The Wall Street Journal reports that before Biden's inauguration, Trump pushed the DOJ to appeal to the Supreme Court to overturn the 2020 election. MSNBC Legal Analyst Neal Katyal reacts. Aired on 01/25/2021.
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#NealKatyal #Election #MSNBC
Neal Katyal: New Trump Election Attack Report Is 'Cray Cray' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
I absolutely love Neal & he’s totally right. This would win the cray cray award if there ever was one!
I quite like Neal as well along with Laurence Tribe, 2 guys who know what their talking about
Gfis that
oh good
and a news piece using the term cray cray wins the cringe award
Enjoy the way he explains things. Makes sense of complicated issues. And explains how they relate to each other.
Trump had intelligence the Capitol was going to be attacked according to Chris Miller’s conversation with the President on Jan 5th “Trump saying they would need 10000 troops”.
And I still don’t think anyone got it trouble for that
@J Pgrass There was so much voter suppression going on I forgot all about that. Totally insane.
@Josie I heard Michael Flynn’s brother, also a general, had something to do with delaying the troops from being released.
@Lee Christmas “Psyop Is a very powerful tool”
@J Pgrass “Psyop Is a very powerful tool”
Never Ever GOP Again
They are done
We have seen what the so called Patriots can do
The Patriot Party has to give Donald Trump some money and. Donald Trump will contribute his brains and. The People that join has to bring some cash.
“Psyop Is a very powerful tool”
If you lie, you’ll steal, and if you steal, you’ll cheat, and he’s guilty of all three
@kd78orangerangerpete Get back on your meds.
@kd78orangerangerpete I’m sure lots of blokes have “tried” you, champ.
“Psyop Is a very powerful tool”
@kd78orangerangerpete Trump and his MAGGOTS are cop killers and traitors.
@Rabble Wolf Heh… yup. The fact that he’s compelled to brag on his supposed success and the length of his… err.. driveway (?) says it all, doesn’t it? LMAO!
Trump, Even had the nerve to want the Airport in Florida named after him? Why would Any Airport Want to be Named “Turd”?
@GreatOne Really He loves to color coordinate his colors. He wants his face to match his hair color and. Donald Trump is the only Former President n. History that knows more about make – up than any Commander and Chief.
Or Looser AIRLINES special Russian Rates 2nd Rate service to 3rd Rate Billing,Flown by the best Criminals I know & enjoy the Pillows lol ..
@Richard Pierpoint buddy people who want to no everything don’t live long.its all cool
. I’m glad u don’t want to no .what do u figure about Uncle Trump he’s a good man don’t u say.hes an an outtaken individual 

“ This is your CAPTAIN SPEAKING…we will be landing in TURD in just a few minutes, please observe the seat belt sign and thanks for flyings with us!!!!!
If this were a movie, nobody would be able to suspend their disbelief.
@Bear Richmond I agree…there are quite a few tools on this Channel.
@R L T?
@Morgan Yes
@R L T Even if PRESIDENT Biden was letting VICE PRESIDENT Harris pull all the strings, she still has more ability than T***p and Pence put together – not to mention more balls. She also doesn’t need spray tan to achieve a rich, non-radioactive glow your hackjob dreamed of.
@R L T Actuallu I am quite nice- unless I am dealing with no brain trumpers. I have no patience for those who believe every stupid lie they hear and are taken in by a very corrupt, mad, orange chimp!
They can’t hide it anymore.
Hopefully there will be more revelations of Trump’s treachery while in the White House.
Agreed ….totally agreed.
I don’t see how it can fly to see criminals setting in judgment over another criminal. It would seem they have to be dealt with before a trial.
@Peggy Pennington no need to worry. This will be presented to the
. They will judge these people. It will be a very hard legacy to live down.
At trial, won’t the autopsy reports/info. of all the victims be exposed during the court proceedings? That should sober people up.
Thank God that the republicans aren’t running it
No, there are way too many stupid people.
