Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal argues that there are three "high crimes" that he says the president is "clearly" guilty of. He explains to Steve Kornacki why, because of those alleged high crimes, he feels the House must impeach Trump and the Senate should remove him from office. Aired on 11/27/19.
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Neal Katyal On The Case For Impeaching President Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC
So complex yet so simple. Did the President use his privileged position of power to help himself at the expense of the United States and its allies?
Yes, guilty!!
Marlowe Dugger … Hi Marlowe.
Thanks for that.
Not “use his privileged position” but did he try to use it. **SPOILER ALERT** He did.
Liking this new presenter Steve and thank you soooo much for letting Neal talk without constant interruption paula in the UK
I totally hear you. All the interrupting is so annoying from the original presenter.
As a Procurement Professional, I know clearly what a bribe is. Trump definitely SOLICITED a bribe.
If I tell a supplier that I have an authorized Purchase Order for a million dollar order, but he needs to “do me a favor” and give me $10,000.00, that’s the solicitation.
If I find out that my competitor gets wind that I asked for the money and tells my boss, but I issue the PO without getting the $10,000.00, I still get fired.
@@Joan Mackie : Agreed. I just feel that ASKING for a personal benefit in exchange for something that is ALREADY approved is closer to soliciting a bribe.
@@Herman47 : In my example, the $10,000.00 “do me a favor” is the SOLICITATION of the Investigations. Trump actually had NOTHING to offer, because the aid was approved by Congress, just as my PO was authorized by my Corporate approval process.
If I continue to withhold the PO, the Corporate V.P. that authorized the product or service required (Congress) will demand accountability, as the Maintenance Dept. (Ukraine) would ultimately suffer.
@Joan Mackie Yes, your first sentence does show solicitation of a bribe, but your first statement can also easily be seen as equivalent to “I’ll give you this, if you give me that,” that is to say, *offering* rather than soliciting a bribe. So essentially what needs to be determined is what is the bribe here, who is offering it, and who is seeking to receive it. I put forth that the bribe is the thing more needing to be kept secret, and the one who gives what needs to be kept secret is the one offering the bribe; the person receiving what needs to be kept secret i ssoliciting the bribe.
mark prater In that case, what about Biden’s threat to withhold aid if the prosecutor was not fired?
You know things are bad if the nation would fare better with the joker from batman as president. As bad as it would get joker commits random crimes. Trump is demolishing democratic norms in america. If he gets another term america wont exist anymore.
Native Latinos: not only to the US. He betrayed the Kurds and loves the world dictators. He’s a madman, wanna be tough guy, insane and out for ‘revenge’ on everyone who hurt his fragile ego. He defiles everything he touches. You all have to VOTE BLUE, NO MATTER THE CANDIDATE!
Trump is a danger to the security of America as Hitler was to the security of the world . And to a greater length , he is more dangerous than Hitler. For he also seems like demented and a danger to the world’s security as well.
They are Deep State. They forgot their place. They forget the President is their commander-in-chief. They should be court-martialed for insubordination.
Thumbs up for Neal Katyal!
This would have been difft.last week but now that the Supreme Court has Chipped on for him, There is no
Sounds twisted Impeach but dont Impeach, It cannot be a real Impeachment, once it is out of the House
Wish the Republicans would just pretend it was President Obama that was overheard bribing Ukraine’s President…
Claudy TheArtist Zelensky said there was no quid pro quo, he wasn’t pressured and the aid wasn’t held up. The remaining witnesses only heard hearsay and presumption. It falls dead in the senate ….
Either he’s impeached or we burn the constitution and make him king. Please don’t keep this person in office because he is not about to admit wrong and change his ways.
Mandalyn Echols this post is WAY more profound than it seems on the surface.

Trump has systematically destroyed our infrastructure, our relationships with allies and shored up the radical right with judges, destroying the balance between divergent peoples. He couldn’t have created a more perfect scenario for civil and world war.
@Gayle Chamberlain Everyone should vote blue, no matter the candidate otherwise the US will be the second hermit kingdom after N.Korea.
Neal, knows the law!!!…Dems should hire him as counsel!!!…
For all we know, he may have rejected an offer from them and/or is serving as a consultant. Ya never know …. I’m sure Democratic House leaders are aware of his expertise and have made the most of it.

I absolutely agree with you!!!

