Former U.S. Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal discusses the Justice Department dropping criminal charges against Michael Flynn, the president's former national security adviser. Aired 5/8/2020.
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Neal Katyal: Dropping Charges Is 'Outrageous And Indefensible' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Personally, I have never thought that Flynn ever lied to Pence. As head of the heinous Trump transition, I believe that Pence knew every treasonous act committed by Flynn, Kushner, et. al. during the transition.
Good assessment
this whole administration has always been about cover up corruption
ruth depew
Beware of those who profess devotion to God. Their feigned piety is often the camouflage for their vileness and evil.
ruth depew … Exactly .. Pencey boy has been in on it from the begining … That sickening saccharin BS from Pence makes my skin crawl and my stomach turn.. !

Bullseye! They’re all in it up to their eye sockets. If we do not vote blue in overwhelming numbers, we are all F’d and our country is done. Dismal, but a reality.
The United States department of Just-us
The King Maker ,Oh yeah it’s just us just us for the rich but not for the poor. So therefore we will believe anything that could damage are camping at this point
@Cynthia Gonzalez Melt for me snowflake. Walk away, the Dems own you and you’re trapped.
SPZ Aruba you’re a delusional sheep and Trump loves ignorant fools that deny their own eyes and ears, good luck with that see ya in November SUCKER

swg2002 facts are irrelevant to fanatics like you, see ya in November SUCKER!

United States Department of “IN”-justice
and this corrupt country has the audacity to tell other countries what to do.
Not any more.
Oh so now thereisnogod you think rump and his people and their actions just appeared out of nowhere? THERE IS A GOD and He is Lord over every living thing, including the unbelievers Amen
@gospel videos
You’re an ignorant moron.
We weren’t this bad until trumps funky butt started squatting in america’s White House!

