1. I followed what I thought was a Japanese spy satellite the other day for about 15 miles only to realize…. It was bird poop on my windshield! 😅🤣😆😂

  2. This guy is so annoying I like his docs on space etc but he’s so narrow minded when it comes to extraterrestrials. And people usually who are, are the scared ones

    1. End of time :

      We are conscious programmed meat robots with different faces and different colours inside a Matrix, Designed and programmed to colonize Earth and other planets. Human body is an automated and programmed biological machine, connected to a hyper realistic mask (human face) through a connector which is the human neck. Human body and face are designed the way that looks like each human are real entities with freewill and separate existence but that’s just an illusion, it only looks real. In order to understand the matrix, each human needs to ask this question: when you look at a human being, you see a face and behind that face is a brain, the person is the face you are looking at or the brain behind the human face? In this short essay, I will explain why life on earth is a complete predetermined matrix.

      Every action you do and every thought you think originates from inside your brain. No human being has control over his/her brain neurons when thinking, so that he/she can produce thoughts freely. When you cannot have control over the functioning of your brain (chemical reaction in the brain) while thinking, then all your actions and thoughts are dictated by the brain, and you have no choice. But the illusion of free will creates this feeling, as if you are doing the thinking.

      Everything we Say, Do and think is already programmed in our brain. Human brain is a programmed computer, covered with a hyper realistic mask which is the human face (skin), and there is no real controller inside the human brain. If you look at the function of all the organs of the human body including the brain, you will find out that all the organs of the body have an automatic function, including heart rate, gastrointestinal tract, blood flow, hair growth, nail growth, brain neurons activity and ….. . Now, if we assume free will exists in humans and we are the product of that, then we must be able to explain how 100 billion brain neurons are interacting with each other to produce a thought! In fact no human really knows what is going on inside their brain, when a thought is produced! The only thing we understand from the thought and what is produced inside our brain is the image and sound that the brain is producing, and the brain automatically adds our thoughts to our vision.

      There is no free will, but the illusion of free will exists and it is very strong, and that is the process of thinking. Self-illusion or thinking is like a transparent curtain that adds an extra layer of information to our vision, we see our thoughts but they do not exist in front of us. This is the human ability to see things that do not exist outside in the Matrix. It’s like a transparent built-in Google Glass exists in each human.

      The body-mind problem (Illusion of freewill) occurs in humans when the nervous system contracts. When the human nervous system gets contracted, it will unbalance the human spine. There is an important liquid called CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid) in the human spine .CSF is one Molecule away from sea water! One of its functions is to wash the brain and regulate brain activity. Also, CSF is the medium for Consciousness to enter the human body and reach the human brain.

      We are living in a time that most people are dealing with some type of muscle or body spasms, and this makes the human spine unbalanced! If this imbalance becomes so high, the normal circulation of the CSF will decrease, until it could get completely blocked. If the normal circulation of the CSF gets disturbed, somehow human consciousness will get disconnected from its source, which is out of the human body.
      When this happens, the thinking process is getting triggered automatically and the thought process automatically begins to think and the person starts living as a mind story, or locally! Since most people have more or less nervous system contractions, they all have this extra thought in their mind always. This could create lots of mental and physical issues for some people plus Repetitive thoughts, or self-talking all the time.

      In the long run, these extra thoughts almost become an additional operating system, and it decides for itself and gets the person in trouble by presenting the wrong direction or information to the person. In most religions and traditions, they call this extra operation system the devil (The underlying self-talking which appears as an extra source of information or compass). This extra operating system is the same ‘I’ that everyone has but does not have an external existence. If the nervous system calms down and the human spine goes back to its normal and balanced position, then this extra thought process will automatically stop and the underlying self-talking gets quiet! Human nervous system is like tree branches, and this stuck could be at any body parts, for some this could be at their hand, and for some other this could be in any other part of the body. When this ‘I’ or visual curtain is removed from the vision, then it’s clear for consciousness   to understand that there is nobody inside the human body (meaning all the humans actions and reactions are already predetermined by nature according to a very complex programming).

      The human body is essentially part of nature or Matrix, and we experience the world as consciousness through a mediator which is our body! As consciousness we only see ourselves as someone and we are not the body itself. Jesus’ claim to be god is also related to removal of this local consciousness made by the human mind, and afterwards seeing the world as a universal consciousness or being so called god.

      In this Matrix, everything is per-programmed, because all human beings are part of the Matrix, and in fact, there is really no one in this Matrix, except a universal consciousness and a running simulation including all humans (universal consciousness is being limited in each human being to a local or limited consciousness). As consciousness we only understand the life story, and the rest is out of our control!

