Many small businesses are struggling to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic, with Black-owned businesses being hit especially hard. CNN's Phil Mattingly reports.
#CNN #News
Many small businesses are struggling to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic, with Black-owned businesses being hit especially hard. CNN's Phil Mattingly reports.
#CNN #News
their ice cream looks good
Then it’s a GREAT thing that Our Man Trump is running the country, he’ll bring back the Black owned businesses AGAIN!!!
@Jeffrey Dahmer More PC BS revisionist history, 95% of bk history month inventions came straight out of thin air
Black does not equate people of color. I wish people would quit saying that!
@͔ go ahead but don’t be surprised when he turns on you too
@Democrats jerk off to Desmond is amazing statement but no proof just like Trump
@͔ lol man you either must be delusional, on some good drugs or extremely stupid.
Trump 2020

͔ Your comment is just more profs why Arabs are listed as Caucasian on the Census data. This idea that whytes are the real victims of racism is laughable. I don’t take people seriously who think marrying. Their cousin is ok and using their left hand instead of toilet paper is normal. When I hear one of your villages is bombed by drones Obama sent I feel no sympathy.
Just so your aware CNN has not been helping in all of this.
@dan Halo Agree, that is not there job, but journalistic is also not what they are doing, they are spinning there stories and cherry picking the facts.
Then it’s a GREAT thing that Our Man Trump is running the country, he’ll bring back the Black owned businesses AGAIN!!!
@dan Halo Amen!
@R. R. Nope…they’re reporting dor for political gain/divisiveness. The black networks don’t have this up as top story.
@dan Halo their purpose is to wreck the economy to hurt Trump. That is the left’s agenda and CNN is as left as it gets.
Nice try CNN
@deadeye445 congrats you want a cookie? What does that do for you?
@deadeye445 it sure as hell doesn’t give you common sense
Then it’s a GREAT thing that Our Man Trump is running the country, he’ll bring back the Black owned businesses AGAIN!!!
@deadeye445 your an idiot then. Cnn was promoting the lockdown that caused this. When black bussines owners protested the lockdown. They said it was all right wing white supremacists. Your being lied too. And its easily foubd. Read their retractions page on their website.
BLM riots aren’t helping are they?
The riots were not started by BLM organizers, but the riots served in bringing attention to the core issues of racism, the oppression of black people and police brutality. More than ever, more people now are educating themselves on the failings of this country and realizing just how bad it has been for black people, that it needs to stop. Small business owners even came out in support of the riots and looting (yes, even the ones who were looted and rioted themselves,) because they recognize that they have shared interests with them. Black owned businesses have largely long been underserved by this government. Before the protests, it was black owned businesses that were suffering the most because of COVID 19. Before COVID 19, black owned businesses were still disproportionately suffering/lacking the support they needed to stay open. Black small businesses failing now are failing and hurting because they never received the adequate support they needed to not just stay afloat, but to thrive to the same extent as white businesses, as large businesses. Both prioritized over the former because of racism and and the structure of capitalism we have in place. So yes, the riots did help. They helped to wake this country up to the injustices and oppression black people are facing across the board, whether they are black customers or black small business owners.
@CEE MILLZ I didn’t hear BLM condemning the riots, nor did I see BLM cleaning up after the riots, nor did I see BLM helping the shop owners who were looted. When BLM members stop acting like children and more like adults maybe I’ll start listening.
BLM needs to clean house quickly and save the movement. A fat, pink global predatory hedgefund manager (George Soros) is a founding founder. He’s banned in six countries
@Zach Zwerin They’re anarchists. However, wait till’ they find out what true anarchy is. Some of us believe in survival of the fittest; and that means death. Lots of it!!!
Make no mistake CNN and the left wood luv nothing more than a full on depression… in their eyes that is a win… UNREAL u left voters choose to turn a blind eye to this.
All businesses are at risk for closure bcus of the pandemic
@p g kombatroll
@Renee ? Not stalker to just notice a profile pic…? bs spouter much
@mae LOL, you clearly don’t own a small business. We got checks to pay employees, cover expenses— pretty unprecedented. Thank for your uninformed opinion though. Maybe you didn’t qualify because you couldn’t build a business if your life depended on it.
