‘Nefarious’ or ‘incompetence:’ Former Jan. 6 investigator on missing Secret Service texts

CNN exclusive reporting reveals that DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari first learned of missing Secret Service text messages in May 2021 — months earlier than previously known and more than a year before he alerted the House select committee investigating January 6, 2021.

'Nefarious' or 'incompetence:' Former Jan. 6 investigator on missing Secret Service texts


  1. “Incompetence” surely is a good way to describe the way a lot of these officials are functioning….

    1. Did the FBI ever figure out how many of their people were in the crowd?
      Did anyone find the bomber yet?
      Did the 14000 hours of video get released?
      Who ordered the trespassers to be held in solitary confinement for 18 months?
      Why have the people being held not had a trial in 18 months?
      Why did the DC Mayor call off extra police?
      Why was the National Guard support called off and who ordered them to stand down?
      Which cops held the door open for people entering the building?
      Why did the cops invite people into the building?

  2. A real statement about honesty and integrity when you’re deleting texts.. America in a fucking nutshell.

    1. Did the FBI ever figure out how many of their people were in the crowd?
      Did anyone find the bomber yet?
      Did the 14000 hours of video get released?
      Who ordered the trespassers to be held in solitary confinement for 18 months?
      Why have the people being held not had a trial in 18 months?
      Why did the DC Mayor call off extra police?
      Why was the National Guard support called off and who ordered them to stand down?
      Which cops held the door open for people entering the building?
      Why did the cops invite people into the building?

  3. Sorry, but digital content in environments like this are NEVER completely destroyed unless it is 100% intentional. Deleting a message on a device does NOT automatically delete it from a server, nor from a backup system – and in this environment, most likely more than one backup system. This is CLEARLY intentional. We are not hearing this because the consequences are next-level significant, and will affect more than a few people VERY high up.

    1. Did the FBI ever figure out how many of their people were in the crowd?
      Did anyone find the bomber yet?
      Did the 14000 hours of video get released?
      Who ordered the trespassers to be held in solitary confinement for 18 months?
      Why have the people being held not had a trial in 18 months?
      Why did the DC Mayor call off extra police?
      Why was the National Guard support called off and who ordered them to stand down?
      Which cops held the door open for people entering the building?
      Why did the cops invite people into the building?

    2. @Johnny Blaze you mean those same emails and text messages sent by trump from his other phone and the emails and texts that Ivanka sent…do you really want to go down that road?

    1. I agree, just like we should charge each drug dealer a felony on every pill, gram of weed, and every rock of crack.

    2. Wait… what?
      This BS is still going on? I’m genuinely curious. NO ONE is discussing this…. I mean, AT ALL.
      These poor people are STILL focused on this!?!?!
      Jesus. How embarassing.

  4. So Secret Service calls AT&T asking for deleted texts? I don’t know which is more disturbing, SS losing texts or them assuming AT&T has saved presidential coup related messages. 😅

    1. They’re paid big bucks to protect information. If they lost it they did not perform their key competency.

    2. @Hany Messiha Who are you arguing with? My comment says it’s NOT one of the options… so you’re agreeing with me?

  5. If there’s one thing government IT departments excel at and that’s data migrations. I hope they’re calling the head of IT in for some questioning, along with members of the IT department. Everyone should read Zero Fail. It’s an eye opener.

  6. It’s so funny cuz I remember Hillary Clinton’s emails. How long did they talk about 4
    They delete text messages and pretty much their excuse is going to be oops The secret service has got to be the most sketch of everything they do whatever want

    1. Yeah, l remember she used a non secured server for government business, something like 740,000 on Anthony Wiener’s alone.

  7. When I was a kid, I imagined the Secret Service as a special agency, a group that operated with honor and a unique dignity.

    But hey, I was just a kid.

  8. Someone needs to say to Secret Service and DHS: Either bring us the data, or bring us your resignations. You are either lying or dangerously incompetent. No other options.

  9. If the government demanded records from you that, by law, you were supposed to keep, and you said, “Uh, sorry, I lost them,” what do you suppose would happen to you?

  10. ‘Nefarious’ or ‘incompetence:’
    I’m trying to imagine how I would engineer a scenario wherein the data could even plausibly appear to have been lost through incompetence.
    Even out-of-date modern infrastructure makes is very difficult to destroy every copy of a record, especially records in a communication system which, by definition, appear on at least two devices.
    Hell, my blog lives on a RAID5 filesystem georedundant to multiple AWS regions: even nuking a whole data center would not destroy it. And I don’t even pay for that.
    The data was required to be retained throughout the federally mandated retention period. If it was lost, someone noted that in their weekly status report. Or they didn’t. The fact that we’re only discovering this now means somebody was covering up the event.
    The old saying applies: In Washington, it’s not the crime that will put you in jail, it’s the cover-up.

    1. Im an author – My work lives on 1) My computer 2) The iCloud 3) A time machine back up drive 4) a 128Gb thumb drive in a safe 5) a 2nd 128Gb thumb drive in a safe at my sisters house in a different country 6) My publisher’s system 7) Amazon 8) Drop Box Backup 9) Apple books

      THAT is cos my livelihood depends on my work – you know a few thousand $$$ a year – you would KINDA think that the US Secret service would take care of their dater better than a rando Author in Europe…

  11. Sounds like to me they just don’t want the messages sent back and forth from Trump and senators to be found out.

    1. Odd part is that text messaging is not a really sensible way to communicate in a scenario like this. Most communications take place via radio between the secret service personnel, based on comments from those in the know (e.g., ex-SS agents). That’s not to say there wouldn’t be some sensitive stuff on the deleted text messages (probably more personal than business related) but that’s just conjecture.

    2. @Golf Fanatic They probably felt Texting will be safer than radio communications because text could be erased as we see here, but intercepted voice recordings can’t be erased unless it’s by the person who intercepted the radio communications.

  12. I love how confident the Trump supporter is at first when they regurgitate their denial prayer. However when the Trumper is challenged by any reply, they physically become anxious, nervous, and distraught when hearing ANY opposing view. The Trumper has a lot of confidence at first, but that quickly disappears when they’re expected to elaborate.

  13. If they deleted all documents, it’s incompetence. Since it’s just the ones from Jan 5th and 6th, it’s a criminal coverup. Although, deleting just those two days is pretty incompetent too.

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