The Boston Globe’s Kimberly Atkins joins Morning Joe to discuss the impasse on Capitol Hill over the coronavirus relief bill as the federal eviction moratorium expires and $600 weekly relief benefits expire tomorrow. Aired on 7/30/2020.
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Negotiations On New Coronavirus Relief Bill Stall | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The bill Mitch McConnell put out was trash. The liability protection has to go.
“We,” will never rebuild this economy. This madness is designed to take a major part of our economy (and the worlds economy). The banksters will soon be snapping up millions of failed small business, their equity, their capital and their property (especially retail), for pennies on the dollar. This will is by far the largest heist in human history and that does not include the tens of billions a year big pharma will make off of mandatory “immune” from liability injections. They are destroying the middle class, intentionally.
@Crystal Giddens thinking your trolling job is going away.
The kicker about that liability protection? He copied it word for word from Andrew Cuomo. Insanity.
The Thing
Cuomo is a corporate bought out puppet as well. It’s time for a political revolution. #AOC2024 #EnoughWithTheBullshit
I own restaurants and bars. I’m against the liability protections. I guess it’s because my employees are human beings to me.
Canada has mask mandatory since the end of June everywhere. No crazy people are trying to fight That back. cases of death has declined tremendously, cases of infection has declined, bars and many places are just starting To reopen,
No conspiracy theory needed because Canadians are smart and they use common sense. Canada is a Democratic free country where people enjoy many rights, free health care for all, anyone can serve in government, anybody can criticize the government and so on. Canadian government paid people to stay home during the lock down, they work with the infectious disease Doctors to guide them in this difficult time. It’s easy. Wear a mask and exercise physical distance so we can go back to normal life.
We can clearly see the effects of following the science and doctors and yet for whatever reason the American government refuses to do so. They are cutting off their own noses to spite their faces. The economy will not recover until they admit the science and doctors know best.
@Joanne McMillan Admit? That’s one thing people in Trump’s administration will never do. They and especially Trump would gladly watch America be destroyed before they ever admit they’re wrong and listen to science. Hundreds of thousands of lives will be lost because of the ego of one selfish, stubborn man.
It’s the same for many countries, wear a mask, reduce the spread. It works.
Stop bailout to Corps, Big Pharma & Banks.
Giving people benefits is humane since they have been paying TAX all their lives
Purely mathematically (I know, how dare I invoke science while the Prez is praising Dr. DemonSemen?!), how are the Trumplodytes and the rest of the C.H.U.D.s that blindly scratch next to (R) going to replace the workers in the field collecting their food, the drivers delivering their dishes, with zero immigration and the US a pariah state?
@Alcagaur1 Probably through the principles of labor supply and demand, the numbers of workers inside our borders are available, so when labor scarcity drives up wages labor will present itself. If any immigration is needed after full employment, you carefully allow it through a secure border, screening for covid and drugs and slaves. Simple illustration- farmer allows his healthy cattle into his fenced pasture, grass still is getting taller so he opens the gate and lets a few more healthy cattle onto the grass, and keeps doing so as until optimum number is reached. Note he uses a gate, he doesn’t just tear down the fence so any number of cattle can come into and consume his limited grass while having to care for more cattle he can afford.
In a below-full employment climate it is stupid to bring people into America that consume more public resources than they contribute to while American citizens who could have those jobs are sitting idly consuming resources they are not contributing to. Dems are always screaming about low wages, they should block immigration until wages rise to make those jobs appealing to a sufficient number of Americans to fill the jobs. Then everyone in the country is better off. I’m a conservative who would love to see American citizens pick fruit and clean houses for higher wages if it gets them off the dole and allows them to start paying taxes. –best to you
Trump thinks that if more people are made homeless they will be mostly be Democrats and they will find it impossible to vote if they are homeless, so it makes it more likely Trump gets re-elected.
Most of trumps base are white and have already been on government assistance.. so dare I say it ??? They are living off of a “social” net provided by the government . Aka socialism!!! Just dont have the brain cells to see the connection lol . Therefore his supporters are safe and will be voting in November
Most of trumps supporters are not wealthy corporate donors. They are average Americans who will be hurt by his decisions. I believe many who voted for him last election, will either vote Biden, a third party or sit this one out. Either way, one less vote for trump.
Classy Lady Whoever it is who is hurt by his decisions, and that’s the vast majority of the USA, if not the World, if they are made homeless that will remove them from the register of voters and they then can’t vote against Trump. It will need everyone who wants him out to vote him out, and he will do everything in his power to stop people voting, especially by mail, and will be happy to risk causing many deaths because people will have long queues to wait in, to vote in person… and he will also try to delay having the vote at all, as the economy goes down the toilet, and by the time of the scheduled vote there will be 250,000 dead Americans because of his corruption and incompetence.
$600 in America is nothing lol
you can’t even buy food for the month or pay rent
@Anthony Gemma Take care my friend.
M R – In California no one would be able to pay $375/month rent. And forget places like New York! And moving to a different State with children and an apartment full of furniture is not feasible for most. You’re simplifying based on your circumstances. You’re just feeding yourself, but a lot of families that had steady jobs and now have none are in jeopardy of becoming homeless! Those additional $600 a week was helping to pay shelter costs, utilities, and food! Without a job we’re going to be seeing more families living in their cars. When it’s time to go back to school, children won’t even have a place to shower!
