Nearly 50,000 UAW Members Strike At GM Factories | The Last Word | MSNBC

United Auto Workers members are walking out of GM factories across the country for the first time since 2007. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) tells Lawrence she stands behind the autoworkers and reacts to the destructive attack on Saudi oil facilities. Aired on 09/16/19.
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Nearly 50,000 UAW Members Strike At GM Factories | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. As the power of unions has declined, so has the wages and rights of the workers. All workers, whether in a union or not, should support them, for they raise all workers up: they built the middle class.

    1. Progressive Humanist
      The point of this clip wasn’t about the workers, the point was about the big lies she said about yemenis attack to saudis oil refinery….
      Im so sick and tired of these dirty tactics… At first she’s an angel to help workers then she turned into warmongering vampire that talks exactly like bolton

    2. Progressive Humanist : I don’t get it? Trump says the economy is doing, “great,” isn’t he? 🤔 How can THIS be happening? 😦 . . . 😆

    3. p ace : Talk to Trump, then? Yemen is at, “War,” with the Saudis, isn’t it? And, we’re meant to pin it on Iran, because he WANTS a war with them? They’ve seen evidence that the attacks came out of Southern Iraq, our, “ally.” If they want to use the, “pretext,” that the weapons, “came from Iran,” then doesn’t THAT make the USA, the UK, France and Germany, “legitimate targets,” of the entire Third World? Don’t expect ANY of this to make any sense. Trump wants a war with Iran; Putin stopped him at the last minute, last time; but, has he cooked up a, “deal,” with Trump? Has Putin moved his mercs and infrastructure out of the Iranian desert, so Trump can have a few bombing runs, and we can all go home? Putin WON’T allow America boots on the ground, of his ALLY, Iran

    4. David Grover : And, just WHO, apart from another Trump Tramp, did you, “think,” would read past your, “Dipstick,” opener, you child? 🤣

    1. Rafael Hoyos : I kept saying the Rust Belt is ALREADY in Recession, and it’s going to spread, now the Trump has LOST his pointless Trade War with China. Trump’s Trolls kept calling me a liar. I wonder how they will explain this? . . . Smh

    1. @mgtowfish73 unions unbalance the actual value of the labor a janitors labor isn’t the same value as an electrician or even an experienced mechanic.

  2. This is the administration that cries wolf. So many lies have spewed out of the White House the past two and a half years, that I automatically doubted Pompeo’s original declaration of Iran’s guilt. My first thought was that perhaps the US had done this. That Pompeo’s declaration was so early increased this suspicion. I now tend toward believing it was Iran, but the Trump regime has crippled America by its constant stream of lies.

    1. ruth depew
      There’s an high chance that it was an inside job because saudi radars didn’t show anything and saudis patriot systems didn’t trigger….
      Besides, a friend of satanyahu wanna buy the same company that yemenis attacked….
      An ex cia must be total liar….she talked exactly like bolton

  3. I’m betting Putin has his hand in this gas prices go up here in the states , you can take it to the bank Trump and his cronies will tell everyone it’s a great idea that we take sanctions off of Russia and get our gas from them…

  4. I am a little confused. This representative is a former CIA Analyst and an expert of the region and she is weighing in heavily that Iran is responsible without addressing the houthi rebels claim on the attack? At this point Iran being responsible is a strictly a Trump Administration/Saudi narrative as the houthi claim has not been debunked.
    I must have missed something as I am surprised Lawrence has not queried this in the least.

  5. GM screwed over Canada and the US workers were like who cares.
    Now GM is screwing them over…..who cares.
    I no longer buy anything american.

  6. I don’t care what they do. It’s their decision that I, taxpayer, shouldn’t subsidize. Send GM to Mexico. Detroit is trash. This lady dont know firsthand crap in the middle east. She got her Intel from guys like me.

  7. Educate yourselves on who each candidate donors are make sure they know where you stand and vote accordingly. Help your neighbours who are impacted by transport issues especially the elderly and disabled and get out and vote. Let them know you’re giving them the middle finger against the rigged system.

  8. Workers United ..and Military Service
    Revolt Now this lawless government
    Republicans are traitors to Our sovereign constitution

  9. Workers United and Military Service don’t put any of Your money to a trump republicans…..
    Revolt Now
    This lawless government corruption that has trickled down to republican businesses
    Revolt Now

  10. fox news will never stop lying to protect the insurance and drug companies billion dollars in profits to protect their donor money that helps them maintain their million dollar salaries,fox news just dont care how many people die because they cant afford their health care premiums and deductibles,if america had medicare for all,everyone would have better health care than they have now and it will include dental,hearing and eye care and have no co-pays,deductibles and premiums.all the people at gm lordstown plant and other plants that had jobs that moved to mexico and canada would still have health care.unions would love medicare for all,they would no longer would have to give up raises for health care and then could get more money in hourly raises.medicare for all would stop all people who loose their jobs from loosing their health care,it would stop the deaths from not being able to afford premiums and make this happen you must stop supporting the enemy of the middle class and the people fox news,they dont care if we live or die,they only care about getting more wealth and protecting their billion dollar donors and we must vote against every republican in 2020 and elect bernie sanders for president

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