NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh responds to the Liberal Party's platform that they released on Sunday.
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NDP = billions in promises = double your taxes
And then they want to end the oil industry, Canada’s #1 money maker. The NDP are living in a fantasy world.
Yes tax 1% over $20 million, yes!
Income inequality is an extreme concentration of wealth or income in the hands of a small percentage of a population. It has been described as the gap between the richest and the rest.Apr 23, 2019!
I really hope you have over 20 million dollars I surely do!
@Wayne Polk Get a job and generate your own wealth.
@Over Taxed no picture no name no content, you don’t even have the guts to put your real name up there! what kind of credibility do you think have, if you won’t put your real name and your picture up there! You’re a coward!
@Wayne Polk Go back to your safe space in the basement.
Still poor living in poverty since 2016. only promised more pain. Blizzard in Alberta already 2.5 feet in my yard odd for Sep.
Global warming silly…
@gerrydee Alberta mostly caused it though. Thanks, fossil fuels!
Not odd at all I live in south west Saskatchewan and it common to get a snow this time of year. Then we will get a little bit of summer again. There used to be a name for it. Oh ya first nations summer
PPC 2019 keep Canadian tax dollars in Canada for Canadians.
Dont split the vote oct 21 unless you want 4 more years of Trudeau
Scheer or Bernier are Canada’s only choices if you EVER want to even start getting out of the mess the Liberals have thrown you into; careful not to split the vote, choose wisely…
Only Maxime, only vote splitters are Cons for not coming to the PPC TABLE
Bernier all the way!
@The Daemon Noir Show you cant argue with reality. You will take away votes the Tories need to defeat Trudeau if you vote ppc. Unless you want 4 more years of Trudeau, vote Conservative
@Brady Adams Look around fool.
Who will end up paying for the student loan interest? Oh..the taxpayers again
At least this goes towards something that is beneficial towards the students. They are the citizens of Canada. Post secondary education should be free for an undergraduate degree at least, or be paid 80-90% by the government.
@Su You did not answer the question, how will YOU be paying.
@Su I am a Canadian taxpayer and did not get a tax-free loan for my post-secondary education so why should I be obligated to pay for somebody else’s debt? The government won’t pay for it, the taxpayers will have to pay for that cost.
In Canada nobody has to pay for anyone else’s debt period!
Let’s keep it that way.
NDP provincial governments have run so many provinces into the ground fiscally just imagine what they would do federally.
Huge NDP promises ……………. Huge voter mistake.
Who will pay for this?
Susanne McCaughey you and I of course !
Maybe he will make those Loblaw crooks pay taxes
Picked the pockets of students? LOL you’ll pick the pockets of ALL CANADIANS
Just like Trudeau has been doing for the past 4 years!!
I think Jagmeet Singh is just mesSINGH around lol
Jagmeet is helping Justin polls score . Nobody is gonna vote ndp and their votes are going to liberals. If mulcair was in liberals were sunk.
Mulcair was there and we got majority
Trudeau’s platform is irrelevant. Trudeau liberals didn’t keep their promises from the last election and have no accountability and credibility.
lol memorize much?
Love his story but NDP …MEH …Now if Andy got 50% of that….Landslide victory
Went to Jenny Kwan’s office because the Province of BC was denying me my medical rights, slandering my name, and possibly defrauding the federal government. Despite having paper documentation, Kwan’s staff told me that they had no interest and happily laughed in my face. Whatever you do, do NOT vote NDP.
Vote Max Bernier he is the only way to go.
NO NEW TAXES! Taxes hurt families!
PPC for me
, bye bye jagmeet, go back to your day job !!! No one cares
Ya,o.k, this guy isnt going to do a dam thing canadians want either.Nope
NDP has done great helping the west… VOTE PPC