      Quantum physicists are saying: “The quantum realm of atoms and particles has randomness at its core”, that’s a wrong assumption. Consciousness as a wave, did program all these atoms and particles even before they start their movement, and their movement is not random. But, because consciousness is totally separate from the existence of the atoms and particles, and scientists can’t find the source that programmed these movements, they get a wrong conclusion and call the movement of atoms and particles random movements!
      Everything we see in the objective reality or matrix is made out of light holograms (Pixels) including: wood, iron, stone, meat, human body and …, but human eyes is filtering out the holographic world and shows us what we call our universe or our present reality. That’s why scientists or physicists come to the conclusion that this reality is something from nothing. If the holographic world gets turned off, then everything will disappear automatically, that is why some call our universe the desert of the real. It’s like a light show (simulation) that is running inside a matrix or a computer based reality.
      Beyond our current Matrix, there is another reality called the base reality, which is hidden to most of the people. As shown in the movie Matrix and the movie Lord of the rings and the movie Avatar, some people have access to the base reality. As shown In the Lord of the rings movie series, Frodo Baggins by wearing the ring, he is actually releasing the contraction in his body, and by doing that, his local consciousness gets connected to the universal consciousness, that’s how he realized we are living in a dual universe at the same time. A matrix inside a base reality!
      In conclusion, nature or so called god (consciousness) did all the play, except playing with something other than itself, and because there is nobody other than itself (its own consciousness), it created a matrix including all the humans and took over its own consciousness by sharing the one and single consciousness between all humans, which makes it able to play the game of life with conscious beings, and to have experiences and actions which was not possible in the single form of consciousness such as : Loving someone, killing someone, having sex or raping someone, hating someone, helping someone and ….. ! But none of these experiences are real and with complete freewill. It’s all programmed even before the start of the big bang. God or nature is using its own consciousness to play a different matrix, because other than its own consciousness there is no real person or existence to play with!

  3. He is wrong , just look at the lazar story , he worked in late 1989 at an area south of Area 51 in Nevada ,called S4

    Back engineering alien spacecrafts or discs , the reactor produced artificial gravity , or anti gravity , that is what propelled the craft in the air, the reactor was run by an element on the periodic table called 115.

    The crafts allegedly came from the Zeta Reticuli star system , two binary stars orbiting each other , 39 light years away ,

    So if we travel at the speed of light it would still take 39 years to get there .

    Look up joe rogans podcast on lazar on YouTube , his story is legit

    1. And you believe at all the crap that Joe Rogan is telling you? Wow 👌. You’re an alien 👽 then. We don’t need to look further, just come to your house and have some teatime.

    2. End of time :

      We are conscious programmed meat robots with different faces and different colours inside a Matrix, Designed and programmed to colonize Earth and other planets. Human body is an automated and programmed biological machine, connected to a hyper realistic mask (human face) through a connector which is the human neck. Human body and face are designed the way that looks like each human are real entities with freewill and separate existence but that’s just an illusion, it only looks real. In order to understand the matrix, each human needs to ask this question: when you look at a human being, you see a face and behind that face is a brain, the person is the face you are looking at or the brain behind the human face? In this short essay, I will explain why life on earth is a complete predetermined matrix.

      Every action you do and every thought you think originates from inside your brain. No human being has control over his/her brain neurons when thinking, so that he/she can produce thoughts freely. When you cannot have control over the functioning of your brain (chemical reaction in the brain) while thinking, then all your actions and thoughts are dictated by the brain, and you have no choice. But the illusion of free will creates this feeling, as if you are doing the thinking.

      Everything we Say, Do and think is already programmed in our brain. Human brain is a programmed computer, covered with a hyper realistic mask which is the human face (skin), and there is no real controller inside the human brain. If you look at the function of all the organs of the human body including the brain, you will find out that all the organs of the body have an automatic function, including heart rate, gastrointestinal tract, blood flow, hair growth, nail growth, brain neurons activity and ….. . Now, if we assume free will exists in humans and we are the product of that, then we must be able to explain how 100 billion brain neurons are interacting with each other to produce a thought! In fact no human really knows what is going on inside their brain, when a thought is produced! The only thing we understand from the thought and what is produced inside our brain is the image and sound that the brain is producing, and the brain automatically adds our thoughts to our vision.

      There is no free will, but the illusion of free will exists and it is very strong, and that is the process of thinking. Self-illusion or thinking is like a transparent curtain that adds an extra layer of information to our vision, we see our thoughts but they do not exist in front of us. This is the human ability to see things that do not exist outside in the Matrix. It’s like a transparent built-in Google Glass exists in each human.

      The body-mind problem (Illusion of freewill) occurs in humans when the nervous system contracts. When the human nervous system gets contracted, it will unbalance the human spine. There is an important liquid called CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid) in the human spine .CSF is one Molecule away from sea water! One of its functions is to wash the brain and regulate brain activity. Also, CSF is the medium for Consciousness to enter the human body and reach the human brain.

