels that way but also completely understandable. The amount of damage alone is inhumane let alone the loss of good people.
Hatred, especially taken to its logical conclusion and allowed to explode as violence and cruelty, can only ever lead to further hatred.
It’s a core element of human nature, which renders it impossible for me to blame people like him. It’s neither a rational response nor a moral one, but it’s near impossible for any living person to respond differently.
All Russians who do not oppose this violence have blood on their hands, most in the world will never forget this brutality.
@Andrey Sky well, there goes this guys entire argument LMAOOOOO
@Andrey Sky yet, here is the entire world. Not the us, criticizing Russia. Tell me, what has Finland done? Or Sweden? They are appalled by Russia and might even join nato.
@Klh 12 Thanks, my German friend, from Vancouver, Canada
I can really understand this man.. i was not 15 years old when i was taken from my family home took to custody and beaten for long four hours… great sorrow for people in Ukraine and their suffer
I am sorry for your experience nobody should be subjected to anything like this. I guess I feel bad for the fact that you can relate in such a personal manner.
What I can never understand is how troops on the ground end up doing these things. I guess it really shows what kind of people they are on the inside and I remind myself that it should not be a reflection on the entire country and the Russian people as a whole. I have visited Russia three times and found that when meeting family and friends and family while in the area they were the nicest most giving people but fundamentally they are closed off to each other and are very distant in public places.
Russia is not the only country that has social issues but there are levels of corruption across-the-board definitely within law-enforcement and the market places and goods and services everybody tries to skim off the top and extort One another.
I think these are some underlying factors that may drive the Russian soldiers to be perverse and copy and criminalistic when they are in an atmosphere where they are not chaperone and free to act however they choose.
Truly it’s disgusting to see the images and stories from Ukraine of looting and raping and murdering of civilians.
I hope they get their due justice but overall I just wish that people would find a way to not act like thoughtless monsters.
Sorry for what you went through, the world is becoming real ugly, but I still have faith that Ukraine will prevail.
What War?
The guy at the end touched me. The way he expresses his hate, and still is able to keep open to the possibilty of being able to forgive sometime in his lifetime. That´s big.
@P.D Patrick Lancaster, everyone’s favourite Kremlin-paid fifth columnist!
i upload videos on russo ukrainian war from the russian point of view thank u
@P.D I looked him up. Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose had a baby and called him Patrick.
I feel pain, trauma and loathing for what is happening in Ukraine and I’m not there, it’s impossible to comprehend what these people are going through
@Ronny Simon I am for positive peace, you are for any kind of peace including negative peace. Negative peace is a lack of open warfare but violence to the populace from the government nonetheless without the ability for the international community to intervene. We cannot lay down and allow bullies to impose their authoritarian regimes on innocents.
Do you realize that if Russia invades EU territory, all its allies are legally bound to respond? Stop trying to distract us from the issue with this swarm of logical fallacies and side arguments. This invasion is unjustifiable and must be stopped, do not make excuses for Putin. He pays enough trolls to do that for him, or maybe you are one. At any rate, this conversation is over, your skull is clearly so thick it would withstand one of Russia’s thermobaric bombs.
Paint ,Truma and loathing !!!!!!!!!!There are no such things in English dictionary but feelings towards everybody including yourself
. Blah blah blah 
Just like we caused in Iraq
Great sympathy to all Ukrainian civilians who suffer this invasion from Russia .

The more this goes on, the more the Russian Army appears to not be a disciplined proper army, but a well armed gang.
Ляпнула сама не поняла что
The strength, bravery, and patriotism of the Ukrainians is admirable.
@Lisa Fryslie oh I know I am not lesser,they though, believe I am and that’s a folly.
@Boz M Success in the fight, people are in many cases primitive, there is misery everywhere, unfortunately. Ukrainian border guards beat people from African countries, it’s awful.
@Nenko Baylov Botski reported.
@Nenko Baylov awful indeed and yet still their sorrow remains human to me,love is king and I am glad it rules me,and indeed most people ,tha at is good thing.
God bless Ukrainian people and Army.