NBC News Capitol Hill Correspondent Kasie Hunt reacts to the death of Capitol Police Officer William “Billy” Evans during an incident outside the Capitol building, and how devastating it is for the Capitol Hill community who have come to know these officers and rely on them for protection every day. Aired on 04/02/2021.
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#KasieHunt #CapitolPolice #MSNBC
NBC’s Kasie Hunt On The Death Of A USCP Officer: It Felt Like A Punch In The Gut | Deadline | MSNBC
Who is the suspect….Whats his name and back ground…? why are they not releasing the information…
Sshhhh….He wasn’t white so it’s no longer important.
@Kicapu …. They dont have to notify the family first to say his race or religious beliefs. I honestly don’t think any of it matters, but sadly MSNBC only mentions race and political beliefs when it’s a white republican. MSNBC are the biggest race baiters going. They hate unity and desperately need racism towards white people to win elections by controlling the black vote. One color, one nation, Americans us republicans say. Sadly, MSNBC destroys all unity. Their job is to make people hate white people and make people vote Democrat. The people of America are sick of this. I havent seen racism this bad since the Democrats were running around in white hoods.
@Light Source You’re capable of getting your news a hundred other places if you are that mad at the way MSNBC doesn’t browbeat you with the obvious, when you can just look at the accompanying photos in ever mainstream media outlet in the morning.
@Light Source I saw both his race and his religion on a MSNBC video. I guess that ruins your theory.
he is not white male so they won’t bring it up every 5 minutes facts media is the biggest problem
Suspect has been identified as 25 -year -old Noah Green, an African American Farrakhan supporter.
@CyeOutsider Triggered response once again. Focus on the video topic, i know its hard.
@MCKENZIE BROWN Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. Its theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate.
@sinistar426 Lol, so you’re just going to try to troll your way out of accusation of rank hypocrisy, eh?
Yeah, I guess that’s the only move you have left.
@CyeOutsider You’re triggered mind over a Network that has NOTHING TO DO with this story has you looking like a fool. TRY to stay on topic, if you have an issue with another network “that has nothing to do with this story”, by all means, go “troll” over there . Here’s a cheese plate to go with your “whine”.
@sinistar426 Someone is projecting badly. Triggered indeed, lol
This is what happened when a nation has not healed and has turned on itself.
This is what Obama-Nation created…
@Manabozo Yeah, but that started about 2003…
@Maryanne Ceron Agree, but it is the Politicians that drive it, for those that watch cable
@Marwyn the Masterful That is the truth. We just had a conviction on a Latino gang type who tried to burn an African American family out of a Housing project in East LA.
Why the Korean community was targeted during 1992 LA Riot’s…
One of the most antisemitic rants I have ever heard personally, was from an acquaintance who became a citizen from the 1980’s Amnesty! He was born in Mexico…
@Comfortable Peasant I wrote a long reply to you as to why it won’t go away IMO but it was way too long to write again. I guess YouTube deleted it. I don’t see it.
Condolences to the officer’s family and friends
Just watched a news video showing the attacker. His name, face, and Facebook profile, detailing religious beliefs. It was removed in the middle of me watching it and can’t find any other news reporting the same info. They don’t even care to hide the censorship anymore.
@Nun ZzA The man who rammed a car into Capitol Police officers, killing one, has been identified as Noah Green. Green was armed with a large blade when he was shot dead. On social media, he identified as a follower of the black nationalist Nation of Islam movement.
@TruthSeeker08 in Today’s times, black people can do no wrong. This was all the cop’s fault.
@goo guwl Let’s not forget the barrier who was just sitting there doing its duty and protecting the president. So brave, my thoughts and prayers are with the barrier family right now.
Rest in Peace Officer Evans