Just wait until Trump , His Attorneys & Business Partners include ReTrumplican’s Start Turning On Each Other!
Giuliani getting sued for his comments about Dominion is a big start. Giuliani losing his law license will be even bigger. Then the crows will feast!
@Victor Pradha Wow, Now Watch All Those Jump off that “ReTrumplican’s Train”
before the FINAL Impeachment Stop!! Starting With Rudy Giuliani!!!
Chewww Chewww
“Psyop Is a very powerful tool”
People want to see the corrupt political class going to prison!
If they did that who would run the government
people like me are concerned when politicians rob, steal, cheat, and lie with immunity
They are all corrupt, which is why so many liked that there was not aife long politician in the oval office.
Oh! No doubt there’s many that want to make an example of him if for no other reason than as a warning to the next “billionaire”, outsider that thinks about it.
But… They also don’t want to set the precedent of putting a president in prison, because that would open the doors on them all. Our police don’t go to prison because our political class doesn’t. It’s one hand washing the other.
Speeches and arguments don’t work anymore. Someone needs to make a 10-minute viral video presentation.
Is this an indictment on modern culture or just these legislators? That our attention and logic have devolved to a paleo brain level, reliant upon emotion.
They need to play the footage of that rioter in the Capital who is heard saying that trump told them to go down there! This shows that the crowd understood trump as telling them to undertake the attack, in other words, it is evidence of incitement.
Yes amongst other things. and the FBI etc didn’t get back to the President on this?
fusion fan absolutely!
fusion fan: That and the fact that Trump, though some operatives who will make it hard to connect the dots and the money back to Trump, recruited, funded, and (in some cases) salaried the army of Capitol t’errorists starting in the Summer, when Trump figured out he could never win the Election fairly (and started saying that, no matter, what, he wouldn’t accept an Election in which voters rejected him). It’s not what he said at that podium that makes Trump guilty. It’s the fact that all of those people were either his employees or volunteers within a formal command structure with him at the top. ALL of them walked around like people who had no anticipation of rubber-bullets, fire-hoses, night-sticks, tear-gas, or bean-bag rounds. None of them is crouching, none of them is sheltering behind obstacles. People are up against walls they are scaling in the brightest of apparel, without fear of snipers. It should be obvious to anyone that all of them were told that Trump’s inside person at Capitol Police had disabled their ability to mount an effective resistance to att’ack. Furthermore, they’re posting on social media and not covering their faces, which means they were all promised Pardons (which they didn’t get). Don’t fall for the idea that a bunch of people who don’t know each other but believed in the same cause arrived in Washington to protest for Trump. That didn’t happen. These people are a formal organization that Trump runs (and, worse, it still exists). If not all the t’errorists know each other it’s because an ISIS-like cellular command-structure was used.
@Victor Pradha “Psyop Is a very powerful tool”
@Topher The12th “Psyop Is a very powerful tool”
Convincing narcissistic psychos they’ve done something “wrong” is a waste if time. Throw them out and never let them back in.
Guantanamo bound!
@พัสตราถรณ์ ศรอิทนร์ too expensive, general population in Holman pen. The most violent prison in amurika be more suitable
Trump thought that he could do Putin’s style in America
But Putin is actually smart. Trump did not think of that unfortunately.
That’s why tRump always sucked up to Dictators, he was hoping to become one himself!
So far we don’t know that he couldn’t …
“Psyop Is a very powerful tool”
There will be some people that will never believe he did anything wrong. They will consider it “fake news”.
Its would be hard to admit to such a level of stupidity. I suggest lots of booze to ease the transformation.
The GOP will not do the right thing, they are incapable
GOP = P.O.S.
So sick of the “them and us attitude ‘. This was an attack on our country . If we did whatTrump did we would be in jail with a huge bond .
“Psyop Is a very powerful tool”
“Don’t try to understand ’em
Just rope, throw, and brand ’em”
“Psyop Is a very powerful tool”
Crazy people love crazy people