North Carolina GOP Chairman Michael Watley joins CNN's John Berman to discuss their vote to censure Sen. Richard Burr over his vote to convict former President Donald Trump.
#CNN #News
North Carolina GOP Chairman Michael Watley joins CNN's John Berman to discuss their vote to censure Sen. Richard Burr over his vote to convict former President Donald Trump.
#CNN #News
I’m glad he came to CNN. Good to know he’s is a waste of time.
I want to see the NDA’s and the “Pledges of Loyalty” Trump made these spineless republicans sign when he was making his run for president.
What shocks me is how many GOP members secretly approve of Jan 6, approve of racism, and love this division we are experiencing.
Time to switch to being an American loving Democrat! That’ll show them!
That is what they do when someone does what they feel is morally and ethically right.
That fake smile is so natural to him. When he stops speaking, we see his teeth. Salesman if I ever saw one, but what is he selling?
We aren’t throwing him out, we just let him know that his future lies elsewhere….or something along those lines.
Reasoning with this man is like trying to fit a circle into a square. Nonsensical
Republicans are like a shitty version of the new episodes of “Dynasty”.
“The further a Society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak it.”
The more corrupt politicians try to tell us to be quiet the louder we will get.
Isn’t Burr guilty of insider trading before the March 18th Lock down? Where is the trial for him?
@Derp derp
Goo goo Twirp…
Most baby’s do that, it’s called, attention seeking…
@Bryn Carlson aww did I hurt the little bootlickers feelings aww I’m sorry
Why waste our time with people who won’t answer the questions asked?
Senator Burr use your POWER that you have as a Senator. The party failed to follow the Administrative Process. Did the party properly serve you? If not, have them thrown out pursuant to the rules. Free speech protected.
North Carolina GOP , the party who’s chairman in 2019 ( Robin Hayes ) pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in a bribery case. What a wonderful party.
what about this?
This guy is jumping through more hoops than a circus trained animal
I live in NC I dont claim Rep/Dem I’m human but do know BS when I hear it
Ftis that
oh good
Does this guy even have any beliefs? I can’t tell you a single thing about what he stands for.
the GOP has literally sold its soul to the most soulless person on the planet. Dispicable
Wow so this is what it looks like on the other side when they can’t get their way
They’re starting to eat their own. It’s so delicious, and I’m not even a Satan-worshiping cannibal.