@Anthony Gemma $600 plus the unemployment benefit.
Daniel Gallegos thank you
@Anthony Gemma You’re welcome.
Time to bailout Americans themselves and not just large corporations.
know you know the Reps are going to try to rip off the store before they get kicked out of government.
If only the Dems didn’t stop the stimulus
Supreme Court ruled corporations are people.
You should check as to why your relief check did not reach you, then you can delete your post, unless you are a corporation or foreign national.
@Annoymous BaileyCall the WAAHHHHMBULANCE, all these cry babies need a trip to get a grip with reality. No one should believe in getting a bail out. No one in this country is going hungry either. Look around, there is free food offered in every town, a the schools, food stamps, churches etc. Grow a garden, get some chickens and feed your families. Learn to hunt and fish and quit complaining. Corporations need bailouts because THEY ARE THE ONES WHO EMPLOY THE COUNTRY. It is too bad so many people live beyond their means, have huge credit card debts so that they can have $1000 apple phones even for their spoiled teenagers, not too mention $60,000 cars, and HUGE houses, filled with STUFF like $500 video game consoles, $60 a piece games, outrageously priced appliances, and ALL ON CREDIT that they could barely keep on top of before being laid off and now they are f***ed and want bailed out. My grandpa paid cash for everything. He was a farmer in Colorado and never had any debt. He was a happy man, peaceful, content to work on his super old combine without air conditioning or an enclosed cab. No radio, just an umbrella over his head to help keep him cool. He was a true farmer, loved the land and being outside. He never asked for and never received a bail out. Americans need to grow up, downsize, and live within their means. No one needs credit cards, or 3000 sq ft houses full of crap.
Thank you Republican Party for your incredible empathy towards those you gladly send into homelessness as well as Joblessness.
At a time like this there should be no negotiations, people should get it hands down it’s insanity what trump is doing in America
I can’t stand Trump but I would say this is more so Mitch and the GOP’s doing.
@Doll Parts, I agree.
Party leaders in Congress
on Both sides
need to be voted out
Need party leaders who put Americans 1st,
Not pettiness and politics
Democrats and Republicans have gotten so busy with playing their games against each other
That neither party cares Americans are suffering.
If the American People came 1st
They could reach a compromise that was good for AMERICA
Our government should be Quietly and Efficiently doing their jobs.
We hear them complaining about each other daily, but we can’t get cooperation and productivity out of them JOINTLY.
If can’t work as a TEAM, BOTH sides have failed!!!
Stop blaming each other and get your act together!!!!
Dont pay bills, should cover food no? Failing, you got gun’s, use em.
@OcculusDrift $600 is not that much for a cost of living but that 600 can be split for bills and food … What is 200 suppose to do

I spend 200 on my dog alone
@G Money Get rid of the dog
100 billion for the military stock is this a republican military bail out or for people who are starving?
Why bother electing reps and senators, if they don’t take care about the people who put them there? You all lied when you took that oath.
I Agree.
Political revolution #AOC2024 #fuckthednc #fuckthernc (the dnc was rigged against Bernie btw, just another reminder of that)
Well as much as I am not a fan of corporate Democrats. They want more money for the people. Republicans are trying to help out businesses
Party leaders in Congress
on Both sides
need to be voted out
Need party leaders who put Americans 1st,
Not pettiness and politics
Democrats and Republicans have gotten so busy with playing their games against each other
That neither party cares Americans are suffering.
If the American People came 1st
They could reach a compromise that was good for AMERICA
Our government should be Quietly and Efficiently doing their jobs.
We hear them complaining about each other daily, but we can’t get cooperation and productivity out of them JOINTLY.
If can’t work as a TEAM, BOTH sides have failed!!!
Stop blaming each other and get your act together!!!!
Time for Congress’ recess, sorry America, best of luck, you’re on your own.
Hi pal UK resident ? Yep yer right they gonna end up alone.
Didn’t the parents of trump’s press secretary receive a few million from the Covid Relief funds?
t T they sure did
Yep. She should be asked about that at her next briefing.
@Classy Lady I’m waiting on thst
You just don’t want to work. I’m sure you don’t stay home all the time. You go out to have fun but working is so dangerous!
When I think of the Heals Act I am reminded of greed, derelict of duty, and November when it`s time to vote.
Senate: “Let them eat grass”
The Republicans act like it’s there money coming out of their pockets! The $600 is tax payer’s money anyway!!! So selfish for them not to truly understand what everyday Americans go through!
What I don’t understand is that there are millions disabled (including our vets) trying to live on an average of 800/month and they don’t get ANYTHING. That’s 200/week and some are, we’ll take the low end 200/week unemployment plus 600/week that’s 3200/month for only 1 person so if they have a partner that’s 6400/month…Just totally outragoeus. So give me your thought on it.
At least Republicans have a courtesy of making 4 proposals regarding this, democrats out of their own selfish ambition have put forth 0 proposal.
No jobs
Of course they did blame GOP and Republicans it’s 100% their fault for the trump virus
They’re all about themselves. They should just relive the people, and stop trying to relieve they pockets .