Rest in Peace to all the fallen
No matter how many problems this man had in his life, it doesn’t give him the right to take someone else’s.
@HilarityBribo which “Floyd rioters” ran into people with their cars?
@Shill Gates It wasn’t Democrats who stormed the Capitol on a baseless conspiracy theory. That’s the difference between Dems and Repubs. At least we can think critically. Your people still keep voting in climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers, holocaust deniers, people who think wildfires are created by satellites, and people who think QAnon is real. It also doesn’t helps that the KKK and neo-nazis consistently vote for Republicans. Hate and ignorance is literally your voter base.
@Kimberly Jeanne some did, yes
@you scare me The climate changes, it was cold this morning when I woke up, then it got hot, now it is cooling off again, it has been changing all day!
Would you like to compare Science literacy?
Ever taken a College level Science class?
NO, Geology 100, Rocks for Jocks, does NOT COUNT
Ever taken a Math class beyond Algebra?
Do you know what statistical Inference is?
Machine Learning?
Do you know what Linear Regression is?
Republican’s take majors like Petroleum Engineering, where you can get a starting salary of $85,000 a year with a BS degree!
Liberals get an MS in Social Work, where you can expect $55,000 a year with a MASTERS, and maybe double the DEBT!
That’s why Liberals want America to pay off their student loans, they aren’t smart enough to complete a major that pays enough that they could pay for their own loans
@you scare me Take a poll, see how many people started college thinking they would get an Engineering degree, and decided to change majors after the FIRST year!
I didn’t have to, even went to grad school, and have paid all my loans off.
Run the numbers, Democrat’s have 8 million more voters with HS or less education then Republicans, EIGHT MILLION
And ALL of you post on Youtube..
The Hegelian Dialectic in full swing!
LOL you love throwing that around. Do you actually know what it means? I believe you are confused Corny.
So sad help us God
pure evil condolences to the families 
Just watched a news video showing the attacker. His name, face, and Facebook profile, detailing religious beliefs. It was removed in the middle of me watching it and can’t find any other news reporting the same info. They don’t even care to hide the censorship anymore.
@white chameleon Colorado was an Islamic Supremecist
@darkprince56 Snopes had a report that said Obama Lied about “Deporter in Chief”..they took it down…I have receipts!
@Ryan Walsh BUT Trump wasn’t friends with Proud Boys, OBAMA had pictures taken WITH the leader of Nation of Islam, and they laughing/smiling…
@fingerprintbydeb Lol, you’ve got the wrong impression. The commenter is a conspiracy nut from Alex Jones/Donald Trump world.
The suspect was a follower of the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan.
Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. Its theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate.
some of y’all’s comment histories are crazy funny lmfao
Rest In Eternal Peace Officer Billy Evans.

You will be missed by So Many.
Sending Prayers
@Nic Bogata You are mad at someone that believes in a god while you believe in non-binary humans. Trust us the jokes on you Nic.
@mar delarr and you are ignorant. More black men struck by lightning in 2019 than killed by police. Over 50 Million police interactions a yr and you think they are murderers? If you shoot at the police they will shoot back. They have families to get home to.
Next time you need the police call a social worker. You’ll figure it out as soon as you stop watching propaganda media. The majority of police are good people, but some of them are democrats and as we see with the capital policeman killed it’s the radicalized left we have to watch out for. They did found the KKK.
@LCM Films Stfu devil.
Why aren’t the media talking about the suspect
Because He’s not a white “Trump Supporter” possibly, maybe..
If it was a White person his face would be plastered everywhere. They don’t want to start a conversation about islam or black racism.
@Pete Mitchell Biden eliminated a bunch of jobs raised taxes. Sent fuel prices soaring. Let thousands of untreated illegal immagrints into the country. Mandated transvestites to take over women’s sports. And has alienated his own voters by not doing away with student loans but offering free healthcare and education to illegal immagrints slapping his own voters in the face and they still so triggered by Trump there to stupid to even acknowledge they are being walked all over all I know is we’re not going in the right direction
News media needs a massive Reset, the corruption and bias have made it irrelevant
thank you for your service officer

Mainstream media so upset tonight but, not what you think for.
Upset that the person who did this is black and not white
The Officers need be more ALERT . this is a Crazy time… Dangerous , Open Eyes. please. God bless Everyone
This was just a suicide mission the dude lost his job and was depressed, and decided to get nationwide attention of his suicide.
Thanks Kasie Hunt for humanizing this loss on such a personal level. Rest in Peace, Officer Billy.