Former US Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal wrote in the Washington Post that until President Trump recovers from the coronavirus, Vice President Pence should be in charge. Aired on 10/06/2020
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Neal Katyal Says Pence Should Be In Charge Until Trump Recovers | The ReidOut | MSNBC
Donald Trump is killing this country
Trump the Superspreader – he has spread lies, disinformation, ignorance, corruption, incompetence, racism, misogyny, poverty and now disease!
Dan Dan — The nation is stronger than Donald Trump.
@GH1618 The Republican party is trying to change that.
No he’s not. The American people are doing that all by themselves.
@Christine King Yeah because it was the Republicans forcing lockdowns and sending people with COVID into nursing homes….. Oh wait, that was 5 democrat governors.
Joe biden 2020
@Logan McLean Donald Trump sold out to Russia and China
@Josef trumpvirus 211,000+
@Josef – Your right. Vote and VOTE HIM OUT!
@Dan Dan lies and conspiracies, and you know that Dan Dan
Trump for President.
COVID 19 is draining the Swamp in the white house.
Who would have thought of that?
God works in mysterious ways
@F M thanks. It seems a lot of folks don’t know this.
What is Erik Prince up to?
Probably shredding documents.
Trump the Superspreader – he has spread lies, disinformation, ignorance, corruption, incompetence, racism, misogyny, poverty and now disease!
Conservatives are done with trump. Vote Biden
Trump the Superspreader – he has spread lies, disinformation, ignorance, corruption, incompetence, racism, misogyny, poverty and now disease!

he literally opened pandora’s box and tapped it out upside down cause there had to be more in there.
Trump the Superspreader – he has spread lies, disinformation, ignorance, corruption, incompetence, racism, misogyny, poverty and now disease!

Wesley, I think you need a nice, peaceful vacation, or at least a very strong drink.
Pence is in charge of virus task force. Wait for it….guess who will be thrown under the bus in the end!!!!
Mike Pence still has a slim chance on being presdident for a couple weeks at the end of the year if Trump snuffs it
Diane Rice …That God Dam Pence!
I think Pence would be the first one who might actually fight back and be shady and sneaky and evil enough to push back and out slime Trump.He might be the one to annihilate Trump.
@Aunchient Pistol Please, see above — no death until January 20th, but complete incapacity, yes. Pence in the shortest or second shortest term in presidential history.
What did they do to his face. He’s definitely more yellow. Did they bleach him??
Bruce strkland… I think it’s a reaction to the UV light sabre insertion.
@R Wags lol
LOL!! No, but they should have! When you work in television in front of the camera, there is a specific make up you wear called, “TV Tan.” That’s the actual name. All Talk Show hosts and actors wear it. Under the super bright lights, it gives you a “natural” skin tone.
But, Mr. Trump wears this make up in public. That’s the orange color he always has. Under ordinary lighting, it makes you look pumpkin orange.
In the hospital he looked pale and sickly because he wasn’t wearing make up, that was his usual color. They must’ve picked up the wrong pancake make up today! LOL!! And, that my friend, is your bit of TV trivia for today!! Tune in Tomorrow!! LOL!
Lack of oxygen, no matter how hard he tries to hide it, bless his rotten heart.
Why did the last couple of words in this video scare tf outta me
Amber The MUA no one on steroids should be in that position
Pence is the one thing I fear more than Trump.
That’s because he can pardon Trump for everything!
I don’t because he doesn’t have the charisma and cult of personality thing that Trump and other dictators must have.
Pence wouldn’t have the time to do as much damage as people are worried about, if he is president for only a few weeks the most he could probably do is propose a bill or something that would take up most of his time in office to potentially get passed.
@Liam Green You don’t think Mrs. Pence has had a plan folded up in her purse since 2016, cause I’m pretty sure she has.
@Dopatap it’s possible but who knows. I don’t think he could have planned for a situation exactly like this but I have no idea. Either way the power should be transferred over to pence until he’s off of the steroids and recovers fully.
Looks like Gods going to have the last word..the orange is fast becoming a grape”fruit”
I hope Nancy becomes the 1st Woman President.
Lunatics running America…GOP did this to you and your family and have no intention of stopping
Pentagon Military Leaders now quarantining! Thanks Trump! Leaves America exposed…on all fronts.
How are we exposed Einstein?
AB Mia yeah, because trump had already opened the back door to putin, kim, and several others.
Dee Jeff The back door? Christ almighty,you’re stupid.
@Dee Jeff Don’t feed the trolls.
@AB Mia go home take care of your shithole country
“Don’t ever use the word smart with me.” – Donald
That won’t be a problem.
Even if Trump was actually out of his mind from the steroids, no one will stand up to him in his cabinet or in his party.
You’re right. None of the Republicans have the balls to stand up to Trump. But we’re not Republicans, we’re Democrats. #VoteBlue
You don’t have to wish harm on anyone when they do it their self. You play stupid games….you get stupid prizes.
Trump is Irrational
We ALL know it
Yet WE allow him to continue to hold those
Nuclear Codes
Bad Decision
Spot on Neal. Don’t let him die just yet. “killing him softly with his words”
Trump pumped up with all those ‘miracle’ drugs and nuclear codes do not sit well with me