Former acting solicitor general Neal Katyal on the fact that the call for the DOJ to appoint a special counsel to probe Hunter Biden is a call for Joe Biden’s attorney general to make. Aired on 12/17/2020.
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#NealKatyal #DOJ #MSNBC
Neal Katyal Calls It ‘Outrageous’ For GOP To Insist On A Special Counsel To Investigate Hunter Biden
And his first comment is “WE DONT KNOW THE FACTS” nuff said
@Huge FX yea. that there were literally none. thats why you have none to give.
@will williamson yea ik, find it funny how this situation they can only assume but with Russia collusion they were throwing allegations out like facts left and right
And when they do know the facts and it would show the democrats Corruption or hypocrisy they don’t report it anyway
@Huge FX yep they knew they were all fake and made up my the DNC and clinton foundation put into a fake dossier and pushed as “evidence” and why has nobody gone to jail for lying to a judge on the FISA court? Oh ya it a democrat that did it so that don’t count
“How can we lie to you about the facts if we don’t know them yet??”
Your swamp is showing.
@Jacob Vallejo Kid Trump was corrupt along with his family and the people close to him, yet Republicans turned a blind eye. Hypocrisy much?
@Brandon Large Trump and Right Wing media is asking you to hold their beer.
@Dead Purple where is the evidence??? Show me proof???
@Common Unicorn Trump is the giant turd we’re flushing
@Jacob Vallejo Ukrainian, Russia, his tax returns, just the tip, but you will deny it cause you prefer being a blind sheep.
Well he just tipped his hand to whos side he is on and thats joe Bidens side.
As are all decent people.
Bro…..its msnbc…….they sitteth at the left hand of their Democrat Jesus.
CNN sitteth on the right.
@Merrilou Neigenfind you mean these people that backed the burners, looters and assaulters that have been running wild all year? These people that martyred convicted criminals when they got themselves killed while breaking the law yet again? These people that support the killing of millions of unborn babies? These “decent” people?
Outrageous….why, cause his dad may be tied to it ?
Biden Jr. is 100% worthless. All of this bribe money is about Joe Biden Senior. Including a whole other matter. $70 million in bribes from the Communist Chinese via Biden’s BIden/Penn slush fund foundation. When a communist gives a politician 70 million dollars they are going to expect 70 million in political favors. Biden sold out his country and has no business being president. He likely will never see the inside of the Oval office again.
nah bro! foreign companies just love to give away money to incompetent drug addicts with the last name biden out of the kindness of their hearts! you didnt think they EXPECTED anything for the millions of dollars they gave that putz did you?!
@Guided Meditation guided delusions
Dad is at the heart of this.
Why is it outrageous to investigate bribes paid to the Biden family. Are they legally immune?
@Perpetually Lost in Thought Biden was recorded saying “I am leaving in 6 hours, and if the Prosecutor is not fire you are not getting the money.” The money was a billion dollar aid package he went there specifically to tell them they were getting.
An obvious “do this or else” but since Joe is an establishment Democrat, people lie and bend over backwards to gaslight you that it wasnt quid pro quo.
Trump on the other hand never said anything to their President about withholding aid, never directly made a demand, but that was clearly quid pro quo in the way he said it.
It is so obvious a double standard as you clearly get.
@Billy C thats a stretch and a half. Maybe I should’ve worded it differently. Hunters investment firm received BILLIONS and then hunter was paid millions from that. You are in denial and its kind of sad that you are so blindly led. You’re what aboutisms are pretty funny though.
@fomori2 I don’t know the context of that specific statement. It isn’t wether or not there is a quid pro quo, but what it’s give and take is that makes it illegal. In Trump’s example he was withholding aide in exchange for something to benefit him specifically in a campaign and it’s that in which it became illegal. Again, all of the Republicans agree that this is what happened. Trump broke the law, but the Republicans in the senate didn’t feel it was enough to have him removed so they voted against impeachment.
Trump was, but why bring that up?