      We are living in a time that most people are dealing with some type of muscle or body spasms, and this makes the human spine unbalanced! If this imbalance becomes so high, the normal circulation of the CSF will decrease, until it could get completely blocked. If the normal circulation of the CSF gets disturbed, somehow human consciousness will get disconnected from its source, which is out of the human body.
      When this happens, the thinking process is getting triggered automatically and the thought process automatically begins to think and the person starts living as a mind story, or locally! Since most people have more or less nervous system contractions, they all have this extra thought in their mind always. This could create lots of mental and physical issues for some people plus Repetitive thoughts, or self-talking all the time.

      In the long run, these extra thoughts almost become an additional operating system, and it decides for itself and gets the person in trouble by presenting the wrong direction or information to the person. In most religions and traditions, they call this extra operation system the devil (The underlying self-talking which appears as an extra source of information or compass). This extra operating system is the same ‘I’ that everyone has but does not have an external existence. If the nervous system calms down and the human spine goes back to its normal and balanced position, then this extra thought process will automatically stop and the underlying self-talking gets quiet! Human nervous system is like tree branches, and this stuck could be at any body parts, for some this could be at their hand, and for some other this could be in any other part of the body. When this ‘I’ or visual curtain is removed from the vision, then it’s clear for consciousness   to understand that there is nobody inside the human body (meaning all the humans actions and reactions are already predetermined by nature according to a very complex programming).

      The human body is essentially part of nature or Matrix, and we experience the world as consciousness through a mediator which is our body! As consciousness we only see ourselves as someone and we are not the body itself. Jesus’ claim to be god is also related to removal of this local consciousness made by the human mind, and afterwards seeing the world as a universal consciousness or being so called god.

      In this Matrix, everything is per-programmed, because all human beings are part of the Matrix, and in fact, there is really no one in this Matrix, except a universal consciousness and a running simulation including all humans (universal consciousness is being limited in each human being to a local or limited consciousness). As consciousness we only understand the life story, and the rest is out of our control!

      Quantum physicists are saying: “The quantum realm of atoms and particles has randomness at its core”, that’s a wrong assumption. Consciousness as a wave, did program all these atoms and particles even before they start their movement, and their movement is not random. But, because consciousness is totally separate from the existence of the atoms and particles, and scientists can’t find the source that programmed these movements, they get a wrong conclusion and call the movement of atoms and particles random movements!
      Everything we see in the objective reality or matrix is made out of light holograms (Pixels) including: wood, iron, stone, meat, human body and …, but human eyes is filtering out the holographic world and shows us what we call our universe or our present reality. That’s why scientists or physicists come to the conclusion that this reality is something from nothing. If the holographic world gets turned off, then everything will disappear automatically, that is why some call our universe the desert of the real. It’s like a light show (simulation) that is running inside a matrix or a computer based reality.
      Beyond our current Matrix, there is another reality called the base reality, which is hidden to most of the people. As shown in the movie Matrix and the movie Lord of the rings and the movie Avatar, some people have access to the base reality. As shown In the Lord of the rings movie series, Frodo Baggins by wearing the ring, he is actually releasing the contraction in his body, and by doing that, his local consciousness gets connected to the universal consciousness, that’s how he realized we are living in a dual universe at the same time. A matrix inside a base reality!
      In conclusion, nature or so called god (consciousness) did all the play, except playing with something other than itself, and because there is nobody other than itself (its own consciousness), it created a matrix including all the humans and took over its own consciousness by sharing the one and single consciousness between all humans, which makes it able to play the game of life with conscious beings, and to have experiences and actions which was not possible in the single form of consciousness such as : Loving someone, killing someone, having sex or raping someone, hating someone, helping someone and ….. ! But none of these experiences are real and with complete freewill. It’s all programmed even before the start of the big bang. God or nature is using its own consciousness to play a different matrix, because other than its own consciousness there is no real person or existence to play with!

  4. She didn’t say non organic. Some things predate humanity on Earth and have been here
    Most know them as Legends

  5. No more assumptions or beliefs? I love it! There goes the Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox… oopsie daisy!
    By the by, nobody I know assumes the Chinese balloon was a ufo. We are referring to the other 3 “unidentified aerial objects.” Where are the pictures and videos of those?

  6. I was very frustrated when a USAF said the balloons were definitely not UFO’s. He just didn’t know what they were. Not knowing what they were is what made them UFO’s!🤬

  7. Go for a walk at ,3am..look at the vastness of space.. expanding at the speed of light…lts naive to think we are alone

  8. I wouldn’t assume all UFOs are aliens, but there absolutely have been alien craft visiting this planet, more than once.

  9. This is the last guy I’d want to hear a comment on UFOs. NDT the only guy to make a great show on the cosmos, but hates the cosmos.

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