Then it’s a GREAT thing that Our Man Trump is running the country, he’ll bring back the Black owned businesses AGAIN!!!
You SOOO racist…. you dare to compare blacks to other people.
Be sure to thank your local democratic politicians for that.
@Janet Lowe kombatroll
@Susan Bara I think they did to be honest.
The Blacks want more free handouts? Big surprise there!
@98LowDown Like the major companies that asked for free handouts in the form of tens of millions that were intended for small businesses. It seems everyone loves handouts
So much fox, breitbart, and OAN echoed white fragility.

CNN caring about black owned businesses… imagine that..xD
@bngr bngr YOU nailed it
@Dark Tenki Biden will not help you, Trump made it possible for the record number of new and expanding black owned businesses in US history. He made it possible by cutting the terrible red tape and getting special loans for blacks.
@brian gardner
And hired a white supremacist as a senior advisor
Then it’s a GREAT thing that Our Man Trump is running the country, he’ll bring back the Black owned businesses AGAIN!!!
Nemo Krada “I’m black “ I doubt that.
Why are so many of these comments so negative?
Because people are waking up. They can see right through CNN
Its because some of these people on here are racist what do cnn have to do with someone making a racist comment. There also made because trump is about to be out of office and they want to play the blame game.
Because cnn is a race baiting, cowardly exploitive news* organization now. They were sued by Nick Sandman and Nick won.. for an sxample.
@mistery-ed That’s not what Nick Sandman said
George Soros and the Muslim brotherhood are probably slapping each other five right about now.
@deadeye445 yes, you are blind
@deadeye445 The whole of the nation will again choose President Trump as its leader. NOT some slimy creepy life long politician corrupt, old, and senile.
@Pat L Right on, preach it.
Pat L Our tax base is not big enough for the spending that we have. We borrow most of the money we spend.
Maybe black lives matter will help black business owners LOL
Nah, all those donations went to the Biden campaign. Why? Because “you ain’t…” well, you know the rest.
BLM can help, oh wait 99% of that funding goes to the democratic elites. Shhhhocking
Let’s see what kind of crowd our candidate pulls in!
What’s astounding is that US intel does not discuss the news clips of Joe Biden bribing Ukraine officials since most of the rest of the world has watched these clips. It seems critical that one running for president of the US who committed criminal acts as vice president, would be under intense scrutiny. Why is proven on camera criminal behavior of no interest? There were numerous other democratic candidates! Why are we stuck with a criminal? Why scrape the bottom of the barrel? What kind of “journalist” is so ignorant and incompetent that he refuses to cover facts? Looks like more from gossip TV. We need to require the party give us someone legit! It’s going to be embarrassing when every media outlet plays these tapes a week before the election! Find the BEST democrat!
@Susan Bara I’ve never even heard of this clip, could you link a source?
@Nibblesnarf Games go to BCP (black conservative patriot) he does a deep dive. BLM website donations go to Democrat super pacs. Also. Th3 BLM founders in an interviee said they are trained marxists.. and they were in venezuela hanging out with the murdering dictator maduro, who uses police to kill thousands of citizens, who keeps his people in poverty. And had tanks run people over in the streets… why would they support a communist dictator?
Its all a scam man
@Arnv why donr you do your own research
We’ll all rebuild. There’s ups and downs and we’ll be fine.
Trump will rescue them and red pill them, of course. I mean, if they haven’t been already.
And what about business struggling to reopen due the lootings? All lives matter too.
That’s what they wanted, every time we try to do anything they wanna oppress us
@Jock Young “People tried something different, in 2016. They’re not making THAT mistake again”
Right! We’ll stick with Trump!
Then it’s a GREAT thing that Our Man Trump is running the country, he’ll bring back the Black owned businesses AGAIN!!!
Who do you think is oppressing you? (I’m asking that as a genuine question, not trying to prove a point)
jcllings the questions were a rhetorical statement.
Finally some black people who don’t claim victimhood, but stood strong and fought for their livelihoods
Omg.. cnn just push racism now daily..
How about a story on ALL the businesses that are closing??? Or keep being racist and focusing on certain racial groups…… pathetic.
IT is stunning how the democratic party has enslaved blacks for over fifty years
“I don’t value indulging irrationality, hyper-partisanship.” -Chris Cuomo on the topic of his job on CNN