@Stephen Lott I don’t use either. The REPUBLICAN PARTY AGREES that Trump did this, no question. Double check with sources you trust and see. One does not have to use the words “quid pro quo” for there to be one. Trump thought so that’s why he released the transcript and referred to it as perfect. Perfect because he did a quid pro quo without saying the words. Some times they are good, Trump’s was illegal for specific reasons. And all GOP members admit as such.
“It is very dangerous to speculate on the basis of some leaks.” This is exactly what the democrats spent the last 4 years doing. The liberal media has to practice being this stupid.
Not only a special counsel, but one with prosecutorial directive of all involved.
@Billy C Check your TDS. This conversation is about Hunter and his involvement with the Chinese. Mueller investigation is over.
@Chas Burns Yes but he couldn’t prosecute Trump until he leaves office, and that’s coming up in about 30 days. Which reminds me – the republican-led Senate Intel Committee sent a criminal referral to the SDNY on Don Jr, Kushner, and Bannon. Those should probably be looked into as well.
@Billy C Like I said. Check your TDS. My post has nothing to do with Trump.
Don’t worry, Biden can just pardon everyone like Trump did.
Moh wow
“How dare we investigate politicians who we’re handing ultimate power to” – MSNBC
This is your “BREAKING NEWS”?

Their finest hour this year.
Toh wow
And; people wonder why nothing gets DONE in Washington D.C.
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Yup….the precedent is …nothing gets done…fortunately the answer to that problem was given to ” All United States Citizens”. . THREE YEARS AGO
@Erik Peterson There also afraid of a partisan psychological priming of the public… “If you arrest him for that, than you need to arrest him” sh/t that are considered PROCESS crimes. The public likes to act like they understand “legal practice” however it’s only based on what they’ve been told by their handlers!
It’s 2020 we don’t think for ourselves
Hoh wow
If there’s nothing to hide than there should be nothing to worry about!
Yeah, like Trumps taxes…
Except hunter isn’t running for anything
@rideon but the subject of the video had nothing to do with Trump. Stay on the topic bruh
@Keeping It Crypto No he’s right on topic. He’s pointing out the hypocrisy of the Right. Trump has been fighting tooth and nail to keep his taxes hidden and the right has constantly defended him.
But hey why bring up facts huh?
@Dead Purple You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed are you? They’re parroting what JOE BIDEN SAID you moron. Biden, and the democrats, said to Trump regarding Russia “if you have nothing to hide there should be nothing to worry about”. The only hypocrite here is you who applauded 3 years of russia hoax but turn a blind eye to investigating the election or Biden. Fair’s fair, you had your investigations, now it’s our turn. Or, perhaps, DO you have something to hide?
What ??? The Dems investigated Trump for 4 years. C’mon man, fair is fair.
Yeah because it’s totally cool
That hunter
is taking kickbacks from our greatest enemy
Nobody gives a f*** what Neal Thinks.
when you brought up Trump’s name, you lost.
Toh wow
“It is very dangerous to speculate based on some leaks”
I am laughing so hard.
The “leaks” from hunters personal laptop LOLOL dude this is almost comedic how they lie
@Belis Breckenridge sometimes i feel like im watching the onion but no, that’s actually on the “news”
@Belis Breckenridge Hey Dear Friend
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They don’t even hear themselves, lmfao. “Russian collusion, he’s an asset!!”
But also:
“It’s, ah, well, er, you know, dangerous to speculate. I mean, the piles of evidence don’t mean anything, really. I wonder what Biden’ s favorite flavor of ice cream is today?”
Russia Russia russia…but leave any of the bidens out of it


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@Tessica Dawnyelle Hey Dear Friend
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@Fun Square’s I hope other people are reporting your comments too. You need to stop, it’s annoying.
@Pippetandpossum I reported it ! Hate when people do that crap it is annoying
This is the kind of guy who is willingly ignorant
Hunter is a huge security risk to Puppet Jo Bi Din
The hipocracy is priceless. Hunter issues far beyond taxes.