@gospel videos Trump being president should be one of the most biggest signs that god isn’t real…
The most corrupt administration in US History….
@Mats K – They don’t have to. They are: a) Blindly loyal b) Have been sufficiently TRAINED in how to respond to questioning. Classic cult. Attack or deflect……watch….. LOL.
We might as well start calling ourselves United Soviet Union because u know he gona ask for their help again
@The Jam and Berries agreed
@The Jam and Berries Well the GOP now stands for GOVERNMENT OF PUTIN so why not !?
@Cindy S Just like the Peoples Temple.
Remember when Republicans used to claim the title of the party of “law and order”? What a joke.
And now it’s lawless and disorder. Do what you want and lies don’t matter
That they are. Look at what Obama, the FBI, Hillary and the other sewer rats did to republicans. Four years the idiots are trying to get rid of the president, scared that their secrets would escape. Thanks to Durham and Barr, they are now being exposed and like we say “their kierantjies will fry” They destroyed Flynnbecause he worked for Obama, and knew where all the wee bodies were buried. But, the truth always wins, and it shows in the fact that after all their abuse, the president is still STANDING STRONG.
Christien du Preez – Now THAT is how your ramble incoherently! Well done sir, your mindless conspiracy theory vomit collage is a true work of art.
Hmmmm….law and order is what is happening now. Obama got caught and heads will roll. Documents prove the treasonous acts of the Obama Administration.
DAVID GOERTZ – Typical lame deflection to Obama. Actually surprised you didn’t try to turn this into a “but Hillary”. The excuses you cultists use are getting more and more pathetic everyday as it becomes increasingly difficult to defend your moronic leader. Give it a rest, Trump is never going to ask you to the prom.
Perhaps when Flynn lied, he was being sarcastic!
Perhaps you don’t know a thing about the case? Is that fair?
But who does, really?
@Peter Carney It’s funny how the Fake News CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, only show part of the comments someone says as to fool the weak and stupid. LOL
@DAVID GOERTZ I do understand sarcasm when I see it. I have sen none from either of the two people we are really talking about.
When these things come up, I have never heard any Republicans complaining about miscarriage of Justice – EVER!!
Illegitimate, Impeached, and now Lawless
We just keep on “winning”!
D.A. Justice Ministries …USA has become a banana republic…Barr works for duh Donald
@for paws
If you think it’s a Banana Republic, that’s from all of Obama’s work.
All these politicians, Hollywood Elites and wealthy businessmen are all in to the Satanic Rituals and pedophilia. It is sickening and very disturbing. The trafficking of children, babies and drugs were encouraged by the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi didn’t become a multimillionaire on her salary.
Obama became very wealthy in 8 years. Bought a 8 million dollar home in Washington, a 12 million dollar home in California, a yacht and expensive cars. Wonder were all his money came from?
Watch “Obama Deception Part 1” on YouTube
Even a host on MSNBC, Chris Hayes said that Democrats are derailed by the conspiracies woven around Trump every day. Another MSNBC host fired because she let the cat out of the bag about the persecution of Trump by saying that “MSNBC is winning the WAR against the White House” So there it is, the propagandists cutting their own throats.
@jb pb Trump and epstein were very good friends and photos of the two together keep popping up. You need to get out of russia comrade and see for yourself.
But forever Trumpers will vote for him again.
Bill Barr is like someone invented by Stephen King: a face like Santa Claus, a mind like Lucifer.
@Houston 84 Oh I remember that TV show..that baby dinosaur was so cute..but got into a lot of trouble..wasn’t it them that said “Got to love me”?..but we do NOT love barr…evil crook..
And you people acts like it.
Hope SK is listening- he always has use for good character suggstions!
I see HOG ROAST !!!
Buffet for wildlife. Vultures, etc. will eat him n pick his eyes out
@Houston 84 Dinosaurs are cuter than Barr, except Be Arney the dinosaur. I HATED THAT SHOW
There’s NOTHING cute about Barr
Barr is a criminal, interfering with the course of justice time and time again.
Do some homework and see what Barr was able to do for Bill Clinton back in the good old days of flying cocaine in from Colombia to Arkansas!
Robert Allen We all know Barr’s history is anything But pristine.
he is the chief Law enforcement Officer in the Country!!!!!! Someone needs to stop the Democrat insanity!!!!!! Save the Republic……………TRUMP2020 …….Landslide REPUBLICANs 2020
@Len Smittey Why, so we can have 4 more years of wondering what Trump is going to do next?
I notice a lot of you leftist EU women are triggered by Trump. It’s because all you listen to is fake news.
What is most disturbing in all this is how many American citizens are willing to commit outright treason against their own country.
@Jack Crow Tell me something genius. What does federal law 18 U.S.C. subsection 2 (a) state?
What does federal law 18 U.S.C. subsection 2 (b) state?
@Bace I don’t know, post it and then make a point.
@Jack Crow Seems there is so much you don’t know. Go look it up, you ignorant imbecile.
sunrize601 – THANK YOU! I have been talking about this for months now. The epidemiologist embedded in the Chinese CDC by President Obama was specifically there to bypass the Chinese government and alert the US about uncontained outbreaks so we could prepare.
But she was appointed by Obama so of course Trump eliminated the position and had her recalled back to The States.
That’s sabotage of the early warning system Obama put in place to protect the nation. That is why Trump has the blood of the nation on his hands.
My great concern is that no one in the media wants to talk about it because that ends this “president’s” lying nonsense
@Jayson Davis what’s her name? It’s also a tad naive to think the CCP is going to let an American in China warn the world. There are many non Chinese in China and how successful were they are sending the west?
Barr: “There’s no justice, there’s just us.”
Until January, when it’ll be “just them” hanging from the neck.
Barr is telling Americans that lying to the FBI and law enfrocement all over the country, is A-Okayyyy
David L Only if your friends with trump
Barr must face justice when democracy is restored in America
Exactly and they need to pay for these insanity @Laura Krapptok,how are you doing?
Barr should face the death penalty to set an example for any future DOJ willing to do the same. The next President should reopen and unseal all these cases, and if found guilty should either be life without parole or death penalty (again to set an example) But for Barr death penalty only.
Oh, justice is coming, and between Durham and Barr, quite soon. Only if you kick butt and get yourselves some decent, honest and loyal leaders will the democrats ever again bring democracy to America. The lot you have now is scum, and that will soon be exposed.
Huh? Barr just busted that guy you thought was a president (Obama) get the story right dummy.
Like Obama said Trump is just exposing all the problems America has had for years
Don Jr, …Don Jr..Really?…your name is Don Jr ? give me a f..n break…well Donnie boy tRumps little manhood has obstructed your airway
edward burket

Yes and Trump is a symptom of the problem right now he is a problem though
Trump could not recognize a real hero if he saw one and he has seen manyone that’s in our lifetime and I have so much respect for when he was alive is John McCain so President Trump does not know what I hero really is
Trump is the biggest threat America has had sence its existence!
“The United States is a nation of laws, badly written and randomly enforced.”
― Frank Zappa
Suzy Creamcheese for president
Yeah and where’s Frank when you need him? Dead like any good head would be.
Oh , Frank Zappa the guy who did acid every day?
You people are just STUPID.
@DAVID GOERTZ LoL! Ain’t that the truth.
@DAVID GOERTZ Wow David wow . Your command of expertise in so broad a field of interests, from politics to culture and the arts! And your funny little side kick there rxalim Asia. Aka Suzy cream cheese. You been waiting to explode ever since Woodstock haven’t you? Ha!
History will not be kind to the “Frogman”.
Americans finally feeling the injustice minorities has faced for years.
trump and willy have murdered American Justice – R.I.P.

And people, presumably U.S. citizens, still support this administration. A legal uprising is in order!
This is why the French invented the GUILLOTINE.