No, he doesn’t.
“Lying to the public” should be more than enough. They actually drew that one up for Nixon.
Bugs Bunny you are right of course. Besides my priorities today are being thankful for what I do have and eating lots of good food.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!
@William H – a better question would be what didn’t Trump lie about?
President Trump does not lie to the American people. Start thinking for yourself. Stop relying on TV talking heads to spoonfeed you what and how to think. Go to the source. Listen to the President’s words for yourself. Every single time he speaks it is recorded for The White House YouTube channel. You owe it to yourself to find out the truth.
I like Neal because he’s telling Steve , to forget the polls , forget the talking points and all the hype, it’s all about the constitution and the rule of law plain and simple
@Carpe Diem Arts trump THINKS he wins by “talking” .. He simply pounds the nails into his own coffin.
@Keoki Ciervo Completely wrong! Let’s not forget that the “average American voter” said “no” to Trump. Trump lost the popular vote by some 2.87 million votes — the largest margin of any elected American president ( He was “elected” because of the superannuated electoral college — which got him many “aye”-s through America’s Rust Belt.
@Carpe Diem Arts I used to think Nixon wasn’t as bad as Trump. Recently I saw a documentary on him and how he sabotaged Johnson’s peace meetings to gain an advantage in the 1968 election. He used several surreptitious people to sabotage those talks–which would have been successful. This was all new to me! I was only eleven when that happened so I wasn’t aware of politics, except that each of my older brothers were entering the draft, and it was terrifying.
Nixon literally prolonged a war to help him become president. President Johnson only found out about Nixon’s involvement one or two days before the election itself and decided not to expose him. Johnson had decided earlier not to run for re-election. Herbert Humphrey’s chances to win were very strong, so Nixon did this vile act to become president, and it worked.
The failure of those peace talks was blamed on the Democratic party. Nixon was evil, a greedy monster. Many thousands of Americans and Vietnamese people died because of him.
“So unfair that the people we keep from testifying are not allowed to testify.”
Absolutely NOT an abuse of power! This is a legal Constitutional process. Nobody’s being kept from testifying, including Trump himself. He won’t do it, even though that’s what he’s been asking for for months. Republicans have been a part of the inquiry from the very beginning so there’s nothing to complain about. If you want to complain about something, an abuse of power, let’s talk about Trump’s abuse of power and many criminal acts.
The Congress investigates mafia Trump, not Joe Biden and and his son we are not interested in . Anyway, Joe Biden is famous because Trump’s conspiracy against Biden obviously.
I know its ridiculous right
Methinks we need to get Mr. Katyal on the Judiciary Committee, eh?
madhabitz ………….. Supreme Court ! Get RID of Moscow Mitch and the rest of the Repuke cows in the Senate .
It’s not a guessing game. Trump commits crimes, always, has. He just keeps pushing because he gets away with it.
Nathalie he has committed no crime. Please light a fire under your representatives and get them to pass USMCA. #KAG2020
Orange mafia boss Donnie T pi**ed his pants bc he knows that he can’t endure a serious interrogation. Of course he stays at home… but not for long. Vote him out!
It might go the other way, those other 50% might want trump to be prez again (I don’t know why) and putin will be at it again meddling in our elec election since the republicans didnt pass any legislation to secure our voting system. We just need Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann to prosecute trump, his family and his goons. That’s including some of the republican congress.
you aren’t fit to carry a bucket of water for him. show some respect.
OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE is still a felony as is bribery and extortion. IMPEACH and REMOVE the corrupt and compromised asset from office.
Too bad none of you idiots matter.
You keep forgetting that the president is an American citizen first and has the same rights as you and me. Having close door meetings along with a mysterious “whistleblower” shows already a violation of the Fourth Amendment besides not allowing the other side to subpoena additional witnesses to these hearings is a sham by only questioning the “selected witnesses” who have already proven, “I presume or assume” statements. No doubt, the hearings are “tailored”. Presumption and assumptions can be implied to every US president because it is human behavior, like the nosy neighbor who already has an opinion about you, favorable or not, and there’s nothing you can do to change it but hope they believe you of those who have a negative assumptions about you. .
He is not corrupt, he is not compromised. This administration has behaved in a most exemplary manner – they are always transparent. Want to know what is really going on? Listen to the President for yourself. Don’t rely on these guys to spoonfeed you their version of the truth. #WalkAway
If he doesn’t send representation, the Democrats need to have an empty chair with his name in front of it front and center.
@Suzy Q All politics are corrupt. Isn’t anyone with power corrupt.
@Mitchelli Williams Same thing you said in 2016, Interesting. Actually 2017,2018, oh’ now it’s 2019. 2020,21,22,23 will it ever end. Well we know in 2024 they will shift back to the left it always has swung left and right all through history. Do you see a pattern ! LOL Pathetic !
@William Talbot RE: “… the election was three years ago, your side lost, get over it…” makes so little sense considering that since the election this president has proven to be far worse than any of his critics imagined possible (non-synchophants have plenty to be outraged by well beyond being sore losers) combined with the fact Republicans are still holding a grudge over the 2008 election that it’s obvious this comment is generated by a trollbot (or maybe cut and pasted with zero comprehension?).
Wait, so he complains about not being able to have a lawyer at the hearing and not being represented. Now he has the chance and he is unlikely to do so? That just shows his original complaint had no merit!
That’s what the Republicans do. While the hearing with on there were Republicans who had the right to be in the closed door hearing BUT THEY WANTED TO HANG WITH THERE FRIENDS FOR A PIZZA PARTY!!!! STUPID STUPID STUPID.
If you do not have an attorney….one will be appointed to you. Id like to see that.
@Nicki McKean – lmao!
How little the sanctity of Democracy means to Trump supporters.
@Whirlwind S Yeah, I agree, I wonder if they realise how much blood was given for them to have democracy and what it would
feel like to live in a country where the sanctity of democracy had been eroded. They would change their tune real fast if they woke up in a country where you have no Democratic rights, try free speech in a country without democracy.
Crickets, no public support for impeachment, fake news fake polls failing ratings. Trump has destroyed CNN/MSNBC,NYT, TYT, late shows, The political View. . . I guess the glass ceiling will say in storage for another few years. But Hillary won the popular vote ! LMFAO ! Liberals still butt hurt over 2016 and look, it’s almost 2020, time to do it all over again. Word is they will have therapy dogs coloring books and tissues ready for the blue wave of tears in 2020.
@Bubbles – you forgot Participant Ribbons.
@Gord235 LOL ! Good one Gord.
Adam Brady What do you mean? The reason we back Trump is because he is trying to SAVE our country. #KAG2020
Trump is nothing but a tyrant that in his delusional mind think he’s a king.
Based on what?
@Duke of Haphazard Based on your ignorance
How is he a tyrant? How weird you lefties are, my God!
@Lets do this I think its pretty clear that’s the left is the most ignorant bunch of dummies that’s why you keep losing
Far from it.
Neal Katyal is such a level headed lawyer that lays things out for all to understand.
he’d make a great Attorneys General. He is poised, measured, and man of integrity