"The NDP should be ashamed of themselves": Green Party Leader Elizabeth May criticized the NDP for making misleading statements about her party.
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Fire up the Dodge viper, vroom vroom
Still an older car which is getting the most life out of it not a bad problem
Okay, who doesn’t love that car?!
@kenmo6 cars great May is a moron
@WildandLiving A car which never should have been built according to the Greens. That never stopped her from riding in one for a parade though. Hypocrites!
Newsflash: Every politician lies in order to make themselves look better.
Not true, May lies to make herself look even more insane than she is.
I personally believe Elizabeth May to be categorically insane.
Well a bit flakey anyways. But all the Greens are. They run around screaming “climate crisis” a lot.
She’s such a fool! We can control our environment but we cannot control our climate! Sheesh!
Oh look, the sky is falling… 
She needs to be in a straight jacket and that goes for her voters as well
And btw, Stephen Harper has more class than the entire Omar Khadr Fan Club….
coffee time no he wasn’t not. Jean Chretien was instrumental in letting the Khadr clan into Canada before he was even PM back in the 80’s under a previous Liberal government. Omar was captured and sent to Guantanamo during Paul Martins watch. Get your facts right. All Harper did was ignore it because he didn’t want Omar back in this country. I agree with Harper I would also have let him rot there.
WTF Again? Uhhh no once again another uninformed Liberal. Khadr was captured and sent to Guantanamo during Paul Martin’s watch. They did nothing. Harper just did more of the same. Get your facts right.
WTF Again? But, not trudeau, you just change the laws to make it legal to be corrupt!!!!
WTF Again? & you actually believe trudeau
WTF Again? & you actually believe trudeau???

May is a wild card in a game of crazy eights.
I like!
And she’s the crazy one…Harper isn’t even in this election…puff, puff, pass Lizzy!
@Ron Wilkin Who’s Harper?
J P Justin Trudeau’s obsession.
You should ALL be ashamed of the way you conduct yourselves for the honor of our country. For our security and protection for which we depend on when elected. 8 years of nothing, thank you.
Yes I think you have a point now take that message back to Hartford with you bye bye.
Is she alluding that Singh owes his seat to the greens because they didn’t run a candidate in his riding’s bi-election?
Yes, because that is exactly what happened.
Well she’s right about NDP, if mouth capacity could win, Singh would win by a mile., meanwhile slicky Trudeau’s getting more and more breathy, sounds worried
Ever notice Trudeau only started stuttering when he became PM?
@don684 Sheer stutters too from what I heard.
@Mustafa Alam No I have watched many Andrew Scheer times . He is an excellent public speaker.
@don684 Whatever.
“Virtual” is the key word she uses lol election will be real
Virtual: adjective, almost or nearly as described, but not completely.
Not all words are limited to one meaning.
She literally has 800 Instagram followers lmfao she has nothing on ndp
@Avalon Pyott *_Yes, Instagram followers are indicative of validity. That is democracy, no?_*
4 years of Justin Trudeau in 2 minutes/ bbc news
If you are going to talk each other as parties in a minority, then talk to the peoples party as well
The green party will ruin the economy. The green party is a party of fearmongerings
They’re not expecting total power, never have. They want to have enough seats to nudge into climate change action. I think they should get that
I have a news for you Trudeau has done that already
@Junior Chef and NDP will do the same but worse
The economy is already ruining everything else…
What an insane woman
Wonder what she would do about China and India being the major polluters….. Nothing..
This woman has mental health issues – totally deluded
shes a washed up drunk
Everyone does.
So does Singh and Trudeau
@Junior Chef Sheer too
get this drunk off the stage already
Green party will never win no matter how much they talk
SimT : They know that!
Do you think May thinks she’s going to be the prime minister?
Greens just want some more seats.
You wanna see what the NDP is capable of? Read the gulag archipelago.
The Green Party is a dangerous fantasy party .